Biden Disapproval hits 54.8%, Approval 42.1

This isn't entitlement at all. For all of their lives, kids are told they need a college degree to get a good paying job, and mostly, it's true. There isn't a job out there that doesn't require a high school education. I grew up in a time when you could make a decent living if you had a strong back and were willing to work, regardless of education. Prior to the pandemic, employers won't hire you to clean toilets without a high school education.

One of my American friends is helping to fund his niece's post secondary education. She's taking a degree in social work which will cost $60,000 per year for the next 4 years to qualify her for a job paying $40,000 per year. Yes it's a private college, but it's the best in the country for this line of work.

My friends who teach at private colleges in the USA are saying that the for profit colleges are raising tuition to make ends meet and nobody flunks out any more. The colleges can't afford to lose their tuition. And kids are graduating with an average of $50,000 in debt. My first and second homes didn't have mortgages that large.
Go back and look at your post. There is no sympathy for your friend going $240k plus into debt so she can get a $40k /year job. I didn’t get to go to Wharton or Harvard….. but I’m successful in business. Your friend’s mindset is the problem.
Go back and look at your post. There is no sympathy for your friend going $240k plus into debt so she can get a $40k /year job. I didn’t get to go to Wharton or Harvard….. but I’m successful in business. Your friend’s mindset is the problem.
Your premise is false. Dragonlady does not have any friends.
That a red state charges a lot less for in state tuition than a deep blue state? Aren’t Democrats for the little people?
If I were to guess, I'd say that blue state colleges are a higher quality education. Yale, Harvard, Cornell, etc.
If I were to guess, I'd say that blue state colleges are a higher quality education. Yale, Harvard, Cornell, etc.
But we are discussing a state school in deep blue MA. Why is it 2x the amount of a state school in South Carolina. Not private schools but state schools. To me Democrats are all talk. UMASS should be $15k per year max. Like Clemson. Why not?
But we are discussing a state school in deep blue MA. Why is it 2x the amount of a state school in South Carolina. Not private schools but state schools. To me Democrats are all talk. UMASS should be $15k per year max. Like Clemson. Why not?
The quality of education is still higher. Supply and demand, the market at work.
The quality of education is still higher. Supply and demand, the market at work.
Clemson is not a worse school than UMASS Amherst. So that argument doesn’t fly. Again, if the Democrats are truly for the people then show it don’t just talk. Fair? MA is the bluest of blue states and our in state tuition is ridiculous.
Trump's approval never passed 45%. You were saying...?

Which has exactly NOTHING to do with Joe Biddum, America's most popular president. In 1980, Reagan practically ran the tables, winning the popular vote in almost all 50 states and having a popularity rating up around 80% or something like that!

HOW are we to believe this BOOB Joe now who was caught blatantly lying many times in his career, never got more than 1.5% of the vote in two previous attempts (with a VP who got even less than that), ran no campaign, held no rallies, had no attendance show up, hides behind a mask like the Loner Ranger, can't speak, walk, talk, stumbles, trips, forgets, perpetually confused, and now has had only one disastrous calamity after another since in office meantime Covid which he ran on beating has instead gone off the wheels worse than ever while proposing, seeking and saying the most outrageously dumb things can possibly be the most popular president of all time in the most squeeky clean election ever getting more votes than anyone over 16 million more votes for himself than even Barry Obumma the star-child of the Left?!

And 7 million more than Trump who GAINED popularity and literally has the population of a small nation show up everywhere he goes?

You jackholes always ask where is the proof of the election fraud? It is staring you right in the face! NONE of that makes any sense to any thinking person nor do you even try to explain it because you can't, yet while much may never be proven for a long time, this and much more all stands as a testament to vast circumstantial evidence much like a smoking gun that no honest person can simply ignore.



THEN SHAME ON AMERICA, WE ARE JUST TOO FUCKING DUMB TO DESERVE TO LIVE and our enemies should come smash us as the idiots we now are.
Clemson is not a worse school than UMASS Amherst. So that argument doesn’t fly. Again, if the Democrats are truly for the people then show it don’t just talk. Fair? MA is the bluest of blue states and our in state tuition is ridiculous.
Without me knowing anything about either of these schools is the demand for them equal?
If I were to guess, I'd say that blue state colleges are a higher quality education. Yale, Harvard, Cornell, etc.
Yale, Harvard, Cornell and etc. are private colleges. The University of Massachusetts and Clemson University are state funded universities, not private schools.point being is that the heyseed country bumpkins make their state schools more affordable than the liberal intelligentsia up north. Which side comes out crying like they got screwed with high debt and underemployment?
Democrats are all about education as long as someone else pays for it. The people in the flyover states that kling to their guns and religion make education affordable for their residents.

Obama can’t relate because he always had wealthy white people or the taxpayer pay for his education. He spent nothing on his education.

They why did Obama say that it took him until 2004 to pay off their student loans?


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