Biden Declares Energy Emergency

Gas was an average of $2.39 a gallon when Biden took office, and immediately started increasing a year before the Russian invasion.

Everything started over a year ago. But everyone ignored it because it was small "it doesn't effect me". But that's how bad stuff always starts, very small, and no one sits up and pays attention until it starts effecting them personally. And the people in charge will be the last ones it effects.
Gas was an average of $2.39 a gallon when Biden took office, and immediately started increasing a year before the Russian invasion.
All that have half a brain know that. It's these democRats that couldn't get half a brain if their life depended on it who at best scratch their ass and bite their fingernails while pondering their delusion.
A "declaration" will solve everything.
At least Biden gave some friendly warning about your rights and money that will soon be flying out the window, even faster than they are now in order to fix the air.

So there is that.

What a nice old man.

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