Biden crushes US oil industry and Russia profits from it

Of course you're right.

But try to tell an aspiring dictator that he can't snap his fingers and whip up wage & price controls by mandate.

Try it these and you'll get lectured on why cats and dogs are not equal and that's racist. How they should interbreed and all would be at peace in Ukraine!

You have no idea what or whom I am talking about. "Read a Book" instead of burning it.
You have no idea what or whom I am talking about. "Read a Book" instead of burning it.
Again you do have a point. Having attended school before schools became indoctrination centers I never did study Gibberish.

Read Ken Follet's recent book "Never" but be aware that it may not be on your party's "approved" list.
Again you do have a point. Having attended school before schools became indoctrination centers I never did study Gibberish.

Read Ken Follet's recent book "Never" but be aware that it may not be on your party's "approved" list.

Meanwhile, you party is openly banning a group of books. Once again, you do an action and to cover it up, you claim the other side is doing it as well. Sorry but I am against any book banning.
Meanwhile, you party is openly banning a group of books. Once again, you do an action and to cover it up, you claim the other side is doing it as well. Sorry but I am against any book banning.
I am not aware of their being a party for independents.

Apparently it must feel especially threatening for you to endure having an "Independent" party of your YOUR "reality"...... On Earth we independents read whilst the few remaining liberals who have not succumbed to Alzheimers in honor of their leadership burn them.
I am not aware of their being a party for independents.

Apparently it must feel especially threatening for you to endure having an "Independent" party of your YOUR "reality"...... On Earth we independents read whilst the few remaining liberals who have not succumbed to Alzheimers in honor of their leadership burn them.

Surre, Comrade, sure.
The mythos that has been built around Keystone just amazing. The US has never been energy independent. We did produce more oil than we consumed but we still imported oil.

The reason for the higher prices is simple. There were around 811 rigs in operation before the pandemic Due to the collapse in demand because of the pandemic, the rig count dropped to 300. Despite the high demand, the rig count has only increased to 400 or so. Maybe you should ask your pals at the API, which is the propaganda arm of the oil industry about this. Clearly the oil industry is trying to keep prices high by keeping supplies down. It is not Biden but the AMERICAN OIL INDUSTRY. They are responsible for high oil prices not Biden. They are deliberately keeping prices high. They are hostile to the US.

If the US wants oil then Canadian oil will find it's way to the US by other means. It is not a and/or despite your attempt to turn it into such. You are a fool who believes what you want to believe.
Yes they waited till Biden cut the pipeline and did away drilling on federal land? To raise the price of oil?
Yes they waited till Biden cut the pipeline and did away drilling on federal land? To raise the price of oil?

This isn't a support for biden. It's condemnation of stupidity. The only two intities that profit from the Keystone XL pipeline is the Koch Industries and the Canadian Government. The oil is not needed nor wanted inside the US. We have plenty of this style of oil in North Dakota right now. And we already have pipelines from the fields to the ND refineries for that oil as it's needed.
This isn't a support for biden. It's condemnation of stupidity. The only two intities that profit from the Keystone XL pipeline is the Koch Industries and the Canadian Government. The oil is not needed nor wanted inside the US. We have plenty of this style of oil in North Dakota right now. And we already have pipelines from the fields to the ND refineries for that oil as it's needed.
Then why did the prce of gas rise as soon as he did it?
Then why did the prce of gas rise as soon as he did it?

It was already going up.


US oil production by month...the yellow dot is Feb 2021. Is our production up or down since then?

Then why did the prce of gas rise as soon as he did it?

ExxonMobile just reported extreme profits. The highest they have seen in years. Why aren't you aware of this. And don't give me the "Cite, Cite" crap either. You can do a simple search and find that information as well as I can. It's been reported in many local papers and newscasts. Now stop with the "I am Stupid" routine.
ExxonMobile just reported extreme profits. The highest they have seen in years. Why aren't you aware of this. And don't give me the "Cite, Cite" crap either. You can do a simple search and find that information as well as I can. It's been reported in many local papers and newscasts. Now stop with the "I am Stupid" routine.
So Biden is in big oils pocket also?
Well, the Russian bag lady (wife of the Mayor of Moscow) did give the Biden family a few million in cash so this is their investment reaping benefits.

Biden has a long history of selling out his country. Just one more example.
Biden is a horrible man, he has destroyed many jobs, many good-paying oil-related jobs in Colorado are gone.
Fuel oil, gasoline, diesel, natural gas all have gone way up, he has caused hardship on many, skyrocketing inflation, food cost through the roof.
Biden is a horrible man, he has destroyed many jobs, many good-paying oil-related jobs in Colorado are gone.
Fuel oil, gasoline, diesel, natural gas all have gone way up, he has caused hardship on many, skyrocketing inflation, food cost through the roof.

And I suppose you live in Colorado. Is it the eastern or the western side? I live in the western slope where the oil from which you are commenting about comes from. And most of the workers you are talking about live just down the road from me.

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