Biden Declares Energy Emergency

JohnDB and Toddster, I thumbs upped your thoughts, but largely to encourage discussion on the comparison between the two.

Which, again, is likely better had on its own.
When they bury this national sellout traitor instead of flowers there will be endless amounts of garbage thrown on the grave. The site will become a national garbage dump historical shrine.
If Plugs Xiden were sincere about fixing the energy crisis he would:
1. Reauthorize the Keystone pipelien
2. Reverse his cancellations of oil leases
3. Grant more oil leases
4. Encourage the building of nuclear power plants
5. Stop burning food for fuel
He's blaming it on Putin, predictably.

Also in predictable fashion, he invoked the Defense Production Act to move along his agenda for domestic production of solar panels, whereas southeast Asian countries will be provided exemption from tariffs...

Who would have thought less than two years into the disastrous Biden regime, we would need food aid and energy aid from other countries? That's never happened in the history of this nation.

The DemoKKKrats have created an unprecedented disaster in this country.
What's Carter's worst deficit?
Reagan's 1982 deficit was $128 billion.
Now compare Carter's GDP to national debt as a ratio. Reagan's GDP to national Debt ratio and Biden's two together...

Let's see how they stack up.

Straight line numbers don't work...more people and more dollars.
Ratios are a much more comparable.
He's blaming it on Putin, predictably.

Also in predictable fashion, he invoked the Defense Production Act to move along his agenda for domestic production of solar panels, whereas southeast Asian countries will be provided exemption from tariffs...

Another self induced emergency that he thinks he can correct by being even more stupid... What a F-ing idiot..

Management by crisis... it never works because your always making decisions from a point of high inability to think rationally...
When I read stuff like this I tend to recall things like what went down in Texas a while back whe nthey had that big freeze.

I think well over 200 people died as a consequence of power distruptions brought on by increasing reliance on so-called renewable energy.
wind is only 20% of texas energy, and solar about 1 percent.
The reason for texas power blackouts is the lack of winterization of natural gas wells and pipelines, combined with the texas ERCOT is not connected to the rest of the country.
wind is only 20% of texas energy, and solar about 1 percent.
The reason for texas power blackouts is the lack of winterization of natural gas wells and pipelines, combined with the texas ERCOT is not connected to the rest of the country.
ERCOT is connected to the rear of the country.
He's blaming it on Putin, predictably.

Also in predictable fashion, he invoked the Defense Production Act to move along his agenda for domestic production of solar panels, whereas southeast Asian countries will be provided exemption from tariffs...

You mean destruction of domestic solar panel production. Lack of tariffs to protect them will put them out of business, and more money for the Chinese and Bidens.
wind is only 20% of texas energy, and solar about 1 percent.
The reason for texas power blackouts is the lack of winterization of natural gas wells and pipelines, combined with the texas ERCOT is not connected to the rest of the country.
Their power grid is connected to others, liar. Not that it matters, other areas were different from the same extreme weather and had their own power outages and had none to spare. There is no way outside grids could possible power almost all of Texas even in normal conditions.
Their power grid is connected to others, liar. Not that it matters, other areas were different from the same extreme weather and had their own power outages and had none to spare. There is no way outside grids could possible power almost all of Texas even in normal conditions.
ERCOT has a DC connection to adjacent grids, capabily of a few hundered megawatts at most. ERCOT's grid is unsyncronized to other grids.

But the point is that blaming renewables is bullshit since most of the problem was from their natural gas failing in winter. If they had a synchronized connection, they could have relieved some of the customers without power.
You mean destruction of domestic solar panel production. Lack of tariffs to protect them will put them out of business, and more money for the Chinese and Bidens.

I've never been a fan of tariffs myself.

Basically they're just another tax on consumers.
ERCOT has a DC connection to adjacent grids, capabily of a few hundered megawatts at most. ERCOT's grid is unsyncronized to other grids.

But the point is that blaming renewables is bullshit since most of the problem was from their natural gas failing in winter. If they had a synchronized connection, they could have relieved some of the customers without power.

Yes they had a once in hundred years winter freeze. Generation sites were down, the grid is not responsible for that. The renewables are a joke and unreliable. As I stated, more interconnects wouldn’t do much in that situation. Texas consumes an enormous amount of power, no surrounding states could possibly pick up their load.

Out here in Arizona we will have to shut down generation at hydroelectric dams, as water levels are too low. Will we be able to import power from other areas? No. They’ll have to stand up good old fashioned coal plants again.

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