Biden Disapproval hits 54.8%, Approval 42.1

The left were so totally obsessed with getting Trump they had no comprehension of what the alternative would actually be. Now many of them see how bad things are.

If they really wanted to express their displeasure with President Trump, they would have Jumped for him.

What are the Democrats trying to get away with that has your panties in a bunch?
Not to speak for JGalt but where to start?

*Open border policy....They got away wit that one.
*BBB ....Thank goodness for Manchin.
*Inflation with no end in sight.....Hardly transitory as promised.
*The faux "voting rights" sham they are trying to foist upon us.
*Trying to eliminate the filibuster to get the above.
*The apparent hopeless/feckless nature of Tater's administration.....Even if you wished them the best it's apparent that they are not up to it, yet they won't try something different.
*The whole Afghanistan debacle.....Now they are covering up the legit arrest records of "refugees".
*The "BIG LIE" lie.
*The 1/6 gross exaggeration.
*Vax Mandates across the board.....While dem politicians are sneaking off to warmer climes in free states while pushing mandates in their own.
*The discharge of perfectly capable .mil personal due to the mandates.
*School closings no end.
*General covid fear mongering and gross ineptitude.
*Playing off one race against the other.

And I'm sure I missed a bunch and while you may be OK with all that (and those I missed) most folks with two brain cells to rub together are not, including many dems as Tater is underwater within his own party now.

But rest assured we won't come at then tossing out race, mandates, and the like, we will simply live by the feud on dem ass and beat them bloody at the polls.
Not to speak for JGalt but where to start?

*Open border policy....They got away wit that one.
*BBB ....Thank goodness for Manchin.
*Inflation with no end in sight.....Hardly transitory as promised.
*The faux "voting rights" sham they are trying to foist upon us.
*Trying to eliminate the filibuster to get the above.
*The apparent hopeless/feckless nature of Tater's administration.....Even if you wished them the best it's apparent that they are not up to it, yet they won't try something different.
*The whole Afghanistan debacle.....Now they are covering up the legit arrest records of "refugees".
*The "BIG LIE" lie.
*The 1/6 gross exaggeration.
*Vax Mandates across the board.....While dem politicians are sneaking off to warmer climes in free states while pushing mandates in their own.
*The discharge of perfectly capable .mil personal due to the mandates.
*School closings no end.
*General covid fear mongering and gross ineptitude.
*Playing off one race against the other.

And I'm sure I missed a bunch and while you may be OK with all that (and those I missed) most folks with two brain cells to rub together are not, including many dems as Tater is underwater within his own party now.

But rest assured we won't come at then tossing out race, mandates, and the like, we will simply live by the feud on dem ass and beat them bloody at the polls.
What a rightwing Republican wish list.
Because he over promised and under delivered. That’s a death blow in the business world. He also ran as a moderate and many see him as Bernie Sanders vs Barack Obama. My thoughts…
But you guys said that Obama was worse than the devil himself. So why should anyone listen to such critics?
But you guys said that Obama was worse than the devil himself. So why should anyone listen to such critics?
Not I. Bernie Sanders is the reincarnation of Lenin and the Democratic Party voters didn’t want that. But got it with Joe. Why do you believe his approval rating dropped so quickly and keeps dropping?
Less than one year into his failing administration, Brandon went from + 55 to - 42.

Never seen anything like that. Oh how the meek have fallen!

If you've never seen anything like it, you have been paying attention.

Not I. Bernie Sanders is the reincarnation of Lenin and the Democratic Party voters didn’t want that. But got it with Joe. Why do you believe his approval rating dropped so quickly and keeps dropping?
I recall you being among those that attacked President Obama ruthlessly on here day in and day out.

That said, Biden isn't doing as promised, pass the Build Back Better bill. He's not protecting voter rights and he's not fighting for the little guy, namely the student loans. He needs to wipe them clean.

He's tacking too far to the right.

His polls started dropping after he did the ONE good thing so far, get out of Afghanistan. This is the Establishment, which I hate, at work.
I recall you being among those that attacked President Obama ruthlessly on here day in and day out.

That said, Biden isn't doing as promised, pass the Build Back Better bill. He's not protecting voter rights and he's not fighting for the little guy, namely the student loans. He needs to wipe them clean.

He's tacking too far to the right.

His polls started dropping after he did the ONE good thing so far, get out of Afghanistan. This is the Establishment, which I hate, at work.
He can’t wipe student loans clean it would piss off all those who paid them fairly. I attacked Obama? Hmmm…OK
What a rightwing Republican wish list.
LOL....I'm sure my list would give the the (spit) gop a case of the horrors. ;)

But you are correct in a way. The gop might get away with the pent-up hate that's going to do the dems in this go-round but they are going to have to come up with something like Newt Gingrich did with his Contract With America but with a much more nationalistic/states rights bent.

Remember, at the time Gingrich worked with Clinton and got shit done and while it did not suit everyone it was about the best that could be done at the time and with the division of power. Sadly I fear the time for working with the dems on anything is long past as they are on a socialist bender that they won't easily turn loose of.

The gop needs to show America a better way and quite frankly I don't even know if they are up to it.....Or even if we are too far gone for it to happen at all. What, you have maybe one honest broker in the whole of the US Senate in Rand Paul?

Blah, all I know is that it can't keep going the way it is or we are going to end up as euro-trash lite except we will depend on the PRC to keep the heat on instead of the Soviets Russians.
Trump's approval never passed 45%.

You were saying...?
Trump is not President. You people are always touting the margin of victory of Biden. What the fuck? Do some math on Biden’s popularity. 81 million mutherfuckin votes??? That is a hell of a decline.

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