Biden Claims His ‘Quick Action’ Saved Banking Industry, Blames Trump For Banks Collapsing

But he did advocate and sign the kinds of reforms that *might* have prevented this. To be completely fair, the bill had fairly strong bipartisan support. Dems can't win elections without the support of the banking/finance sector, so they are forced to moderate from time to time.

The reality of this should rattle us awake - all of us. We need to get beyond the political point scoring and understand we got lucky this time. Next time we may not be so fortunate if the risk of unrealized risk and losses begins to seep into the really big banks. We're in danger of a financial blowup that would take not just months but years or even decades to fix.
I don't understand why a bank as LARGE as SVB is not considered a big bank, and under big bank rules?

Dems that supported it, supported it for the right reason, but picked the wrong law.... Allegedly this was to ease regulations on small local banks and midsize banks.... So they could be a part of local and community lending....

SVB deals in over 100 billion to 200 billion, don't they? How are those amounts a small or midsize bank???
^^ wrong on all accounts.

They are funding the deposits over $250k by raiding the FDIC funds meant for the people with $250k or less.

Funny how you claim this particular deregulation led to this failure, with zero proof.
The people running this bank were woke idiots focused on Climate change and equity. They weren’t forced to make bad decisions and bad investments. They did it, not President Trump or the GOP Congress.
The FDIC FUNDS are funds in a kitty that SVB paid for the insurance coverage by my understanding on how Fdic insurance works....

Supposedly, SVB had $1 billion in the kitty.... Is what I heard on the news the other day...but I was just listening to background news while doing another household task, so I could be off on the amount....?
I don't understand why a bank as LARGE as SVB is not considered a big bank, and under big bank rules?

Yeah me neither. 16th largest bank in the US in terms of assets if I recall right.

Dems that supported it, supported it for the right reason, but picked the wrong law.... Allegedly this was to ease regulations on small local banks and midsize banks.... So they could be a part of local and community lending....

Yep, they should have done their homework, but I think they were too eager to please big finance and big tech.

SVB deals in over 100 billion to 200 billion, don't they? How are those amounts a small or midsize bank???

No idea. Needs a big time review but good luck getting anything accomplished with the clown car that is the House GOP. I suspect one of the reasons Biden was so eager to bail out the VC crowd and put this behind him is that the debt ceiling debacle is a dark cloud looming in the background. Throw this into the mix and there's suddenly a real serious concern about the credibility of US markets overall.

In a just world, the VC folk who made up most of the unprotected assets and gambled wildly on growth (and crypto) would suffer the consequences. In the real one, it's not so easy.
I guess you didn't bother to read the article you linked because if you had, you would have known that it passed with BIPARTISAN SUPPORT.
Dumb ass.
They say Barney Frank (in his lobbyist role) was behind getting dem support for it.....Right there would have been a huge red flag to me.

If Barney merely walks past a bank it should be stress tested.
Just looked up SVB and ESG
We support entrepreneurs and high-growth businesses at the forefront of innovation, helping to advance solutions that create a more just and sustainable world. Our longstanding commitment to innovation, combined with our deep experience supporting evolving technologies, enables us to contribute to a healthier planet via our own efforts and those of our clients. View our Statement on Sustainable Finance for details on our approach.
160 of house dems voted NO, 33 in house D's voted YEA

31 DEM senators voted NO, 17 DEM senators voted YEA!

So between both houses 50 democrats in total house and senate voted YEA out of 191 democrats in total, or something like that...
And? It was still “bi-partisan”.

You claim something is “bi-partisan” when two Republican RINOs side with Dems.
The FDIC FUNDS are funds in a kitty that SVB paid for the insurance coverage by my understanding on how Fdic insurance works....

Supposedly, SVB had $1 billion in the kitty.... Is what I heard on the news the other day...but I was just listening to background news while doing another household task, so I could be off on the amount....?
The total Deposit Insured funds for the whole nation is $128 billion. SVB non-insured deposits were near $200 billion.
Yes, the Traitor did repeal banking regulations that led to failure of SVB.

It never fails, banking regulations get rolled back or repealed and then banks fail. The banking disaster of 2008 was a direct result of banking speculation. As usual, it took a Democrat to fix what the ConJobs fucked up. Mortgage Backed Securities are a crap shoot and major investment firms who pushed failed.....who'd a thunk it.

Yes, Mr. Biden is acting quickly to support the accounts owners SVB.

NO, the people who invested in SVB will NOT get their money back. When you invest you are taking a gamble of success, but you are also responsible for what you have done. You played and you lost.

Depositors will with accounts up to $250,000.00 will get their money back.

Investors get shit, you fucked up eat it.
Biden reversed it two years ago
Can anyone post the exact regulations that Trump rolled back that caused these bank collapses?

Biden said Trump made the banks collapse…Biden did not blame those running the banks.

Yes, the Traitor did repeal banking regulations that led to failure of SVB.

It never fails, banking regulations get rolled back or repealed and then banks fail. The banking disaster of 2008 was a direct result of banking speculation. As usual, it took a Democrat to fix what the ConJobs fucked up. Mortgage Backed Securities are a crap shoot and major investment firms who pushed failed.....who'd a thunk it.

Yes, Mr. Biden is acting quickly to support the accounts owners SVB.

NO, the people who invested in SVB will NOT get their money back. When you invest you are taking a gamble of success, but you are also responsible for what you have done. You played and you lost.

Depositors will with accounts up to $250,000.00 will get their money back.

Investors get shit, you fucked up eat it.
Barney fucking Frank was on the board of one of the banks that collapsed.

So fuck straight the fuckoff with your "Dodd-Frank" bullshit.


How absolutely hilarious, for two hole years they had the opportunity to do something if this was so bad, and did nothing? Exactly like the train breaking issue!
Biden and Yellen so far did do a good job containing the spread from the collosal fuck up that they themselves created with staggering inflation and equally staggering rate hikes to attempt to mitigate the inflation.

But so far they have stemmed a run on the banks...and that is good.

But as Mrs. MOe aptly put it.

It's like Biden and Yellen broke both your legs...but then gave you a pair of crutches.

Ya, you done some good, but we wouldn't need these if you hadn't broke things so badly first.
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But he did advocate and sign the kinds of reforms that *might* have prevented this. To be completely fair, the bill had fairly strong bipartisan support. Dems can't win elections without the support of the banking/finance sector, so they are forced to moderate from time to time.

The reality of this should rattle us awake - all of us. We need to get beyond the political point scoring and understand we got lucky this time. Next time we may not be so fortunate if the risk of unrealized risk and losses begins to seep into the really big banks. We're in danger of a financial blowup that would take not just months but years or even decades to fix.
All the big corporations couldn't be happier. They've got us fighting with each other playing the blame game while they get away with murder while making record profits and paying no taxes.
Biden and Yellen so far did do a good job containing the spread from the collosal fuck up that they themselves created with staggering inflation and equally staggering rate hikes to attempt to mitigate the inflation.

But so far they have stemmed a run on the banks...and that is good.

But as Mrs. MOe aptly put it.

It's like Biden and Yellen broke both your legs...but then gave you a pair of crutches.

Ya, you done some good, but we wouldn't need these if you hadn't broke things so badly first.

Let's see, which recent former president advocated for deregulation of small to mid-size banks and negative interest rates?

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