Biden Deserves A Pat On The Back On Inflation

Biden has nothing to do with the cost of eggs.

Unless you think he controls avian flu?
he runs the Dept of Agriculture.....clearly he's doing a horrible job of it, and allowed the avian flu to run wild
Let's give pelosi a pat too for keeping her hand in that till.

It's only 6.5% now, down a whopping .1% from last month, with gas prices starting to climb again. How can we ever thank him for the job he is doing? And here we thought the country was going in the wrong direction.
Joe deserves no credit for the modest drop in the CPI just as he deserves very little blame for inflation's rise. But I do understand the reflexive tendency of people to blame everything on the guy occupying the Oval Office.
The thing is, the reason for inflation being sticky and the economy being resilient despite massive increases in interest rates is the underlying strength of the economy. Especially job growth.
Joe deserves no credit for the modest drop in the CPI just as he deserves very little blame for inflation's rise. But I do understand the reflexive tendency of people to blame everything on the guy occupying the Oval Office.
The thing is, the reason for inflation being sticky and the economy being resilient despite massive increases in interest rates is the underlying strength of the economy. Especially job growth.
He and democrats in general deserve a lot of blame for throwing gasoline on the inflation fire. Yes, inflation was going higher anyway but then their policies were pro labor anti business and pro green anti dirty energy, all of which increase inflation. Add to that that when Biden let Afghanistan fall to the Taliban, signaling Russia that it was OK to invade Ukraine, now we've got increased inflation due to that. And, Biden said he would put the pandemic in the rear view mirror and he has not. The pandemic is getting worse, causing more supply chain issues, which is adding to inflation.
I do not believe that Biden was solely responsible for the high inflation we experienced, although I do believe he deserves a full share of the blame for the profligate spending during his 1st 2 years that led to it. But I do not see any reason to credit him for the drop in inflation since we hit the high-water mark around 8% or so. Does he deserve credit for not making it worse? And if you believe the Inflation Reduction Act did anything of a sort then you are mistaken. More gov't spending does not reduce inflation at all, and in fact increases it.

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