Biden Claimed He Would Unify America

Unity. Yea. Nice idea. Obama tried it too.

Didn't get him much . It's hard to unify with people dedicated to destroying you but hey...give it a shot.

The thing people forget is that Biden has been here before
They preferred a leader like Trump which refused to work together, who supported the splits in society and to bully those he did not like this is the Christian values they exalt.
yes. Trump was the one who told the world "I will not even speak to him"..

Oh, wait....that was the speaker of the house who said that.

My bad. did not own a mason company as you claimed on this site.. You drove a freaking cement truck and actually froze a drum due to your laziness when cleaning it out. I know, because you told me about it.

Yes, I know who you are...and yes, you know who I am.

And we actually clicked shot glasses less than 2 weeks ago.

Yes, I know who you are. You speak too much after a few shots.

Just sayin'
That's pretty neat since I don't drink booze(I have GERD) but I am sure we have clinked bongs because I love weed, in fact it is my favorite hobby..
you are a liar.

I know who you are and you know who I am.
It seems angry leftists are the most separated from reality.

You may have missed it but Biden is the chief executive of government. Congress is a part of government that falls under the purview of the chief executive.

To suggest that Biden has nothing to do with congressional actions is simply nonsensical.
According to the U.S Constitution, which unAmerican SOBs like you like to pretend to care about, there's a thing called "Separation of powers."

Try looking into it sometime. You might actually learn something.
Your excuses are rather weak. Biden could have his handlers Pelosi and Schumer back off on the pointless impeachment charade if he had a spine.

Note my use of bolded text for dramatic effect.
Your excuses are rather weak. Biden could have his handlers Pelosi and Schumer back off on the pointless impeachment charade if he had a spine.

Note my use of bolded text for dramatic effect.
Look at how much a dunce this poster is...

She claims Biden has handlers, but simultaneously claims that he should control them.

Think about that for a minute folks.


You can't make this crap up.

If you thought biden was a uniter, you are hopeless.
Biden lied?
View attachment 452434
You should be used to lies since you are a Trump sycophant.
Name one Trump lie that impacted you.
I can name 5 Biden lies in the last two weeks that have impacted you personally.
my brother died of Covid you motherfucker........that trumps anything you got. Now go suck a ****

Trump lie is reason your brother died? How'd that work into your calculations?
Dude, it wasn't until spring of 2020 that anybody knew this Covid shit was serious, THE FUCKIN SPRING....Trump knew about this shit, talked about it in 2019...PLEASE DO NOT GET ME BANNED TODAY.......PLEASE...Now have a nice day and leave this topic alone with me.

ILMAO. How come what actually happened doesn't matter to you?
March 11 — WHO Declares COVID-19 a Pandemic
March 13 — Trump Declares COVID-19 a National Emergency

Then you're missing the fucking elephant in the room, PROGS LIE TO YOU. The elephant in the room is the States run the States, name one mother fucking Governor who has stated Trump "hid" information from them, just one?

Then you COMPLETELY miss cause and effect.

A. Trump's initial approach was to avoid panic. While you might not think that's important, look how we treated toilet paper, fucking humans.

B. Let's say Trump killed your brother (cough).
I wonder what month that occurred, and why your brother was still under Trump's spell?
What was the direct impact Trump had?
What are we doing differently then we did March & April last year?
Your excuses are rather weak. Biden could have his handlers Pelosi and Schumer back off on the pointless impeachment charade if he had a spine.

Note my use of bolded text for dramatic effect.
Look at how much a dunce this poster is...

She claims Biden has handlers, but simultaneously claims that he should control them.

Think about that for a minute folks.


You can't make this crap up.

Your juvenile antics suggest you’re utterly unaware. Instead of your schoolboy tactics, why not address the issue? The fact is, democrats have made the point that Biden risks furthering his leftist agenda by not throttling Pelosi and Schumer.
He lied. His goal is to divide America.

And for you Leftards wishing to hide Uncle Joe behind Nancy’s skirt:

The desperation of the butthurt Trumptards. If this is all you have, you have less than nothing. Trump lied 30,000 times, and destroyed the country. Joe has a long, long way to go to be in the running for the Liar In Chief award. Not to mention its' a little early to say "Joe Lied" since the whole matter of stimulus payments is just now being debated in the House and Senate.

You may have to eat those words in 6 weeks time.
He lied. His goal is to divide America.

And for you Leftards wishing to hide Uncle Joe behind Nancy’s skirt:

The desperation of the butthurt Trumptards. If this is all you have, you have less than nothing. Trump lied 30,000 times, and destroyed the country. Joe has a long, long way to go to be in the running for the Liar In Chief award. Not to mention its' a little early to say "Joe Lied" since the whole matter of stimulus payments is just now being debated in the House and Senate.

You may have to eat those words in 6 weeks time.
Name one lie that harmed you.
Oh wait, you’re a wannabe American who just pushes for Communism from a foreign nation.


Biden’s said 5 lies this last 2 weeks that have harmed hundreds of millions of AMERICANS
He lied. His goal is to divide America.

And for you Leftards wishing to hide Uncle Joe behind Nancy’s skirt:

Are you implying fifty-seven percent of voters are simply Confederate rebel, Russian tools?
Actually, just mindless lemmings, likely not helped by breathing their own CO2 for the past year in their facediapers.
He lied. His goal is to divide America.

And for you Leftards wishing to hide Uncle Joe behind Nancy’s skirt:

The desperation of the butthurt Trumptards. If this is all you have, you have less than nothing. Trump lied 30,000 times, and destroyed the country. Joe has a long, long way to go to be in the running for the Liar In Chief award. Not to mention its' a little early to say "Joe Lied" since the whole matter of stimulus payments is just now being debated in the House and Senate.

You may have to eat those words in 6 weeks time.
Name one lie that harmed you.
Oh wait, you’re a wannabe American who just pushes for Communism from a foreign nation.


Biden’s said 5 lies this last 2 weeks that have harmed hundreds of millions of AMERICANS
He lied. His goal is to divide America.

And for you Leftards wishing to hide Uncle Joe behind Nancy’s skirt:

The desperation of the butthurt Trumptards. If this is all you have, you have less than nothing. Trump lied 30,000 times, and destroyed the country. Joe has a long, long way to go to be in the running for the Liar In Chief award. Not to mention its' a little early to say "Joe Lied" since the whole matter of stimulus payments is just now being debated in the House and Senate.

You may have to eat those words in 6 weeks time.
Name one lie that harmed you.
Oh wait, you’re a wannabe American who just pushes for Communism from a foreign nation.


Biden’s said 5 lies this last 2 weeks that have harmed hundreds of millions of AMERICANS
If you thought biden was a uniter, you are hopeless.
Biden lied?
View attachment 452434
You should be used to lies since you are a Trump sycophant.
Name one Trump lie that impacted you.
I can name 5 Biden lies in the last two weeks that have impacted you personally.
my brother died of Covid you motherfucker........that trumps anything you got. Now go suck a ****

Trump lie is reason your brother died? How'd that work into your calculations?
Dude, it wasn't until spring of 2020 that anybody knew this Covid shit was serious, THE FUCKIN SPRING....Trump knew about this shit, talked about it in 2019...PLEASE DO NOT GET ME BANNED TODAY.......PLEASE...Now have a nice day and leave this topic alone with me.

ILMAO. How come what actually happened doesn't matter to you?
March 11 — WHO Declares COVID-19 a Pandemic
March 13 — Trump Declares COVID-19 a National Emergency

Then you're missing the fucking elephant in the room, PROGS LIE TO YOU. The elephant in the room is the States run the States, name one mother fucking Governor who has stated Trump "hid" information from them, just one?

Then you COMPLETELY miss cause and effect.

A. Trump's initial approach was to avoid panic. While you might not think that's important, look how we treated toilet paper, fucking humans.

B. Let's say Trump killed your brother (cough).
I wonder what month that occurred, and why your brother was still under Trump's spell?
What was the direct impact Trump had?
What are we doing differently then we did March & April last year?

A. Trump's initial approach was to LIE HIS ASS OFF. There were good and valid reasons to buy toilet paper in a lockdown.

B. Trump’s failure killed a lot of people’s brothers, and their sisters, parents, husbands, wives and children.

One only need look at the level of death, disease and debt in other countries to see how badly he’s failed you.

Americans are too busy pointing fingers to even consider that others did it better and they could have too.
He lied. His goal is to divide America.

And for you Leftards wishing to hide Uncle Joe behind Nancy’s skirt:

The desperation of the butthurt Trumptards. If this is all you have, you have less than nothing. Trump lied 30,000 times, and destroyed the country. Joe has a long, long way to go to be in the running for the Liar In Chief award. Not to mention its' a little early to say "Joe Lied" since the whole matter of stimulus payments is just now being debated in the House and Senate.

You may have to eat those words in 6 weeks time.
Name one lie that harmed you.
Oh wait, you’re a wannabe American who just pushes for Communism from a foreign nation.


Biden’s said 5 lies this last 2 weeks that have harmed hundreds of millions of AMERICANS
If you thought biden was a uniter, you are hopeless.
Biden lied?
View attachment 452434
You should be used to lies since you are a Trump sycophant.
Name one Trump lie that impacted you.
I can name 5 Biden lies in the last two weeks that have impacted you personally.
my brother died of Covid you motherfucker........that trumps anything you got. Now go suck a ****

Trump lie is reason your brother died? How'd that work into your calculations?
Dude, it wasn't until spring of 2020 that anybody knew this Covid shit was serious, THE FUCKIN SPRING....Trump knew about this shit, talked about it in 2019...PLEASE DO NOT GET ME BANNED TODAY.......PLEASE...Now have a nice day and leave this topic alone with me.

ILMAO. How come what actually happened doesn't matter to you?
March 11 — WHO Declares COVID-19 a Pandemic
March 13 — Trump Declares COVID-19 a National Emergency

Then you're missing the fucking elephant in the room, PROGS LIE TO YOU. The elephant in the room is the States run the States, name one mother fucking Governor who has stated Trump "hid" information from them, just one?

Then you COMPLETELY miss cause and effect.

A. Trump's initial approach was to avoid panic. While you might not think that's important, look how we treated toilet paper, fucking humans.

B. Let's say Trump killed your brother (cough).
I wonder what month that occurred, and why your brother was still under Trump's spell?
What was the direct impact Trump had?
What are we doing differently then we did March & April last year?

A. Trump's initial approach was to LIE HIS ASS OFF. There were good and valid reasons to buy toilet paper in a lockdown.

B. Trump’s failure killed a lot of people’s brothers, and their sisters, parents, husbands, wives and children.

One only need look at the level of death, disease and debt in other countries to see how badly he’s failed you.

Americans are too busy pointing fingers to even consider that others did it better and they could have too.
And the first thing President Asterisk did was divide America.
Your excuses are rather weak. Biden could have his handlers Pelosi and Schumer back off on the pointless impeachment charade if he had a spine.

Note my use of bolded text for dramatic effect.
Look at how much a dunce this poster is...

She claims Biden has handlers, but simultaneously claims that he should control them.

Think about that for a minute folks.


You can't make this crap up.

That is funny...we all know its Gepetto manipulating Pinochijoe's strings.....
He lied. His goal is to divide America.

And for you Leftards wishing to hide Uncle Joe behind Nancy’s skirt:

That campaign promise did not last the length of time it took him to say it.
He lied. His goal is to divide America.

And for you Leftards wishing to hide Uncle Joe behind Nancy’s skirt:

The desperation of the butthurt Trumptards. If this is all you have, you have less than nothing. Trump lied 30,000 times, and destroyed the country. Joe has a long, long way to go to be in the running for the Liar In Chief award. Not to mention its' a little early to say "Joe Lied" since the whole matter of stimulus payments is just now being debated in the House and Senate.

You may have to eat those words in 6 weeks time.
Name one lie that harmed you.
Oh wait, you’re a wannabe American who just pushes for Communism from a foreign nation.


Biden’s said 5 lies this last 2 weeks that have harmed hundreds of millions of AMERICANS
If you thought biden was a uniter, you are hopeless.
Biden lied?
View attachment 452434
You should be used to lies since you are a Trump sycophant.
Name one Trump lie that impacted you.
I can name 5 Biden lies in the last two weeks that have impacted you personally.
my brother died of Covid you motherfucker........that trumps anything you got. Now go suck a ****

Trump lie is reason your brother died? How'd that work into your calculations?
Dude, it wasn't until spring of 2020 that anybody knew this Covid shit was serious, THE FUCKIN SPRING....Trump knew about this shit, talked about it in 2019...PLEASE DO NOT GET ME BANNED TODAY.......PLEASE...Now have a nice day and leave this topic alone with me.

ILMAO. How come what actually happened doesn't matter to you?
March 11 — WHO Declares COVID-19 a Pandemic
March 13 — Trump Declares COVID-19 a National Emergency

Then you're missing the fucking elephant in the room, PROGS LIE TO YOU. The elephant in the room is the States run the States, name one mother fucking Governor who has stated Trump "hid" information from them, just one?

Then you COMPLETELY miss cause and effect.

A. Trump's initial approach was to avoid panic. While you might not think that's important, look how we treated toilet paper, fucking humans.

B. Let's say Trump killed your brother (cough).
I wonder what month that occurred, and why your brother was still under Trump's spell?
What was the direct impact Trump had?
What are we doing differently then we did March & April last year?

A. Trump's initial approach was to LIE HIS ASS OFF. There were good and valid reasons to buy toilet paper in a lockdown.

B. Trump’s failure killed a lot of people’s brothers, and their sisters, parents, husbands, wives and children.

One only need look at the level of death, disease and debt in other countries to see how badly he’s failed you.

Americans are too busy pointing fingers to even consider that others did it better and they could have too.

Sure sounds neat PROG-lady. Keep hope, perhaps Trump will kill more with "his lies" giving you comfort.

ILMAO @ there was good reason to enter a toilet paper PANIC.
For the record, Biden doesn't run impeachment.

No one here says he does, your deflection is a dishonest one.

He can as the PRESIDENT can ask the Congress to drop it as part of cooling things down.....
For the record, Biden doesn't run impeachment.

No one here says he does, your deflection is a dishonest one.

He can as the PRESIDENT can ask the Congress to drop it as part of cooling things down.....

I covered this already. Did Trump asking Mitch to pass the stimulus do anything?

No you said he doesn't run impeachment, but I said he can ASK as the new head of the party and as President to ASK them to drop it as part of his stated "Unity" message.

Ha ha ha you forget it was Trump who wanted $2000 stimulus checks in the first place, the Dems then tried to make it happen, but the Republicans fought it. This is in mid December 2020,

Apparently, Trump Wants To Give $2,000 Stimulus Checks, But Other Republicans Won’t Let Him

Last edited:
For the record, Biden doesn't run impeachment.

No one here says he does, your deflection is a dishonest one.

He can as the PRESIDENT can ask the Congress to drop it as part of cooling things down.....

I covered this already. Did Trump asking Mitch to pass the stimulus do anything?

No you said he doesn't run impeachment, but I said he can ASK as the new head of the party and as President to ASK them to drop it as part of his stated "Unity" message.

Ha ha ha you forget it was Trump who wanted $2000 stimulus checks in the first place, the Dems then tried to make it happen, but the Republicans fought it. This is in mid December 2020,

Apparently, Trump Wants To Give $2,000 Stimulus Checks, But Other Republicans Won’t Let Him


If I noted that Trump couldn't get Mitch to pass the $2000 stimulus how do you cook me to the conclusion I forgot about it?

Please read before responding.
The nutters on the ends don't have to try.

You can stay on the fringes; we'll work around you.
He lied. His goal is to divide America.

And for you Leftards wishing to hide Uncle Joe behind Nancy’s skirt:

He has sort of united America, but not the way he meant. My sister, the virulent leftist, and I agreed on something political for the first time since I became an adult: we both think the impeachment is a theatrical, partisan sham and a waste of time and money when there are REAL issues for the government to focus on. We still disagree about what should be done on those issues, but we're completely in solidarity that the Democrats should stop fucking around.

I'm pretty sure "behaving so egregiously that even deranged leftist hacks are telling us to knock it off" was not the type of unity President Asterisk had in mind.

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