BIDEN Dept of Edication Mad School District Removed Books About BESTIALITY From Schools - Potentially Broke The Law


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'The Biden Department of Education Office of Civil Rights concluded a Georgia district removal process to yank sexually explicit books from its libraries may have created a "hostile environment" for students in violation of federal law Friday.'

Joe 'Pedo' Biden's Department Of (Perverse) Education is pissed that a school district removed sexualy explicit matetial intended to normalize BEASTIALITY from schools.

Biden's DOE is also arguing that the act of removing sexually explicit material about BEASTIALITY created a 'HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT' in these schools.


Lesbian Transgender Teachers' Union Goat F*ers'?!


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CRT Turned Into LGBTQ Indoctrination & Grooming

LGBTQ Indoctrination & Grooming Became Transgender Confusion & PORN in schools

Transgender Confusion & PORN in Schools
Turned Into Teaching Kids To Lie / Hide Things From Parents

Teaching Kids To Lie / Hide Things From Parents Turned Into The Govt Declaring 'Ownership' of Children

The Govt Declaring 'Ownership' of Children
Turned into the Genital Mutilation of Children W/Out Parental Consent

Genital Mutilation of Children W/Out Parental Consent
Turned into the Govt Attempting to Legalize Kidnapping of Children to Successfully Accomplish the Liberal Agenda of Mutilating the Genitals of Children

NOW Biden and Democrats are trying to NORMALIZE BEASTIALITY in schools just as they have been trying to normalize TRANSGENDERISM & GENITAL.MUTILATION.



Gee, Joe, when do the Teachers' Unions & your DOE start normalizing 'NECROPHILIA'? Next Fall or during Summer School?

Enough of targeting children
Enough of trying to sexualize them
Enough killing them
Enough screwing them
Enough LGBTQ Indoctrinating them
Enough Transgender Confusing them
Enough mutilating their genitals
Enough of the govt 'Nazi Youth' kidnapping

What Epstein did to kids almost pales in comparison to what twisted f*ing Democrats are doing to children!
Thread up. :)

Biden wanting Porn in schools is 1 thing.

Sick Democrats attempting to NORMALIZE BEASTIALITY is something altogether different - a whole new level of 'SICK & TWISTED'!
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I heard the book Democrats / Biden's DOE wanted to put in schools is a 'Pop-Up' (actually, an interactive 'BLOW-UP') book called 'The Lovin' Lamb':



* This one is a 'loaner' from Bill Clinton
Another reason to abolish the Department of Education.

Calm down liberoids. It doesn’t have to happen overnight.

Make me the final Secretary of the Demoartment of Education. I can have it dismantled in two weeks. 👍

Let's Go Brandon...

'Every 'demon from hell' has been 'turned loose' in society, Franklin Graham says'​

well we've known this since about 2015 and if you get right down to it...earlier than that. Clinton, Bush, Obama and now Biden. You see it in media, gov't, schools, churches, entertainment, EVERYWHERE.
CRT Turned Into LGBTQ Indoctrination & Grooming

LGBTQ Indoctrination & Grooming Became Transgender Confusion & PORN in schools

Transgender Confusion & PORN in Schools
Turned Into Teaching Kids To Lie / Hide Things From Parents

Teaching Kids To Lie / Hide Things From Parents Turned Into The Govt Declaring 'Ownership' of Children

The Govt Declaring 'Ownership' of Children
Turned into the Genital Mutilation of Children W/Out Parental Consent

Genital Mutilation of Children W/Out Parental Consent
Turned into the Govt Attempting to Legalize Kidnapping of Children to Successfully Accomplish the Liberal Agenda of Mutilating the Genitals of Children

NOW Biden and Democrats are trying to NORMALIZE BEASTIALITY in schools just as they have been trying to normalize TRANSGENDERISM & GENITAL.MUTILATION.



Gee, Joe, when do the Teachers' Unions & your DOE start normalizing 'NECROPHILIA'? Next Fall or during Summer School?

Enough of targeting children
Enough of trying to sexualize them
Enough killing them
Enough screwing them
Enough LGBTQ Indoctrinating them
Enough Transgender Confusing them
Enough mutilating their genitals
Enough of the govt 'Nazi Youth' kidnapping

What Epstein did to kids almost pales in comparison to what twisted f*ing Democrats are doing to children!
There is something evil moving in this country. Target hired a satanic designer to design Target's theme for gay pride. The self labeled nuns the Dodgers are celebrating look like the Nun from the horror movie. On family night the nuns put up a parody of the Crucifixion with a naked man as Jesus.

All in fun. No harm intended. Right?

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