Biden demands ban on ‘assault weapons,’ high-capacity magazines in first speech to Congress

^^^Says the guy who opposes virtually all of my civil rights. Tell us how you supported vaccine mandates, Nazi...
Well, yes if you’re as irrational as your posts. All your rights are qualified and none is absolute. So yes, you need to qualify to practice all your rights.
How many times do you have to lie ?
Everything that I said is true. That is why you couldn't point out any falsehoods in my posts.

Gee, that’s funny. The guard bureau still thinks it fills the constitutional needs of the militia. Amazing.
When people believe something that is not true, they are wrong.

All your rights are qualified and none is absolute.
Constitutional rights are always absolute. If a law conflicts with a constitutional right, the law is null and void.
Do you realize how stupid that makes you sound?
He does not sound stupid at all.

A well-made 100 round magazine will serve him well.

Are you that paranoid and afraid?
Buying guns and magazines does not mean that someone is paranoid or afraid.

Why in the name of heaven would you need high capacity magazines?
You're using serf-speak here with your talk of need.

This is not the UK. Americans are not serfs.

Americans do what we want, and we never justify ourselves to anyone.
Constitutional rights are always absolute. If a law conflicts with a constitutional right, the law is null and void.
Well, that’s a lie. Unless you claim that the SC is wrong and you know more then they do. Then you could argue you didn’t lie, because being a lunatic is your defense.
You talk big, as all bloviators do.
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Americans do what we want, and we never justify ourselves to anyone.
No you don’t and yes you do. There are firearm laws in every state the Union.
There are personal, private and commercial constraints in every citizen in the US regulating our behavior where society as exist in the US seems appropriate. You want to do anything you want, move out of America. It’s the same in any industrialized
Making up shit is not an honest mistake.
Everything that I've said is completely true.

There you go. Are you claiming the militia no longer exists ?
Yes. And I am correct to say so.

Well, that’s a lie.
Wrong. It's the truth.

Unless you claim that the SC is wrong and you know more then they do.
That's hypothetically possible. But in this case the Supreme Court agrees with me.

Then you could argue you didn’t lie, because being a lunatic is your defense.
The reason why I didn't lie is because what I said is true.

For some silly reason you think that’s hypocritical ?
For the reason that it is hypocritical.

It’s exactly what sane people want.
No. It's what progressives want. I'd hesitate to equate progressivism with sanity.

Hopefully. But democrats don’t have the balls to do what they should.
The Democrats do not have a choice. They are able to do only what the NRA allows them to do.

The NRA will not allow the Democrats to violate people's civil liberties.

And rightly so. Democrats shouldn't be trying to violate people's civil liberties.

No you don’t and yes you do.
Wrong. If we want to go buy a gun, we go buy a gun.

We do not justify ourselves to you or to anyone else. It's none of your business why someone chooses to buy a given gun.

There are firearm laws in every state the Union.
None of those laws prevent us from going out and buying guns if we want to.

None of those laws requires us to justify ourselves.

If any law did so, the Supreme Court would not hesitate to strike it down.

There are personal, private and commercial constraints in every citizen in the US regulating our behavior where society as exist in the US seems appropriate.
Wrong. You don't get to control people no matter how much you want to.

You want to do anything you want, move out of America.
No. You don't get to decide what I do.

It’s the same in any industrialized
Not in America. We're free here. And you will never be able to change that,
Everything that I've said is completely true.

Yes. And I am correct to say so.

Wrong. It's the truth.

That's hypothetically possible. But in this case the Supreme Court agrees with me.

The reason why I didn't lie is because what I said is true.

For the reason that it is hypocritical.

No. It's what progressives want. I'd hesitate to equate progressivism with sanity.

The Democrats do not have a choice. They are able to do only what the NRA allows them to do.

The NRA will not allow the Democrats to violate people's civil liberties.

And rightly so. Democrats shouldn't be trying to violate people's civil liberties.

Wrong. If we want to go buy a gun, we go buy a gun.

We do not justify ourselves to you or to anyone else. It's none of your business why someone chooses to buy a given gun.

None of those laws prevent us from going out and buying guns if we want to.

None of those laws requires us to justify ourselves.

If any law did so, the Supreme Court would not hesitate to strike it down.

Wrong. You don't get to control people no matter how much you want to.

No. You don't get to decide what I do.

Not in America. We're free here. And you will never be able to change that,
Next time you make up shit, click your heals together three times and think about Oz.
You're comments are full of shit. You’re rights are subject regress when they infringe upon the rights of others. That’s America foolish. You are highly regulated when it comes to activities that threaten the rights of others. You’re just a bloviating braggart.
Next time you make up shit, click your heals together three times and think about Oz.
Everything that I've said is true.

You're comments are full of shit.
Everything that I've said is true.

You’re rights are subject regress when they infringe upon the rights of others.
Rights do not infringe on other rights. That's just nonsense that progressives concocted to make it sound OK when they violate people's civil liberties for fun.

You are highly regulated when it comes to activities that threaten the rights of others.
True, but the right to keep and bear arms does not threaten anyone.

You’re just a bloviating braggart.
That is incorrect. What I do is post facts that correct your untrue statements.

On the other hand, I do agree that it's a bit of a sideshow. It doesn't actually matter whether the National Guard is actually the militia or not. So my correcting of your untrue statements on the matter probably falls within the realm of nitpicking.

Perhaps instead of pointing out that the National Guard is not the militia, what I should be doing is asking why it matters whether or not the National Guard is the militia.

We may as well be arguing over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. No matter which one of us is right, why does it even matter?
Rights do not infringe on other rights. That's just nonsense that progressives concocted to make it sound OK when they violate people's civil liberties for fun.
Wrong. You do not have a right to carry a firearm if you’re a convicted felon. You don’t have a right to posses firearm in a public place that informs to stipulated gun free areas by state, local and federal decree.

You don’t even have a right to go anywhere and say anything* you want in a private place without permission. You can’t practice many of your rights in my domicile if I don’t want you to. It’s quite simple. My rights supercede yours in many cases.
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