Biden Desperately Flailing As He Sinks

Hillary was within the margin of error. Go back and look.

The problem was that people extrapolated the national polls to the electoral college, which was a mistake.

People who think polls are "lies and frauds" don't understand math.

No. I understand the math of polls just fine, and they are not doing it right: can't, because Republicans won't take polls, for one thing. I take your point about the electoral college, but that wasn't what the RCP maps were about in summer 2016. They purposed to tell how states would go electorally, and they were wildly, wildly wrong. They had Hillary winning bigtime. RCP is just a propaganda outlet for the Dem party.
Biden is the loss limitation nomination, he is less communistic and while a gaffe machine his less of a total disaster than his opponents for the nomination.
Imagine, if you can, a rational who realizes that Joe Biden, at his best a Dumb-Ass...but now in the early to mid stages of senility or dementia.

A senile Dumb-Ass!

You are panicked. Where do you turn?

To the Homosexual Man with a husband whose Hypocrisy is so bold as to claim that you cannot be a Christian and a Republican too;

To the Avowed Socialist...the angry old curmudgeon who honeymooned in the old Soviet Union during the height of the Cold War...and who learned nothing from the fact that his Communist heroes lost that Cold War, because Socialism always loses;

To the Raving Loon, Fake Indian, Pathological Liar, Pocahontas-wanna-be, intellectual retard from Massachusetts?

You contemplate your options, and you is a wonderment to consider...Senility may be your best bet.
EXETER, N.H. ― It seemed like an oddball question for former Vice President Joe Biden: Would he be open to having a Republican serve as his own vice president if he were the Democratic nominee? But during a routine campaign stop here on Monday, Biden’s answer was a bit surprising.

“The answer is, I would,” Biden said. “But I can’t think of one now.”

At the time, Biden’s response seemed to be taken more as a joke or rhetorical flourish, drawing laughs from the crowd gathered at Exeter’s historic town hall. But Biden immediately silenced the laughs.

“No, I’m serious,” he said. “No, here’s what I mean. Let me explain that. You know, there’s some really decent Republicans that are out there still. But here’s the problem right now, of the well-known ones, they’ve got to step up, you know what I mean?”

Biden again clarified that he wasn’t “being a wiseguy,” and that there are a lot of people who are qualified to be vice president.


This might be a deal breaker for many Democrats. What do you think?

It would be someone like John Kasich or Lisa Murkowski. Would make no difference to Republicans. Would still be two Democrats on the ticket.
EXETER, N.H. ― It seemed like an oddball question for former Vice President Joe Biden: Would he be open to having a Republican serve as his own vice president if he were the Democratic nominee? But during a routine campaign stop here on Monday, Biden’s answer was a bit surprising.

“The answer is, I would,” Biden said. “But I can’t think of one now.”

At the time, Biden’s response seemed to be taken more as a joke or rhetorical flourish, drawing laughs from the crowd gathered at Exeter’s historic town hall. But Biden immediately silenced the laughs.

“No, I’m serious,” he said. “No, here’s what I mean. Let me explain that. You know, there’s some really decent Republicans that are out there still. But here’s the problem right now, of the well-known ones, they’ve got to step up, you know what I mean?”

Biden again clarified that he wasn’t “being a wiseguy,” and that there are a lot of people who are qualified to be vice president.


This might be a deal breaker for many Democrats. What do you think?
Bullshit. What he means is RINO trash like Kasich,Collins,Murkowski,Flake etc.
EXETER, N.H. ― It seemed like an oddball question for former Vice President Joe Biden: Would he be open to having a Republican serve as his own vice president if he were the Democratic nominee? But during a routine campaign stop here on Monday, Biden’s answer was a bit surprising.

“The answer is, I would,” Biden said. “But I can’t think of one now.”

At the time, Biden’s response seemed to be taken more as a joke or rhetorical flourish, drawing laughs from the crowd gathered at Exeter’s historic town hall. But Biden immediately silenced the laughs.

“No, I’m serious,” he said. “No, here’s what I mean. Let me explain that. You know, there’s some really decent Republicans that are out there still. But here’s the problem right now, of the well-known ones, they’ve got to step up, you know what I mean?”

Biden again clarified that he wasn’t “being a wiseguy,” and that there are a lot of people who are qualified to be vice president.


This might be a deal breaker for many Democrats. What do you think?
Bullshit. What he means is RINO trash like Kasich,Collins,Murkowski,Flake etc.

don’t forget Powell.
Actually it would be a good move on his part, because there is no way he would win with just Democrat voters given our economy. However in the primary, his challengers are going to tear him a new one for saying he'd even consider it. It was a risky statement, and obviously the question caught him by surprise.
Imagine, if you can, a rational who realizes that Joe Biden, at his best a Dumb-Ass...but now in the early to mid stages of senility or dementia.

A senile Dumb-Ass!

You are panicked. Where do you turn?

To the Homosexual Man with a husband whose Hypocrisy is so bold as to claim that you cannot be a Christian and a Republican too;

To the Avowed Socialist...the angry old curmudgeon who honeymooned in the old Soviet Union during the height of the Cold War...and who learned nothing from the fact that his Communist heroes lost that Cold War, because Socialism always loses;

To the Raving Loon, Fake Indian, Pathological Liar, Pocahontas-wanna-be, intellectual retard from Massachusetts?

You contemplate your options, and you is a wonderment to consider...Senility may be your best bet.

Yes. Well. They do have a problem, and you express it very well. :heehee:

So I think they'll ditch Biden, because senile is not a good look, and go with Bloomberg or Hillary.
Actually it would be a good move on his part, because there is no way he would win with just Democrat voters given our economy. However in the primary, his challengers are going to tear him a new one for saying he'd even consider it. It was a risky statement, and obviously the question caught him by surprise.

I don’t believe him saying that was a calculated move on his part. He gets in trouble when speaking off the cuff. Politically it may be a good move in the general election if he’s the candidate, with independents worried about how far left the Democratic Party is becoming, but right now it’s not a smart thing to say imo.
Given he doesn't stroke out or go to jail first and wins the Dim nomination, he should ask Bill's wife... Just because... :auiqs.jpg:
Actually it would be a good move on his part, because there is no way he would win with just Democrat voters given our economy. However in the primary, his challengers are going to tear him a new one for saying he'd even consider it. It was a risky statement, and obviously the question caught him by surprise.

I don’t believe him saying that was a calculated move on his part. He gets in trouble when speaking off the cuff. Politically it may be a good move in the general election if he’s the candidate, with independents worried about how far left the Democratic Party is becoming, but right now it’s not a smart thing to say imo.

He would drag the Democrats back into power even with a "Republican" in tow. Not acceptable.

Good point: he's getting desperate. This is exactly what John McCain did when he chose that Alaska bimbo as his running mate just because she had big boobs. A gross insult to every American woman, especially GOP women. When they are flailing about desperately, they just go for the drama.
GOP women never get anywhere unless they have big boobs. Look at faux news.

If that bothers you you are in the wrong party.

I don't care what your politics, race, or religions is ... but I will not tolerate any disrespect to boobs!
Never happen

Biden dies, Republicans take the White House
And there's a candidate who knows it's essential to reach out and touch every voter. But one who only values female voters and doesn't believe those pre-teens can't vote.

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