This time, the declaration of a national emergency was warranted.

Yeah, I agree. Saving us from the pandemic which will appear to many and exploited by some as delaying an economic recovery when in reality that's what we have to do in order to get back up and running.
Never under estimate the degree to which a Trumpleton will allow himself to be manipulated in to thinking up is down.
Any lib want to fetch this question? When was the first death in the US? Anyone

February 29th.

We had a total of 68 cases back then. Now a little over a month later it's over 300k, so, fuck off.
You fuck off, bitch. 68 cases in and you think there should have been mass hysteria? Ignorant fuck

We've had over a 4000% increase in cases in 5 weeks. Yes, we should have stayed home sooner, yes we should have began massively testing much sooner. Yes, we should have been coordinating a response on a federal level back in January, we still don't have that coordination of supplies (ventilators, PPE etc.) today. Instead we have a president who told the states they are on their own. So the states did what they could and ended up bidding against each other raising prices to purchase equipment. Then the federal government got involved and without coordination further outbid and raised the price of equipment. Not a thought that maybe a centralized government could develop a system to disburse equipment based on need rather than which state can afford to spend the most.

We waited too long and now it's going to be that much longer before we get the economy back up and running, if ever.
Hind sight is with such clarity, isn't it.

I'm talking about things that are happening in just the last couple of weeks, let alone what the Trump regime was warned about several times during it's existence.
So you think allowing people to come in close contact with infected individuals (instead of doing "stay at home orders" like many states are doing) doesn't have a bearing on the spread of the virus???
You do understand NY has a stay at home order in place, right?

New York City police will force people off crowded subway cars to enforce social distancing, even as trains fill to the brim with essential workers

Police officers will begin enforcing social distancing on subways this week, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday, despite complaints from essential workers that their usual trains have been packed following coronavirus-induced service cuts.

Earlier, you said you thought I was avoiding the facts. I would suggest it's you who is avoiding the facts.

9 states have yet to issue formal stay-at-home orders amid coronavirus
President Trump has resisted calls to issue a nationwide stay-at-home directive.

Can you guess what all those states have in common?

Yeah they are stripping you o fyou rrights dumb ass and you aren't ever getting them back wait until you assholes se how proud you are when you wake up in a PRISON PLANET stupid ass.


During the Spanish flu many of these same actions were taken and when it was over things returned back to normal. Stop being a prisonplanetpussy.

LMFAO please grow a common sense brain " we will never return to normal fool". just like we never did after 911 FOOL

what part of LOSING UR CONSTITUTION temp. perm. do you not get .......... We can never go back to normal fool

this virus has mutated 40 x's already dumbass. there is no vaccine and never will be.

what part of realistic headlines have you missed as to what's coming zombie.



It's not the virus YET you have to fear ...........


Coronavirus Delaware: Police Authorized To Pull Over Out-Of-State Drivers During Pandemic


  • 1586104377165.png
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Yeah, I agree. Saving us from the pandemic which will appear to many and exploited by some as delaying an economic recovery when in reality that's what we have to do in order to get back up and running.
Never under estimate the degree to which a Trumpleton will allow himself to be manipulated in to thinking up is down.

If this turns out to be seasonal then Summer is going to be interesting.
So you think allowing people to come in close contact with infected individuals (instead of doing "stay at home orders" like many states are doing) doesn't have a bearing on the spread of the virus???
You do understand NY has a stay at home order in place, right?

New York City police will force people off crowded subway cars to enforce social distancing, even as trains fill to the brim with essential workers

Police officers will begin enforcing social distancing on subways this week, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday, despite complaints from essential workers that their usual trains have been packed following coronavirus-induced service cuts.

Earlier, you said you thought I was avoiding the facts. I would suggest it's you who is avoiding the facts.

9 states have yet to issue formal stay-at-home orders amid coronavirus
President Trump has resisted calls to issue a nationwide stay-at-home directive.

Can you guess what all those states have in common?

Yeah they are stripping you o fyou rrights dumb ass and you aren't ever getting them back wait until you assholes se how proud you are when you wake up in a PRISON PLANET stupid ass.


During the Spanish flu many of these same actions were taken and when it was over things returned back to normal. Stop being a prisonplanetpussy.

LMFAO please grow a common sense brain " we will never return to normal fool". just like we never did after 911 FOOL

what part of LOSING UR CONSTITUTION temp. perm. do you not get .......... We can never go back to normal fool

this virus has mutated 40 x's already dumbass. there is no vaccine and never will be.

what part of realistic headlines have you missed as to what's coming zombie.

View attachment 319536

View attachment 319538

It's not the virus YET you have to fear ...........

Sorry, I don't have a hard on for conspiracies.
So you think allowing people to come in close contact with infected individuals (instead of doing "stay at home orders" like many states are doing) doesn't have a bearing on the spread of the virus???
You do understand NY has a stay at home order in place, right?

New York City police will force people off crowded subway cars to enforce social distancing, even as trains fill to the brim with essential workers

Police officers will begin enforcing social distancing on subways this week, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday, despite complaints from essential workers that their usual trains have been packed following coronavirus-induced service cuts.

Earlier, you said you thought I was avoiding the facts. I would suggest it's you who is avoiding the facts.

9 states have yet to issue formal stay-at-home orders amid coronavirus
President Trump has resisted calls to issue a nationwide stay-at-home directive.

Can you guess what all those states have in common?

Yeah they are stripping you o fyou rrights dumb ass and you aren't ever getting them back wait until you assholes se how proud you are when you wake up in a PRISON PLANET stupid ass.


During the Spanish flu many of these same actions were taken and when it was over things returned back to normal. Stop being a prisonplanetpussy.

LMFAO please grow a common sense brain " we will never return to normal fool". just like we never did after 911 FOOL

what part of LOSING UR CONSTITUTION temp. perm. do you not get .......... We can never go back to normal fool

this virus has mutated 40 x's already dumbass. there is no vaccine and never will be.

what part of realistic headlines have you missed as to what's coming zombie.

View attachment 319536

View attachment 319538

It's not the virus YET you have to fear ...........


Coronavirus Delaware: Police Authorized To Pull Over Out-Of-State Drivers During Pandemic
They will use the VIRUS as a way to take YOUR RIGHTS what is so hard to comprehend abut this fact unfolding in ur faces.

Surveillance tower also fitted with plenty of CCTV cameras
So you think allowing people to come in close contact with infected individuals (instead of doing "stay at home orders" like many states are doing) doesn't have a bearing on the spread of the virus???
You do understand NY has a stay at home order in place, right?

New York City police will force people off crowded subway cars to enforce social distancing, even as trains fill to the brim with essential workers

Police officers will begin enforcing social distancing on subways this week, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday, despite complaints from essential workers that their usual trains have been packed following coronavirus-induced service cuts.

Earlier, you said you thought I was avoiding the facts. I would suggest it's you who is avoiding the facts.

9 states have yet to issue formal stay-at-home orders amid coronavirus
President Trump has resisted calls to issue a nationwide stay-at-home directive.

Can you guess what all those states have in common?

Yeah they are stripping you o fyou rrights dumb ass and you aren't ever getting them back wait until you assholes se how proud you are when you wake up in a PRISON PLANET stupid ass.


During the Spanish flu many of these same actions were taken and when it was over things returned back to normal. Stop being a prisonplanetpussy.

LMFAO please grow a common sense brain " we will never return to normal fool". just like we never did after 911 FOOL

what part of LOSING UR CONSTITUTION temp. perm. do you not get .......... We can never go back to normal fool

this virus has mutated 40 x's already dumbass. there is no vaccine and never will be.

what part of realistic headlines have you missed as to what's coming zombie.

View attachment 319536

View attachment 319538

It's not the virus YET you have to fear ...........

Sorry, I don't have a hard on for conspiracies.

Sry your such a stupid ass don't worry what u think iis a conspiracy freak will soon prove just how real it is lmfao dumb ass. SIt back and get ready ur gonna get a does of iit like it or not we warned you jackass just like they did to the same idiots who walked THEMSELVES RIGHT INTO A GAS CHAMBER and guess what they did before they woke up in their grave chambers....

So you think allowing people to come in close contact with infected individuals (instead of doing "stay at home orders" like many states are doing) doesn't have a bearing on the spread of the virus???
You do understand NY has a stay at home order in place, right?

New York City police will force people off crowded subway cars to enforce social distancing, even as trains fill to the brim with essential workers

Police officers will begin enforcing social distancing on subways this week, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday, despite complaints from essential workers that their usual trains have been packed following coronavirus-induced service cuts.

Earlier, you said you thought I was avoiding the facts. I would suggest it's you who is avoiding the facts.

9 states have yet to issue formal stay-at-home orders amid coronavirus
President Trump has resisted calls to issue a nationwide stay-at-home directive.

Can you guess what all those states have in common?

Yeah they are stripping you o fyou rrights dumb ass and you aren't ever getting them back wait until you assholes se how proud you are when you wake up in a PRISON PLANET stupid ass.


During the Spanish flu many of these same actions were taken and when it was over things returned back to normal. Stop being a prisonplanetpussy.

LMFAO please grow a common sense brain " we will never return to normal fool". just like we never did after 911 FOOL

what part of LOSING UR CONSTITUTION temp. perm. do you not get .......... We can never go back to normal fool

this virus has mutated 40 x's already dumbass. there is no vaccine and never will be.

what part of realistic headlines have you missed as to what's coming zombie.

View attachment 319536

View attachment 319538

It's not the virus YET you have to fear ...........


Coronavirus Delaware: Police Authorized To Pull Over Out-Of-State Drivers During Pandemic
They will use the VIRUS as a way to take YOUR RIGHTS what is so hard to comprehend abut this fact unfolding in ur faces.

Surveillance tower also fitted with plenty of CCTV cameras

Walmart is taking away your rights? Don't shop at Walmart then, I've been doing that for years. But I'm shocked, SHOCKED I tell you that a store would put CCTV cameras in their parking lots!!! Like, that's a totally new thing never done before, prisonplanetpussy.
Because you would know that things would have been a lot worse if he had been in charge
Look, I get you folks are racking your brains to come up with excuses for Trump's inexcusable response to warnings about an impending viral outbreak and his continued failures once the outbreak occurred. So much so you've resorted to making predictions about Biden's response. Honestly, it's kinds pathetic. It's also transparent as all hell.
While Democrats in March attack President Donald Trump for not doing enough to end the coronavirus epidemic, the same Democrats were bashing the president’s decision to ban travel from China in January.
In January, President Trump banned all foreign nationals who were in China during the time of the coronavirus outbreak from entering the United States. Many pundits and health experts have since credited this decision with helping to slow the coronavirus pandemic on American shores.
During a campaign rally, Biden said that “In moments like this, this is where the credibility of a president is most needed, as he explains what we should and should not do.”

This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering,” Biden continued.

So you think allowing people to come in close contact with infected individuals (instead of doing "stay at home orders" like many states are doing) doesn't have a bearing on the spread of the virus???
You do understand NY has a stay at home order in place, right?

New York City police will force people off crowded subway cars to enforce social distancing, even as trains fill to the brim with essential workers

Police officers will begin enforcing social distancing on subways this week, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday, despite complaints from essential workers that their usual trains have been packed following coronavirus-induced service cuts.

Earlier, you said you thought I was avoiding the facts. I would suggest it's you who is avoiding the facts.

9 states have yet to issue formal stay-at-home orders amid coronavirus
President Trump has resisted calls to issue a nationwide stay-at-home directive.

Can you guess what all those states have in common?

Yeah they are stripping you o fyou rrights dumb ass and you aren't ever getting them back wait until you assholes se how proud you are when you wake up in a PRISON PLANET stupid ass.


During the Spanish flu many of these same actions were taken and when it was over things returned back to normal. Stop being a prisonplanetpussy.

This will never go away jackass
LA Mayor encouraging residents to report violators of stay-at-home order with “rewards”

You are already trained snitches it started durinn Obama you cluelss fks can't get it all


Wordage gets past the severely dumbed down.

like we said U R DUMBER than you will EVER know if you don't wake the hell up jackasses




GLOBAL CONTROL ASS...............

Control the OIL control the people
Control the Food control the people
Control the money Control the people

WTF part do u not get dumb ass!!
I actually AGREE with you that we have a national emergency...

Since the areas with the highest infection and death rates (over half the national total) tend to be Democrat-controlled areas, we need to quarantine those areas IMMEDIATELY (NO travel in or out, and all supplies delivered by airdrop)...

Just curious, why describe the hardest hit areas as "Democrat-controlled areas" and not densely populated areas?
It's no surprise to the rest of us that every hot spot in America is a Sanctuary City, you asshat.
We warned you folks a couple of years ago, and what did we get?
We were called racists with our racist walls.

Now the laugh is on stupid fucking idiots!!!!

Zero evidence that immigrants from Mexico and South American countries are the cause of the spread in the United States. Mexico and Canada cases are much lower on a per capita basis than the United States.

At this moment.
cases per million: 971
deaths per million: 28

cases per million: 382
deaths per million: 7

cases per million: 15
deaths per million: 0.6
Population density has a lot to do with it, Happy. Look at the hot spots in the US, all densely populated.
Canada does not have the population density that we do. New York, LA, etc.

Of course population density has something to do with it. But I'm refuting mudwhistle's claim that somehow sanctuary city/state status has something to do with this when it's more than clear Canada and Mexico are not the origins of our problems. What a dumb fucking response on your part.
You actually think that all of the immigrants and refugees that entered the country are from only two countries???
And you think I'm dumb?

Which countries then? I assume you mean Central and South American countries. Point to them.
They have most of the illegal base...but people from the ME, Asian countries, Africa, you name it.

We have a ton of illegal immigration from Africa? Another continent that has way fewer cases than we do. Most Asian countries have fared far better in this than we have and I don't know of a single case where an 'illegal immigrant' from Asia is the source of COVID19.

Legal immigration, commerce and tourism? Sure, what does that have to do with sanctuary city/state status?
It has everything to do with it. Once they get here they apply for refugee status....and once they have broken the law illegals are allowed to stay legally because they live in a sanctuary city or state. The local government refuses to cooperate with ICE officials. They are told to not answer their doors when immigration shows up and they refuse entry because ICE most of the time doesn't bother to get a warrant to apprehend criminal illegals.

Many of them are given Drivers Licenses and documents to buy food. Some are even given a check. I know it's complicated...but that's what the left counts on. Some states are even allowing them to vote in elections. The left is protecting people that shouldn't be here. Is this all news to you?
So you think allowing people to come in close contact with infected individuals (instead of doing "stay at home orders" like many states are doing) doesn't have a bearing on the spread of the virus???
You do understand NY has a stay at home order in place, right?

New York City police will force people off crowded subway cars to enforce social distancing, even as trains fill to the brim with essential workers

Police officers will begin enforcing social distancing on subways this week, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday, despite complaints from essential workers that their usual trains have been packed following coronavirus-induced service cuts.

Earlier, you said you thought I was avoiding the facts. I would suggest it's you who is avoiding the facts.

9 states have yet to issue formal stay-at-home orders amid coronavirus
President Trump has resisted calls to issue a nationwide stay-at-home directive.

Can you guess what all those states have in common?

Yeah they are stripping you o fyou rrights dumb ass and you aren't ever getting them back wait until you assholes se how proud you are when you wake up in a PRISON PLANET stupid ass.


During the Spanish flu many of these same actions were taken and when it was over things returned back to normal. Stop being a prisonplanetpussy.

LMFAO please grow a common sense brain " we will never return to normal fool". just like we never did after 911 FOOL

what part of LOSING UR CONSTITUTION temp. perm. do you not get .......... We can never go back to normal fool

this virus has mutated 40 x's already dumbass. there is no vaccine and never will be.

what part of realistic headlines have you missed as to what's coming zombie.

View attachment 319536

View attachment 319538

It's not the virus YET you have to fear ...........

Sorry, I don't have a hard on for conspiracies.

Sry your such a stupid ass don't worry what u think iis a conspiracy freak will soon prove just how real it is lmfao dumb ass. SIt back and get ready ur gonna get a does of iit like it or not we warned you jackass just like they did to the same idiots who walked THEMSELVES RIGHT INTO A GAS CHAMBER and guess what they did before they woke up in their grave chambers....

Don't look now, but there is a bogeyman in your closet.

F K U stupid fk hope u have more than a box of cereal and six cans of corn asshole. LOL
Absolutely. If the globe does recover I see a case where Europe and Asia pull through and we're still dealing with this. One because we did get hit later by the full force of this however we wasted that time and did nothing to prepare and therefore further delayed us getting to the other end. We very well might have created an economic vacuum where other counties will have an advantage over us.
At some point Repubs are going to start blaming Dems for preventing a recovery sooner by Dems insisting we keep social distancing restrictions in place longer than Trump wants. This will be done to counter the real issue. That Trump delayed the recovery with his cavalier treatment of the virus from the beginning.
We're already doing that in advance....because we see it happening already.
Because you would know that things would have been a lot worse if he had been in charge
Look, I get you folks are racking your brains to come up with excuses for Trump's inexcusable response to warnings about an impending viral outbreak and his continued failures once the outbreak occurred. So much so you've resorted to making predictions about Biden's response. Honestly, it's kinds pathetic. It's also transparent as all hell.
While Democrats in March attack President Donald Trump for not doing enough to end the coronavirus epidemic, the same Democrats were bashing the president’s decision to ban travel from China in January.
In January, President Trump banned all foreign nationals who were in China during the time of the coronavirus outbreak from entering the United States. Many pundits and health experts have since credited this decision with helping to slow the coronavirus pandemic on American shores.
During a campaign rally, Biden said that “In moments like this, this is where the credibility of a president is most needed, as he explains what we should and should not do.”

This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering,” Biden continued.

Can you quote where BIden specifically called the travel ban (that resembled swiss cheese) xenophobic? Cuz, he didn't.
While Democrats in March attack President Donald Trump for not doing enough to end the coronavirus epidemic, the same Democrats were bashing the president’s decision to ban travel from China in January.
That's because............wait for it............he didn't do enough to combat the outbreak of the virus.

“Labeling COVID-19 a foreign virus does not displace the accountability for the misjudgements that have taken place so far by the Trump administration,” Biden said. “The [Wuhan] coronavirus does not discriminate based on national origin, race, gender, or zip code.”

Former Trump Homeland security adviser: 'Little value' to European travel restrictions

You Trumpleton's keep trying to hang your collective hats on the ineffectual travel ban cuz.................well................what else do you have? It's pathetic.
I actually AGREE with you that we have a national emergency...

Since the areas with the highest infection and death rates (over half the national total) tend to be Democrat-controlled areas, we need to quarantine those areas IMMEDIATELY (NO travel in or out, and all supplies delivered by airdrop)...

Just curious, why describe the hardest hit areas as "Democrat-controlled areas" and not densely populated areas?
It's no surprise to the rest of us that every hot spot in America is a Sanctuary City, you asshat.
We warned you folks a couple of years ago, and what did we get?
We were called racists with our racist walls.

Now the laugh is on stupid fucking idiots!!!!

Zero evidence that immigrants from Mexico and South American countries are the cause of the spread in the United States. Mexico and Canada cases are much lower on a per capita basis than the United States.

At this moment.
cases per million: 971
deaths per million: 28

cases per million: 382
deaths per million: 7

cases per million: 15
deaths per million: 0.6
Population density has a lot to do with it, Happy. Look at the hot spots in the US, all densely populated.
Canada does not have the population density that we do. New York, LA, etc.

Of course population density has something to do with it. But I'm refuting mudwhistle's claim that somehow sanctuary city/state status has something to do with this when it's more than clear Canada and Mexico are not the origins of our problems. What a dumb fucking response on your part.
You actually think that all of the immigrants and refugees that entered the country are from only two countries???
And you think I'm dumb?

Which countries then? I assume you mean Central and South American countries. Point to them.
They have most of the illegal base...but people from the ME, Asian countries, Africa, you name it.

We have a ton of illegal immigration from Africa? Another continent that has way fewer cases than we do. Most Asian countries have fared far better in this than we have and I don't know of a single case where an 'illegal immigrant' from Asia is the source of COVID19.

Legal immigration, commerce and tourism? Sure, what does that have to do with sanctuary city/state status?
It has everything to do with it. Once they get here they apply for refugee status....and once they have broken the law illegals are allowed to stay legally because they live in a sanctuary city or state. The local government refuses to cooperate with ICE officials. They are told to not answer their doors when immigration shows up and they refuse entry because ICE most of the time doesn't bother to get a warrant to apprehend criminal illegals.

Many of them are given Drivers Licenses and documents to buy food. Some are even given a check. I know it's complicated...but that's what the left counts on. Some states are even allowing them to vote in elections. The left is protecting people that shouldn't be here. Is this all news to you?

There is zero evidence that illegal immigration is the source of COVID19 in this country. You made a claim, now stop bullshitting some pathetic ranting about foreigners and back up your claim.
lol. oh no more reality for some that can't handle it too bad so sad..... Fear scares the weak those who deny soon the denial won't matter either way this chit is happening because u all stayed alseep........

Leaders are dealing with the crisis on a largely national basis, but the virus’s society-dissolving effects do not recognize borders. While the assault on human health will—hopefully—be temporary, the political and economic upheaval it has unleashed could last for generations. No country, not even the U.S., can in a purely national effort overcome the virus. Addressing the necessities of the moment must ultimately be coupled with a global collaborative vision and program. If we cannot do both in tandem, we will face the worst of each. READ MORE
'Mr. Trump has repeatedly suggested that his travel measures impeded the virus’s spread in the United States. “I do think we were very early, but I also think that we were very smart, because we stopped China,” he said at a briefing on Tuesday, adding, “That was probably the biggest decision we made so far.” Last month, he said, “We’re the ones that kept China out of here.”

But the analysis of the flight and other data by The New York Times shows the travel measures, however effective, may have come too late to have “kept China out,” particularly in light of recent statements from health officials that as many as 25 percent of people infected with the virus may never show symptoms. Many infectious-disease experts suspect that the virus had been spreading undetected for weeks after the first American case was confirmed, in Washington State, on Jan. 20, and that it had continued to be introduced. In fact, no one knows when the virus first arrived in the United States.'

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