Biden Claimed He Would Unify America

At what price?
All ya gotta do is renounce QAnon and admit that the election was free and fair.

Can ya do it?
At what price?
Anyone else sensing a theme here?
At what price?
All ya gotta do is renounce QAnon and admit that the election was free and fair.

Can ya do it?
So sorry. I didn't see that you'd actually addressed this post to me. Notifications took me straight to MarcATL's post beyond this. In answer to your incredibly inane question, renouncing Qanon isn't a problem as all I know about he/she/it I learned from liberals on this board. As to the election being free and fair, that's going to be a no for me. Me lying for the sake of unity won't bring unity. The election was many things but not free and fair. I had hoped that you'd realized that closely held principles were inviolate. Maybe next time.
If you can't admit that the election was free and fair and is over...that Biden is the legitimate President...then you don't WANT unity
At what price?
All ya gotta do is renounce QAnon and admit that the election was free and fair.

Can ya do it?
At what price?
Anyone else sensing a theme here?
At what price?
All ya gotta do is renounce QAnon and admit that the election was free and fair.

Can ya do it?
So sorry. I didn't see that you'd actually addressed this post to me. Notifications took me straight to MarcATL's post beyond this. In answer to your incredibly inane question, renouncing Qanon isn't a problem as all I know about he/she/it I learned from liberals on this board. As to the election being free and fair, that's going to be a no for me. Me lying for the sake of unity won't bring unity. The election was many things but not free and fair. I had hoped that you'd realized that closely held principles were inviolate. Maybe next time.
If you can't admit that the election was free and fair and is over...that Biden is the legitimate President...then you don't WANT unity

Alrighty then, so the only path to unity is to believe the BS from you ficken loons?
He lied. His goal is to divide America.

And for you Leftards wishing to hide Uncle Joe behind Nancy’s skirt:

Dems like Biden frequently lie and do the exact opposite of what they promised after the election. Otherwise no Dem would get elected.
You make it seem like right wingers have nothing but the "gospel Truth". We know who right wingers voted for as their greatest of the great.
He lied. His goal is to divide America.

And for you Leftards wishing to hide Uncle Joe behind Nancy’s skirt:

Dems like Biden frequently lie and do the exact opposite of what they promised after the election. Otherwise no Dem would get elected.
You make it seem like right wingers have nothing but the "gospel Truth". We know who right wingers voted for as their greatest of the great.

So you admit Dems are lying scum who can't be trusted got it.
It is my opinion that identity politics and an irresponsible media have created the disunity that we see today in America. I think Hollywood and academia are also complicit, and it's hard to see the end of it. The other side is denigrated and demagogued to death, faith, trust, and hope are disintegrating and the cancel culture is making so many of us afraid to say anything for fear of getting fired. Or worse.

I believe that far from being a uniter, Joe Biden is a divider that lacks the balls and the wisdom to unite anyone who doesn't accept his political agenda. He could have squashed the ridiculous 2nd impeachment but didn't. That's more like a kick in the teeth than working to unite us. All of his EOs were not done to unite the country, no attempts were made on those issues to cooperate or compromise. Which leads to only one conclusion: he doesn't want unity, he wants compliance.
So you admit Dems are lying scum who can't be trusted got it.
lol. I admit right wingers lie more and want to be taken more seriously.

Dems are traitors who sell out American to foreign countries while lining their own pockets. :talk2hand:
they also do insider trading to make their money. ask pelosi about her purchase of 1.25 million dollar shares of Tesla right before the mandate to buy electric vehicles for the fed gov. too fking funny, they're so dishonest their lips are like their asses. anytime they speak it smells like a fart.
So you admit Dems are lying scum who can't be trusted got it.
lol. I admit right wingers lie more and want to be taken more seriously.

Dems are traitors who sell out American to foreign countries while lining their own pockets. :talk2hand:
they also do insider trading to make their money. ask pelosi about her purchase of 1.25 million dollar shares of Tesla right before the mandate to buy electric vehicles for the fed gov. too fking funny, they're so dishonest their lips are like their asses. anytime they speak it smells like a fart.
You make it seem like republicans weren't doing the same thing.
He lied. His goal is to divide America.

And for you Leftards wishing to hide Uncle Joe behind Nancy’s skirt:

Can’t unify those that do not want to be unified...
He lied. His goal is to divide America.

And for you Leftards wishing to hide Uncle Joe behind Nancy’s skirt:

Can’t unify those that do not want to be unified...
You mean conform, right? I give two shits what you do, it’s you who wishes me dead because I think differently. Btw, that’s not inclusive
Isn't it a hoot and a half that China Joe watched the movie "Idiocracy" and decided to have the same Cabinet as President Camacho?
So you admit Dems are lying scum who can't be trusted got it.
lol. I admit right wingers lie more and want to be taken more seriously.

Dems are traitors who sell out American to foreign countries while lining their own pockets. :talk2hand:
A right winger typing on the Internet. Right wingers are only good at being Confederate rebels without a Cause.

Ah, the word dipshit comes to mind ^^^

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