Biden declared Jackson non qualified

You're nothing but a low class, racist punk who spouts the Dim party line and calls anybody (even other blacks) who doesn't toe the line a racist. Funny how an asshole like you calls the guy with a Puerto Rican wife and half Hispanic children a racist. Run along little boy, you're boring.
I laugh at racist cowards like you, you come on the internet and talk tough because you know in real life your bitch ass will get knocked TFO. Whoop dee do you are married to a half Puerto Rican woman, hell the slave master raped and had sex with black women even though he hated the black man. So go and sit your five dollar ass down somewhere before I make change.
Curried Goats in particular, excellent highly related podcast one can listen to here:
Curried Goats in particular, excellent highly related podcast one can listen to here:
Yeah, no thanks. Complaints about wokism and cancel culture are stupid.
So do we have Kavanaugh's LSAT scores??
Why not?

Of course, it's too late for that.

As I said, the nominee is qualified, regardless of her skin color and genitalia.

She may be a shitty nominee, but she's qualified. She may SUCK DONKEY ASS when it comes to preserving the constitution and requiring amendments rather than bullshit commie circumvention via "interpretation."

But, she is qualified.
Post the examples of "racism"

Define "racism"

then fuck yourself up the ass with a communist dick
Racism is looking at people thru the lens of their race, not as people.....usually, but not always, in a negative way. For example, it's racist for you to automatically assume, because of her race, that Judge Jackson is an AA and unqualified choice for Supreme Court Justice.

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