Biden demands ban on ‘assault weapons,’ high-capacity magazines in first speech to Congress

  • 84 percent of voters, including 77 percent of Republicans, support requiring a background check for all gun purchases
  • Two-thirds of Americans favor a ban on assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons as a measure to reduce gun violence, according to a poll released Wednesday. It is a 7-point increase from when the question was asked in March 2018.
Sez who?

Americans are buying guns at a record pace

and yet they want their gun rights taken away?

that would be insane
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Well regulated militia.

That does not say a country full of gun nuts who relive the wild west days and old episodes of rambo.

Actually it does.
A democratic republic does have to be a country full of gun nuts instead of a mercenary elite military that takes orders only from a dictatorship.

And "well regulated" just means they are practiced and good at it, not that there is some sort of central control.
Sez who?

Americans are buying guns at a record pace

and yet they want their gun rights taken away?

that would be insane
Universal background checks don’t take my gun rights away. I’m not a convicted felon. Are you ? Or, do you want to retain your right to sell in private sale a firearm to a minor ? Which is it ?
Universal background checks don’t take my gun rights away. I’m not a convicted felon. Are you ? Or, do you want to retain your right to sell in private sale a firearm to a minor ? Which is it ?
You underestimate the imagination of the gun control crowd

if the gun control crowd can assure us this is the last new law they will EVER demand it might might be a small price to pay for never having to hear from them again

but I know it wont be

and what are we getting in return for our loss of rights?

how about mandatory 1 year on jail just for being caught with procession of a firearm illegally

2nd offense 3 years

and 10 years for use of a firearm in a crime?
Universal background checks don’t take my gun rights away. I’m not a convicted felon. Are you ? Or, do you want to retain your right to sell in private sale a firearm to a minor ? Which is it ?

Bouncing a $100 check can be a felony.
So that is arbitrary and inherently illegal abuse of the rights of citizens who have done their time.
We can not have a 2 tiered society and still pretend this is a democratic republic.
And YES, it is and should remain legal to transfer a firearm ownership to a juvenile who is a relative or properly supervised.
It is illegal to try to prevent it.

You could easily become a convicted felon, depending on what fake laws someone comes up with to redefine sedition or treason, like being anti war. How many people were illegally jailed over speaking out against WWI?

Universal background checks do take away the rights of everyone because it makes the federal government into a self authorizing dictatorship.
How long they then take to start badly abusing people, is not relevant.
The point then is that they can no longer be stopped, so it is a matter of time only.
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We are everytime a repo takes office. From major recessions to pandemics. Their record is a is all.
Oh you forgot the civil war. You wanted to retain slavery……???

I have no idea what a "repo" is?
But presidents have nothing to do with recessions or pandemics.
And no, the Civil War was not defensive.
The North invaded the South if you remember.
Nor was a war likely the best way or necessary.
But presidents have nothing to do with recessions or pandemics.
Gee, when Bush had his whoper conservatives were blaming Clinton, 8 years earlier.
You underestimate the imagination of the gun control crowd

if the gun control crowd can assure us this is the last new law they will EVER demand it might might be a small price to pay for never having to hear from them again

but I know it wont be

and what are we getting in return for our loss of rights?

how about mandatory 1 year on jail just for being caught with procession of a firearm illegally

2nd offense 3 years

and 10 years for use of a firearm in a crime?
Again , why are your rights in jeopardy if you’re not a criminal ? Nothing you said has anything to do with universal background checks. It only applies to the rights of a felon you want to protect. You‘re just throwing out totally unrelated babble.You have a BC when you buy a firearm from a Licensed dealer. Why do you want to be able to sell your guns to anyone without asking them for an ID or perform a BC. How does selling your gun to a felon help you keep your rights ?
Universal background checks do take away the rights of everyone because it makes the federal government into a self authorizing dictatorship.
Huh ? I guess you’re arguing for the unrestricted right of felons and underaged to buy any full auto firearm from anyone on a street corner in plane sight of everyone. While we’re at it, let’s do away with interstate highway and the TSA controlling carrying guns on planes. Let’s just not bother people there either. Those hyjackers have rights…..and the feds would be dictators.

You want to sell your guns to kids, right ?
how about mandatory 1 year on jail just for being caught with procession of a firearm illegally
And your solution to finding them is to what ? Stop them on the street and ask them ? How about posting signs that give felons a special phone number they can use to report their crimes. After all, we don’t need regs for firearms. Just the idea knowing they are guilty is enough to scare the begesus out them, enough to turn themselves in.
Gee, when Bush had his whoper conservatives were blaming Clinton, 8 years earlier.

Again , why are your rights in jeopardy if you’re not a criminal ? Nothing you said has anything to do with universal background checks. It only applies to the rights of a felon you want to protect. You‘re just throwing out totally unrelated babble.You have a BC when you buy a firearm from a Licensed dealer. Why do you want to be able to sell your guns to anyone without asking them for an ID or perform a BC. How does selling your gun to a felon help you keep your rights ?

Bush did not create his recession alone, but had the full backing of congress, borrowing over $5 trillion to invade Iraq.
Clinton has no recession I can remember, and instead did well?

And wrong, being a criminal has NOTHING at all to do with your rights when the regime is criminal.
For example, if you believe in individual rights, but live in Russia.
And my point is the US is getting to be even worse than Russia.
For example, the War on Drugs is totally illegal.

Background checks really make no sense because those intent on crimes with guns, will not be deterred by more minor laws about background checks. They will just get them illegally instead.
Felons are humans so have identical human rights, which no one can take away.
If a person is that dangerous, then they need to be confined, because a firearm is one of the least dangerous pieces of technology they can get their hands on.
Background checks just add more money and a federal database to honest gun ownership.
I want neither of those.
I don't want to sell to felons, but I want to be able to buy from anyone, at the lowest price.
Huh ? I guess you’re arguing for the unrestricted right of felons and underaged to buy any full auto firearm from anyone on a street corner in plane sight of everyone. While we’re at it, let’s do away with interstate highway and the TSA controlling carrying guns on planes. Let’s just not bother people there either. Those hyjackers have rights…..and the feds would be dictators.

You want to sell your guns to kids, right ?

The federal government only has the explicit authority listed in the Constitution.
Federally mandated background checks are not authorized, so then totally invalidate the limitations and constraints on a dictatorship that the constitution is supposed to restrain.
And yes, states are supposed to run airports, highways, etc.
TSA is illegal and should not exist.
One either believes in a constitutional republic or a unrestrained dictatorship?
You pick.
And your solution to finding them is to what ? Stop them on the street and ask them ? How about posting signs that give felons a special phone number they can use to report their crimes. After all, we don’t need regs for firearms. Just the idea knowing they are guilty is enough to scare the begesus out them, enough to turn themselves in.

That is stupid because the people intent on using guns illegally are already deliberately risking far greater penalties than that over a new mandatory background check.
So you accomplish NOTHING at all positive.
But to honest sales, you intimidate, add costs, illegally database, and allow easy government abuse of entrapment.
And this thread is mostly about the high capacity magazine ban, which is inherently illegal as ex post facto.
So the solution is to, keep pumping guns into the hands of criminals. Sounds like a plan.

As already explained, criminals do not buy their guns legally.
They buy them from drug dealers, since the War on Drugs makes it so that all drug dealers have to only use cash, so then have to be armed, or they steal them.
As already explained, criminals do not buy their guns legally.
Oh yes. You explained because they do it illegally, they feel guilty and turn themselves in. No need to bother the guy selling them the gun; convicted felons, kids and the mentally impaired all have a conscience and will voluntarily run to the nearest Fed and confess. Gotcha. Matter of fact, just knowing the universal background law won’t pass, has cause a mass confessional for all convicted felons carrying guns. The police stations are overwhelmed with criminals turning their guns in cause…..gee, they know they’re illegal. Right.
As already explained, criminals do not buy their guns legally.
They buy them from drug dealers, since the War on Drugs makes it so that all drug dealers have to only use cash, so then have to be armed, or they steal them.
Oh, the drug dealers sell them to other criminals. So they manufacture them ? Or, do they grow them on trees. I heat there’s a gun tree in every state that druggies go to get their guns to sell to other felons. Amazing.
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As already explained, criminals do not buy their guns legally.
Having nothing to do with the appropriateness, efficacy, or Constitutionality of firearm regulatory measures.

Criminals violate all manner of laws – from speed limits to murder; that criminals don’t obey laws doesn’t mean we should get rid of speed limits or not prosecute murderers.

No firearm regulatory measure is intended to act as a ‘panacea’ to all gun crime and violence.

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