Biden Declares US Going Through Forced Transition From Fossil Fuel To Green Energy

Yes hydrogen fuel does reduce CO2., compared to using carbon based fuel.

Where were you getting that nifty hydrogen?

The most common way to get hydrogen now is to extract it off natural gas, but it can also be obtained from water, by electrolysis.
Iceland is or war using hydrogen as their vehicle fuel system.
Germany experimented with it also.
Refueling is the only part a little tricky, since it has to be kept under high pressure.
Hydrogen is more practical than EVs.

Iceland proves it.

Rent a Hydrogen Car​

Hydrogen cars have, so far, mainly been experimental vehicles and not available for the general public. This has now changed in Iceland.

Four years ago, a Shell station in Iceland became the world's first to open a hydrogen tank at their station, serving the hydrogen buses that drive the streets of the capital, Reykjavik. This week, the station was opened to the general public at the same time as 10 Toyota Prius hydrogen cars were delivered to their new owners. Reykjavik Energy got four of those cars additional to their previous hydrogen test vehicles. But three of the cars went to Hertz car rental in Iceland so now tourists (and locals) can rent a hydrogen car for their drive in Reykjavik.

The Toyota Prius hydrogen cars are hybrid cars that have been transformed into hydrogen vehicles by Quantum in California. This step is a part of a program in Iceland which aims at changing Iceland into a hydrogen society by 2050. No country in the world uses as much renewable energy as Iceland but all heating and electricity in the country is produced with hydro power or geothermal power. Only transport uses oil products and a few barbecues still run on coal, though most of them use gas. This means that 75% of the total energy consumption in Iceland is now from renewable energy sources. Iceland is betting on hydrogen to turn the last 25% into renewable energy for their cars and fleet of fishing boats but all hydrogen in Iceland is produced with renewable energy.

So next time you rent a car in Iceland, get a taste of driving the vehicle of the future and try out Hertz's hydrogen cars.
The most common way to get hydrogen now is to extract it off natural gas, but it can also be obtained from water, by electrolysis.
Iceland is or war using hydrogen as their vehicle fuel system.
Germany experimented with it also.
Refueling is the only part a little tricky, since it has to be kept under high pressure.
And where does the electricity for electrolysis come from?
Snowflakes and Democrats can just STOP with the non-stop finger pointing, blame-shifting, excuse-making, and flat-out LYING about how the continually climbing price of gas is NOT Joe Biden's and His Green Energy Puppet Masters' faults.

BEFORE the election, AOC, Green Energy Extremists, and many De.ocrats vowed to eliminate the US' dependence on fossil fuels,to even outlaw the internal combustion engine.

Proving Democrats are dumb as hell yet continually think it is the American people who are stupid, when Biden began their war on fossil fuels, making US energy independence the 1st casualty, Democrats declared, 'Nothing to see here, move along...look at what's going on over *HERE.'

Americans began getting fed up quickly with the increasing cost suddenly Joe 'The Buck Stops Here' Biden began blaming everyone and everything.

To stem the growing anger Biden began emptying our oil reserves...and it did nothing to help.

When Energy independence was gone, when gas prices began climbing through the roof, Biden turned our nation into one of beggars on our knees before our enemies, asking them to provide what we desperately need but we can provide for ourselves...but are not allowed to.

Putin invades Uktaine, and Biden was forced to abandon getting oil from Russia. Biden turned to Saudi, Iran, and finally to Maduro. Dealing with the 'devils' until Democrats could force Americans to accept accepting their Green New Deal ultimatum was acceptable to Biden and the Democrats.

These nuts though cutting the US off of fossil fuels cold turkey would be easy, they are getting revolt. They thought forcing America off of fossil fuels / gas without having a true replacement source of energy was smart. It was stupid.

When they realized we could not survive without oil they were forced to take measures that completely exposed how both wrong and how hypocritical they are.

They preached fossil fuels are destroying the earth and that the United States must end use of fossil fuels to save the planet.

They then biy oil from half way around the world, put it on a slow-ass mammoth, fossil fuel / diesl fuel-guzzling carbon-belching oil tanker to bring it all the way back. Once here, they off-load tbe oil into big, diesel-guzzling carbon belching semi tanker trucks.

And they think you're stupid, that you are actually are going to believe that entire process is somehow saving the planet as opposed to us being energy independent by producing our own energy here at home....and they think you will accept all of this pain your Presidet and government is causing you because they are 'saving tbe planet'.

(They also think you are too stupid to realize that the entire global extremist / Green Energy/ got to save the planet bullshit was created by extremists in Russia and funded by Putin to get moronic leaders and idiots in governments to embrace the bullshit and put into action self-destructive, nation destroying policies like the ones we have seen Biden and his puppet-masters force upon our country and its people.

in the meantime, as anger continued to grow, Biden and Democrats, again, began blaming everyone and everything else:

Oil Companies
Hoarders / Profiteers
Back to Trump
Back to Greedy Oil Companies

...and all the while they are doing so they can not help but to brag about what they are really doing....

Democrats told Americans before the election they won outlaw the internal combustion engine

Buttigieg told Ameticans if they can't afford gas to go out and buy a $60,000 electric car

...and just recently Biden declared the US is going through a (painful, unnecessary forced) transition with the intended outcome being Americans conditioned / forced to live without dependence on fossil fuel.

But muh Russia fault

Hydrogen is more practical than EVs.

Iceland proves it.

Rent a Hydrogen Car​

Hydrogen cars have, so far, mainly been experimental vehicles and not available for the general public. This has now changed in Iceland.

Four years ago, a Shell station in Iceland became the world's first to open a hydrogen tank at their station, serving the hydrogen buses that drive the streets of the capital, Reykjavik. This week, the station was opened to the general public at the same time as 10 Toyota Prius hydrogen cars were delivered to their new owners. Reykjavik Energy got four of those cars additional to their previous hydrogen test vehicles. But three of the cars went to Hertz car rental in Iceland so now tourists (and locals) can rent a hydrogen car for their drive in Reykjavik.

The Toyota Prius hydrogen cars are hybrid cars that have been transformed into hydrogen vehicles by Quantum in California. This step is a part of a program in Iceland which aims at changing Iceland into a hydrogen society by 2050. No country in the world uses as much renewable energy as Iceland but all heating and electricity in the country is produced with hydro power or geothermal power. Only transport uses oil products and a few barbecues still run on coal, though most of them use gas. This means that 75% of the total energy consumption in Iceland is now from renewable energy sources. Iceland is betting on hydrogen to turn the last 25% into renewable energy for their cars and fleet of fishing boats but all hydrogen in Iceland is produced with renewable energy.

So next time you rent a car in Iceland, get a taste of driving the vehicle of the future and try out Hertz's hydrogen cars.
No it isn't since the hydrogen atom is so small we can't store it without leakage and it's highly acidic.
No it isn't since the hydrogen atom is so small we can't store it without leakage and it's highly acidic.
This website says you can:

Hydrogen can be physically stored as either a gas or a liquid. Storage as a gas typically requires high-pressure tanks (5000–10,000 psi tank pressure). Storage of hydrogen as a liquid requires cryogenic temperatures because the boiling point of hydrogen at one atmosphere pressure is -252.8°C.​

However, it has to be stored under very high pressure, which makes it non-economical.
But muh Russia fault

This website says you can:

Hydrogen can be physically stored as either a gas or a liquid. Storage as a gas typically requires high-pressure tanks (5000–10,000 psi tank pressure). Storage of hydrogen as a liquid requires cryogenic temperatures because the boiling point of hydrogen at one atmosphere pressure is -252.8°C.​

However, it has to be stored under very high pressure, which makes it non-economical.
Under those circumstances it just leaks slowly. It's the smallest of all atoms and not even epoxy coatings will completely prevent leakage.

Liquid hydrogen has it's own set of problems mainly how low temperatures make everything so brittle and make connections even more inclined to leak with temperature variations.
Hydrogen fuel doesn't reduce CO2.

That is ridiculous.
Making hydrogen with nuclear reactors produces NO CO2, and burning hydrogen to produce H2O produces NO CO2.
If we switch to hydrogen, then NO CO2 is produced except from out breathing.
Except for being explosive, not very energy dense, hard to store, expensive to transport.

Being explosive is a requirement for all fuels, such as gasoline, propane, natural gas, etc.
Hydrogen is the least dangerous because does not pool and get to a high enough concentration from a leak, so that an accidental explosion occurs.

Hydrogen is not ideal for storage since it leaks and need such high pressure, but is doable.
Has been used successfully for decades in places like Iceland, Switzerland, etc.


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