Biden Claimed He Would Unify America

If you thought biden was a uniter, you are hopeless.
Biden lied?
View attachment 452434
You should be used to lies since you are a Trump sycophant.
Name one Trump lie that impacted you.
I can name 5 Biden lies in the last two weeks that have impacted you personally.
my brother died of Covid you motherfucker........that trumps anything you got. Now go suck a ****

Trump lie is reason your brother died? How'd that work into your calculations?
Trump couldn't force Mitch to pass those payments and yet you know that Trump thought he should because Trump spoke up. I Beijing's little bitch didn't want this kangaroo court proceeding to divide the nation where is his voice saying stop? Face it. Biden is a fucking liar. He lied about EVERYTHING!!
Oh look. Another Trump humping hypocrite.

Trump couldn't get Moscow Mitch to cut loose with the $2K but Biden can.

Biden is not involved in any way, shape or form w/impeachment.

Facts don't care about your feelings bitches.

It seems angry leftists are the most separated from reality.

You may have missed it but Biden is the chief executive of government. Congress is a part of government that falls under the purview of the chief executive.

To suggest that Biden has nothing to do with congressional actions is simply nonsensical.

Separation of Power. Read up on it.
Biden is not involved in any way, shape or form w/impeachment.

Facts don't care about your feelings bitches.

Sure, he is.

Sleepy Joe is the Leader of the Party who is pursuing the impeachment trial.

He has the power and authority to denounce Chuck and Nancy for this, and would do it if he wanted to.

But I don't think he will, this bullshit can't really be stopped now, the Trump Train is too far down the track to Exoneration to stop.
If you thought biden was a uniter, you are hopeless.
Biden lied?
View attachment 452434
You should be used to lies since you are a Trump sycophant.
Name one Trump lie that impacted you.
I can name 5 Biden lies in the last two weeks that have impacted you personally.
my brother died of Covid you motherfucker........that trumps anything you got. Now go suck a ****

Trump lie is reason your brother died? How'd that work into your calculations?
Dude, it wasn't until spring of 2020 that anybody knew this Covid shit was serious, THE FUCKIN SPRING....Trump knew about this shit, talked about it in 2019...PLEASE DO NOT GET ME BANNED TODAY.......PLEASE...Now have a nice day and leave this topic alone with me.
Biden is not involved in any way, shape or form w/impeachment.

Facts don't care about your feelings bitches.

It seems angry leftists are the most separated from reality.

You may have missed it but Biden is the chief executive of government. Congress is a part of government that falls under the purview of the chief executive.

To suggest that Biden has nothing to do with congressional actions is simply nonsensical.

Separation of Power. Read up on it.
Party affiliation. Read up on it.
Biden is not involved in any way, shape or form w/impeachment.

Facts don't care about your feelings bitches.

It seems angry leftists are the most separated from reality.

You may have missed it but Biden is the chief executive of government. Congress is a part of government that falls under the purview of the chief executive.

To suggest that Biden has nothing to do with congressional actions is simply nonsensical.

Separation of Power. Read up on it.
Party affiliation. Read up on it.

Blueberries. Check them out.
He lied. His goal is to divide America.

And for you Leftards wishing to hide Uncle Joe behind Nancy’s skirt:

Biden's Puppet Masters probably told him to say that he is the "Democrat Party" in an attempt to hide the fact that he is just a puppet for the far left extremist.
Biden's Puppet Masters running the agenda behind the scenes are probably Obama and Schumer.
He lied. His goal is to divide America.

And for you Leftards wishing to hide Uncle Joe behind Nancy’s skirt:

Wasn't Joe's decision.

Biden is not involved in any way, shape or form w/impeachment.

Facts don't care about your feelings bitches.

It seems angry leftists are the most separated from reality.

You may have missed it but Biden is the chief executive of government. Congress is a part of government that falls under the purview of the chief executive.

To suggest that Biden has nothing to do with congressional actions is simply nonsensical.

Separation of Power. Read up on it.
Party affiliation. Read up on it.

Blueberries. Check them out.
Surrender. You must be French.
Biden Claimed He Would Unify America

Yeah Yeah.....right

And Hitler claimed he loved Jews
Oh, you gonna compare Biden to Hitler??? Not that orange motherfucker golfing in Fla? You white diaper wearing trailer trash bitches are fuckin lunatics.....On your best days, you can all go suck a Biden/Hunter D*****
It seems angry leftists are the most separated from reality.

You may have missed it but Biden is the chief executive of government. Congress is a part of government that falls under the purview of the chief executive.

To suggest that Biden has nothing to do with congressional actions is simply nonsensical.
According to the U.S Constitution, which unAmerican SOBs like you like to pretend to care about, there's a thing called "Separation of powers."

Try looking into it sometime. You might actually learn something.
It seems angry leftists are the most separated from reality.

You may have missed it but Biden is the chief executive of government. Congress is a part of government that falls under the purview of the chief executive.

To suggest that Biden has nothing to do with congressional actions is simply nonsensical.
According to the U.S Constitution, which unAmerican SOBs like you like to pretend to care about, there's a thing called "Separation of powers."

Try looking into it sometime. You might actually learn something.
Your excuses are rather weak. Biden could have his handlers Pelosi and Schumer back off on the pointless impeachment charade if he had a spine.

Note my use of bolded text for dramatic effect.
He lied. His goal is to divide America.

And for you Leftards wishing to hide Uncle Joe behind Nancy’s skirt:

Joe's doing a great job for anyone willing to work for America instead of munching on sour grapes.....

How many "woe is me" threads are you going to make today...20-30?

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