Biden crushes US oil industry and Russia profits from it

Trump wasn't, the price of oil came down and stayed down while he was President.

While Rump was running the rest of his businesses into the ground, he also was in the process of running Phillip 66/
Their favorite reason: "It's for the Children".
Right, about that!

"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation." Adolph Hitler
Trump increased Russian oil imports over Venzuala and the Iranian oil was seized, anymore wild stories about nothing?
Oh gosh! You must have forgotten to include your reliable source and working links. I'm sure you want to correct this oversight as soon as possible.

Petroleum Imports and Exports

An EIA report on oil and petroleum products notes that the U.S. exported about 8.5 million barrels per day of petroleum in 2020, while importing about 7.9 million barrels per day, “making the United States a net annual petroleum exporter for the first time since at least 1949.”

Oh gosh! You must have forgotten to include your reliable source and working links. I'm sure you want to correct this oversight as soon as possible.

Petroleum Imports and Exports

An EIA report on oil and petroleum products notes that the U.S. exported about 8.5 million barrels per day of petroleum in 2020, while importing about 7.9 million barrels per day, “making the United States a net annual petroleum exporter for the first time since at least 1949.”

"generally increasing every year from 1954 through 2005, U.S. total gross and net petroleum imports peaked in 2005. Increases in domestic petroleum production and in petroleum exports helped to reduce total annual petroleum net imports every year except one since 2005. In 2020, annual petroleum net imports were actually negative (at -0.65 MMb/d), the first time this occured since at least 1949."

Meaning every president since 2005 had overseen an increase in US Production and petroleum Exports to get us to that net exporter of energy status in 2020.
Biden Shuts Down Keystone Pipeline, Removes Sanctions From Nord Stream 2, Then Imports Tons of Oil From Russia

To be fair, Biden is not just importing oil from Russia, he is importing oil from Iran also. But the bigger question might be what are the cuts for Hunter and The Big Guy? Someone is benefiting from all of this at the expense of Americans. Might as well go with the most likely ones first. Under Trump, this country reached energy independence for the first time, and under Biden, it has gone to hell in a handbasket. reports:

One year since President Joe Biden cancelled approval for the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, and the United States’ thirst for oil is as strong as ever and rising.

U.S. oil imports from Saudi Arabia and Russia have increased, and gasoline prices are higher than they have been in the last five years.

“[Keystone XL] was a missed opportunity to increase North American energy security, lower costs for American consumers and reduce dependence on foreign energy sources that are hostile to U.S. interests,” says Frank Macchiarola, senior vice-president with the American Petroleum Institute.

Renewable energy in the U.S. is growing, and demand for oil continues to surge.

Consumption in 2023 is expected to reach 17.2 million barrels per day, higher than before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Before President Biden’s cancellation in January 2021, Canadian oil producers remained committed to Keystone XL despite waiting nearly 12 years for the project to go ahead.

In 2018, a decade after the first regulatory application, Keystone XL had 20-year shipping commitments for about 60 per cent of its capacity. In 2020, that increased to nearly 70 per cent.

The U.S. Gulf Coast is the world’s largest processing region for what is known as “heavy oil,” and Alberta is the world’s largest heavy oil producer.

“Keystone XL was probably one of the largest pipeline projects proposed that would have tied Canadian supply to the U.S. Gulf coast as a bullet train express,” says Kevin Birn, chief analyst, Canadian crude oil markets with consultancy IHS Markit.

The most recent data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration shows that in May, 844,000 barrels of oil were imported from Russia. This makes Biden the real Putin puppet. Was it for profit or for blackmail? We may never know, but we do know it was not done for the American people.
There has been no better friend to Iran, Russia, China and North Korea than the ObamaBiden Administration.
I am sorry you cannot read a chart, maybe you can find a 5th grader to read it for you.

The drop was in 2020 under Trump.

The yellow dot I put on the chart is Biden's first full month in office.

Even if, the first full month goes to the last one in office. Try explaining it a bit differently.
Even if, the first full month goes to the last one in office. Try explaining it a bit differently.

I do not know why you are confused. Jan of 2021 both Trump and Biden were president for a part of the month so I did not count it for Biden. had I done so the growth would have been more than just 15%.
I do not know why you are confused. Jan of 2021 both Trump and Biden were president for a part of the month so I did not count it for Biden. had I done so the growth would have been more than just 15%.

I am just saying that the first few months belong to the last president. That's all.

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