Biden declared Jackson non qualified

The Handmaid's Tale is fiction. You can usually find the book in the Science Fiction section of a book store.
The Handmaid’s Tale is shit. But that’s got nothing to do with anything under discussion. I only made reference to it in order to dismiss a stupid piece of commentary about Justice Barrett from a hack on our board.
Actually you asked why Obama never corrected what was written

You claimed you made a statement, but that was a LIE.
You asked a question, not made a statement.

Asking why he didn't do something, means you implied he had an obligation to do something. As Immanuel Kant said,

if “can” is understood more broadly to mean what an agent may do given the means or resources currently available. In other words, statements that assert moral obligations do not follow from statements of fact
You’re unhinged and a hack. Try to follow along you moron: I denied your asshole claim. You were wrong. And you e doubled down on your stupidity now.

When his publicist claimed that poor Obumbler was a Kenyan, Obumbler didn’t correct that misstatement made about him by his own publicist. Later on, when it was no longer a selling point, but had become a. But if a problem, the publicist’s boss claimed she had failed to do a fact check.

And you lap that horseshit up. 🙄

You are very willingly gullible.

Of course, once again, you did manage to evade the question: how did the oublicist fuck up Hawaii for Kenya? Hm. Did you forget that little mystery?
But you claimed Obama should have "fact checked" it.
I said Obumbler never corrected what was written about him. Not the same thing at all, meager.
Actually you asked why Obama never corrected what was written
Your issue is with the publicist. And you duck the question: why didn’t Obumbler promptly “correct” his publicist’s misinformation?

You claimed you made a statement, but that was a LIE.
You asked a question, not made a statement.

Asking why he didn't do something, means you implied he had an obligation to do something. As Immanuel Kant said,

if “can” is understood more broadly to mean what an agent may do given the means or resources currently available. In other words, statements that assert moral obligations do not follow from statements of fact
You’re unhinged and a hack. Try to follow along you moron: I denied your asshole claim. You were wrong. And you e doubled down on your stupidity now.
It wasn't my claim it was the claim of the owner of the publishing company. Who was the one responsible for fact checking the pamphlet. And admitted she failed to do so, and that Obama never claimed a non-american origin.
Actually you asked why Obama never corrected what was written

You claimed you made a statement, but that was a LIE.
You asked a question, not made a statement.

Asking why he didn't do something, means you implied he had an obligation to do something. As Immanuel Kant said,

if “can” is understood more broadly to mean what an agent may do given the means or resources currently available. In other words, statements that assert moral obligations do not follow from statements of fact
Welcome to "The Last Word Zone".
How is it a function of the "black jim crow"?

Can a Democrat Congressperson join the Congressional Republican Caucus?
Perhaps it is time for African Americans in their districts to start electing Republicans who are the same. Then we will go from there.
What possible reason would anyone have for knowing Judge Jackson's LSAT scores?

She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard, and Cum Laude from Harvard Law School. Who care what her scores were to get into law school.
What possible reason would anyone have for knowing Judge Jackson's LSAT scores?

She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard, and Cum Laude from Harvard Law School. Who care what her scores were to get into law school.
If she doesn't show them, or if she does and it becomes clear she's a beneficiary of AA (which she almost certainly is), she should recuse herself from any proceedings on the matter.
What possible reason would anyone have for knowing Judge Jackson's LSAT scores?

She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard, and Cum Laude from Harvard Law School. Who care what her scores were to get into law school.

Who cares? People that do not believe a black person could possibly qualify for Harvard all on their own. There is a name for such people

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