Biden Claims He Doesn't Have Enough Planes to Deport Illegals


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden Claims He Doesn't Have Enough Planes to Deport Illegals

9 Jun 2-24 ~~ By Jazz Shaw

Before leaving for his rather embarrassing appearance in Normandy, President Joe Biden signed his long-awaited executive order "cracking down" on illegal immigration at the southern border. So what has changed since that happened? Even the Associated Press was forced to admit yesterday that the answer is pretty much nothing. They brought us the story of Gerardo Hanao, an illegal migrant from Colombia. He crossed the border into California on Thursday and was taken into custody by the Border Patrol. So far, so good, right? But instead of being shipped back to Colombia, he was dropped off at a bus stop in San Diego. From there, he took a train to the airport and boarded a flight to Newark. Mr. Hanao reportedly doesn't even have a notice to appear in immigration court. It would seem that he is here to stay. Why couldn't he be deported? According to the Biden administration, there were no flights available to send him back to his home country.
When it comes to policies enacted by the Biden administration, the devil is always in the details. In this case, there was a clause providing exceptions to deportation based on "operational considerations." The "consideration" in this case was that they were unable (or unwilling) to identify an available flight to Colombia.
Adding insult to injury, the Department of Homeland Security bragged to the Associated Press, saying that there have been 17 deportation flights out of the United States since the new policy took effect. Their destinations included "Uzbekistan, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Peru, and Mexico." Yes, they included Colombia as the second nation on the list. And yet there wasn't a seat for Mr. Henao. What a shame.
This entire "crackdown" touted by the Biden administration was a sham from the beginning. He made the announcement because his poll numbers are tanking and Donald Trump is surging, with voters citing the border crisis and immigration as one of their top concerns, along with the economy and inflation. But he was never serious about it. Joe Biden and the Democrats want millions upon millions of illegal aliens to flood the country and they're not going to slow down now. If Americans aren't entirely suicidal at this point, they will reelect Donald Trump in November and then we'll show you what a closed border actually looks like. And we'll find the planes to start deporting people by the thousands. I'm sure Boeing has a few spares lying around that we could use.

I'm sure that we can find methods to remove this infestation Biden and his Neo-Marxist Democrats. It's called Mass Deportation.
Bring them back to their entry point which is Mexico and send them back. Let Mexico deal with what they've allowed to occur.
Meanwhile, we find Joey's been flying in about 40,000 per month.
If Jo has enough panes to fly 'em in then certainly we can fly 'em ot.
He is right for once , based on ( manipulated ) Boeing performance and the WEF threat to control the number and amount of people allowed to fly .

Right, but for the wrong reasons .

Have Sheeple here looked at Agenda 2030 ?
Of course not . More than a paragraph .

But you are all wanted inside Sanctuary type Cities , with your ID cards or even being chipped --- doing as you are told and only allowed to fly if you have been compliant .

Ruled by Mutants .
Deport them all and we`ll be spending $5 for a head of lettuce and watching a lot of businesses shut down due to a shortage of workers.

But he will pretend that he has not enough planes to deport any number of any group .
And if they try boats , he is scared the Hooty Tooty brave boys will station their mini submersibles outside US ports and humiliate the US yet again .
Wow. Just how did Americans eat before the illegals slithered over the border? My mom and dad used to grow and pick their own lettuce.
We ate because Mexicans, legal or not, have been working in this country forever and
I don`t want to pay $5 for a head of lettuce. With a current worker shortage and an extended period of low unemployment, this isn`t going to change anytime soon. Yes, I grow my own lettuce but when summer arrives, lettuce will not grow in Pa. because it`s a cool weather crop.
Our unhappy MAGAs should slither elsewhere. I`ll swap them out for Mexicans in a heartbeat. They work hard and unlike, MAGAs, they have attractive women. :)
The purpose of the Democrat Party's open border policy is to defeat the White Voter voting bloc.
They claim that that their voter replacement policy is another "crazy right wing conspiracy theory", but we are all witnessing it firsthand.
The Democrat Party's greed and corruption, hate and racism, violence and crime, lying and censorship has alienated mainstream Americans; therefore, they are importing millions of poor uneducated welfare moochers who will vote Democrat.


Biden Claims He Doesn't Have Enough Planes to Deport Illegals

9 Jun 2-24 ~~ By Jazz Shaw

Before leaving for his rather embarrassing appearance in Normandy, President Joe Biden signed his long-awaited executive order "cracking down" on illegal immigration at the southern border. So what has changed since that happened? Even the Associated Press was forced to admit yesterday that the answer is pretty much nothing. They brought us the story of Gerardo Hanao, an illegal migrant from Colombia. He crossed the border into California on Thursday and was taken into custody by the Border Patrol. So far, so good, right? But instead of being shipped back to Colombia, he was dropped off at a bus stop in San Diego. From there, he took a train to the airport and boarded a flight to Newark. Mr. Hanao reportedly doesn't even have a notice to appear in immigration court. It would seem that he is here to stay. Why couldn't he be deported? According to the Biden administration, there were no flights available to send him back to his home country.
When it comes to policies enacted by the Biden administration, the devil is always in the details. In this case, there was a clause providing exceptions to deportation based on "operational considerations." The "consideration" in this case was that they were unable (or unwilling) to identify an available flight to Colombia.
Adding insult to injury, the Department of Homeland Security bragged to the Associated Press, saying that there have been 17 deportation flights out of the United States since the new policy took effect. Their destinations included "Uzbekistan, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Peru, and Mexico." Yes, they included Colombia as the second nation on the list. And yet there wasn't a seat for Mr. Henao. What a shame.
This entire "crackdown" touted by the Biden administration was a sham from the beginning. He made the announcement because his poll numbers are tanking and Donald Trump is surging, with voters citing the border crisis and immigration as one of their top concerns, along with the economy and inflation. But he was never serious about it. Joe Biden and the Democrats want millions upon millions of illegal aliens to flood the country and they're not going to slow down now. If Americans aren't entirely suicidal at this point, they will reelect Donald Trump in November and then we'll show you what a closed border actually looks like. And we'll find the planes to start deporting people by the thousands. I'm sure Boeing has a few spares lying around that we could use.

I'm sure that we can find methods to remove this infestation Biden and his Neo-Marxist Democrats. It's called Mass Deportation.
Bring them back to their entry point which is Mexico and send them back. Let Mexico deal with what they've allowed to occur.
Meanwhile, we find Joey's been flying in about 40,000 per month.
If Jo has enough panes to fly 'em in then certainly we can fly 'em ot.
Not enough planes in the world?

I was assured by my intellectual and moral superiors that few illegals made it into America.

Biden Claims He Doesn't Have Enough Planes to Deport Illegals

9 Jun 2-24 ~~ By Jazz Shaw

Before leaving for his rather embarrassing appearance in Normandy, President Joe Biden signed his long-awaited executive order "cracking down" on illegal immigration at the southern border. So what has changed since that happened? Even the Associated Press was forced to admit yesterday that the answer is pretty much nothing. They brought us the story of Gerardo Hanao, an illegal migrant from Colombia. He crossed the border into California on Thursday and was taken into custody by the Border Patrol. So far, so good, right? But instead of being shipped back to Colombia, he was dropped off at a bus stop in San Diego. From there, he took a train to the airport and boarded a flight to Newark. Mr. Hanao reportedly doesn't even have a notice to appear in immigration court. It would seem that he is here to stay. Why couldn't he be deported? According to the Biden administration, there were no flights available to send him back to his home country.
When it comes to policies enacted by the Biden administration, the devil is always in the details. In this case, there was a clause providing exceptions to deportation based on "operational considerations." The "consideration" in this case was that they were unable (or unwilling) to identify an available flight to Colombia.
Adding insult to injury, the Department of Homeland Security bragged to the Associated Press, saying that there have been 17 deportation flights out of the United States since the new policy took effect. Their destinations included "Uzbekistan, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Peru, and Mexico." Yes, they included Colombia as the second nation on the list. And yet there wasn't a seat for Mr. Henao. What a shame.
This entire "crackdown" touted by the Biden administration was a sham from the beginning. He made the announcement because his poll numbers are tanking and Donald Trump is surging, with voters citing the border crisis and immigration as one of their top concerns, along with the economy and inflation. But he was never serious about it. Joe Biden and the Democrats want millions upon millions of illegal aliens to flood the country and they're not going to slow down now. If Americans aren't entirely suicidal at this point, they will reelect Donald Trump in November and then we'll show you what a closed border actually looks like. And we'll find the planes to start deporting people by the thousands. I'm sure Boeing has a few spares lying around that we could use.

I'm sure that we can find methods to remove this infestation Biden and his Neo-Marxist Democrats. It's called Mass Deportation.
Bring them back to their entry point which is Mexico and send them back. Let Mexico deal with what they've allowed to occur.
Meanwhile, we find Joey's been flying in about 40,000 per month.
If Jo has enough panes to fly 'em in then certainly we can fly 'em ot.
He has enough Planes to IMPORT illegals.
The purpose of the Democrat Party's open border policy is to defeat the White Voter voting bloc.
They claim that that their voter replacement policy is another "crazy right wing conspiracy theory", but we are all witnessing it firsthand.
The Democrat Party's greed and corruption, hate and racism, violence and crime, lying and censorship has alienated mainstream Americans; therefore, they are importing millions of poor uneducated welfare moochers who will vote Democrat.

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