Biden Claims His ‘Quick Action’ Saved Banking Industry, Blames Trump For Banks Collapsing

How absolutely hilarious, for two hole years they had the opportunity to do something if this was so bad, and did nothing? Exactly like the train breaking issue!

Yes, the Traitor did repeal banking regulations that led to failure of SVB.

It never fails, banking regulations get rolled back or repealed and then banks fail. The banking disaster of 2008 was a direct result of banking speculation. As usual, it took a Democrat to fix what the ConJobs fucked up. Mortgage Backed Securities are a crap shoot and major investment firms who pushed failed.....who'd a thunk it.

Yes, Mr. Biden is acting quickly to support the accounts owners SVB.

NO, the people who invested in SVB will NOT get their money back. When you invest you are taking a gamble of success, but you are also responsible for what you have done. You played and you lost.

Depositors will with accounts up to $250,000.00 will get their money back.

Investors get shit, you fucked up eat it.
I guess you didn't bother to read the article you linked because if you had, you would have known that it passed with BIPARTISAN SUPPORT.
Dumb ass.
How much bipartisan support? Did it say? Who were the Democratic critters that voted for it? ill see what I can find out....
Yes, the Traitor did repeal banking regulations that led to failure of SVB.

It never fails, banking regulations get rolled back or repealed and then banks fail. The banking disaster of 2008 was a direct result of banking speculation. As usual, it took a Democrat to fix what the ConJobs fucked up. Mortgage Backed Securities are a crap shoot and major investment firms who pushed failed.....who'd a thunk it.

Yes, Mr. Biden is acting quickly to support the accounts owners SVB.

NO, the people who invested in SVB will NOT get their money back. When you invest you are taking a gamble of success, but you are also responsible for what you have done. You played and you lost.

Depositors will with accounts up to $250,000.00 will get their money back.

Investors get shit, you fucked up eat it.
^^ wrong on all accounts.

They are funding the deposits over $250k by raiding the FDIC funds meant for the people with $250k or less.

Funny how you claim this particular deregulation led to this failure, with zero proof.
The people running this bank were woke idiots focused on Climate change and equity. They weren’t forced to make bad decisions and bad investments. They did it, not President Trump or the GOP Congress.
FFS the Democrats would blame Trump for an asteroid strike. :rolleyes:

But he did advocate and sign the kinds of reforms that *might* have prevented this. To be completely fair, the bill had fairly strong bipartisan support. Dems can't win elections without the support of the banking/finance sector, so they are forced to moderate from time to time.

The reality of this should rattle us awake - all of us. We need to get beyond the political point scoring and understand we got lucky this time. Next time we may not be so fortunate if the risk of unrealized risk and losses begins to seep into the really big banks. We're in danger of a financial blowup that would take not just months but years or even decades to fix.
^^ wrong on all accounts.

They are funding the deposits over $250k by raiding the FDIC funds meant for the people with $250k or less.

Funny how you claim this particular deregulation led to this failure, with zero proof.
The people running this bank were woke idiots focused on Climate change and equity. They weren’t forced to make bad decisions and bad investments. They did it, not President Trump or the GOP Congress.
They did it because the deregulation ALLOWED them to do it, silly one!

How absolutely hilarious, for two hole years they had the opportunity to do something if this was so bad, and did nothing? Exactly like the train breaking issue!
It's their M.O. Biden gives a 2 minute speech praising his administration for the greatest economic accomplishments of all time, blames Trump (again) for something that went wrong, walks off, takes no questions.

Time and again he reversed Trump policies that were doing a great amount of good and we are seeing the chaos that has caused both here and abroad. Nevertheless, if it goes wrong or there is bad publicity, it's Trump's fault.
It's their M.O. Biden gives a 2 minute speech praising his administration for the greatest economic accomplishments of all time, blames Trump (again) for something that went wrong, walks off, takes no questions.

Time and again he reversed Trump policies that were doing a great amount of good and we are seeing the chaos that has caused both here and abroad. Nevertheless, if it goes wrong or there is bad publicity, it's Trump's fault.
Its actually tramps fault.
But he did advocate and sign the kinds of reforms that *might* have prevented this. To be completely fair, the bill had fairly strong bipartisan support. Dems can't win elections without the support of the banking/finance sector, so they are forced to moderate from time to time.

The reality of this should rattle us awake - all of us. We need to get beyond the political point scoring and understand we got lucky this time. Next time we may not be so fortunate if the risk of unrealized risk and losses begins to seep into the really big banks. We're in danger of a financial blowup that would take not just months but years or even decades to fix.
The Democrats just won one.
Over 30 democrats.
160 of house dems voted NO, 33 in house D's voted YEA

31 DEM senators voted NO, 17 DEM senators voted YEA!

So between both houses 50 democrats in total house and senate voted YEA out of 191 democrats in total, or something like that...
Yes, the Traitor did repeal banking regulations that led to failure of SVB.

It never fails, banking regulations get rolled back or repealed and then banks fail. The banking disaster of 2008 was a direct result of banking speculation. As usual, it took a Democrat to fix what the ConJobs fucked up. Mortgage Backed Securities are a crap shoot and major investment firms who pushed failed.....who'd a thunk it.

Yes, Mr. Biden is acting quickly to support the accounts owners SVB.

NO, the people who invested in SVB will NOT get their money back. When you invest you are taking a gamble of success, but you are also responsible for what you have done. You played and you lost.

Depositors will with accounts up to $250,000.00 will get their money back.

Investors get shit, you fucked up eat it.

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