Biden Disapproval hits 54.8%, Approval 42.1

The thread isn't about Trump. But since you made it so, he [Trump] was above 45% approval several times per Gallup.

And that was with all the 'muh, Rusia' lies and a steady 24/7 attack mode from the MSM. Basically kid-glove treatment ofr Biden.

Biden gets favorable coverage from the MSM and looks at his numbers in spite of that.
Dayum, according to that link, he ended at 34%. :ack-1:
ah this is what I was looking for. I recalled it because I thought "ah the progressive AOC worker seems to blame Biden for the progressives lacking 50 votes." LOL\

Corbin Trent, the cofounder of the progressive No Excuses PAC and the former communications director for Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, was blunt in his assessment of Biden's performance.

"He's deeply unpopular. ... He's largely been ineffective, unless we're counting judges or whatever the hell inside-baseball scorecard we're using. And I think he'll probably get demolished in the midterms," Trent told Politico.

And seriously, I didn't expect WJC or Obama in terms of leadership. But he's been less clear than even I feared. He's old. I can empathize. LOL
You said that Clemson cost half as much as a northern university. Your arguments are shot to hell so you move the goal posts.

The percentage of students accepted has nothing to do with ranking, and everything to do with how many students are applying. If 1000 students apply, and you admit 500 of them, that's a 50% admissions rate. But if 2000 students apply and you admit 500 of them, that's only a 25% admission rate. That's not being "more selective", that's just being popular among applicants.

Massachusetts has 5900 students and Clemson has 20,000 students, so comparing acceptance numbers is pointless and stupid, which pretty much sums up all of your posts on the topic.
Ranking is backward looking. Acceptance rate certainly reflects that Clemson is becoming more selective does it not?

University of Massachusetts Amherst/Total enrollment

Are you ever not a complete idiot? 5k students? LMAO!!!

I love showing how stupid you are and old.

I just finished watching Rand Paul try to steamroller Dr. Faucci with personal attacks blaming him for 800,000 covid deaths, while the Senate is trying to investigate what went wrong on the covid response. No questions, just attacks to gin up hate and outrage and to blame Dr. Faucci for Trump's failures.
LMAO....Trump's failures...he got us warp speed and PPP loans. Under Biden, COVID is running wilder than ever.
LMAO....Trump's failures...he got us warp speed and PPP loans. Under Biden, COVID is running wilder than ever.

A year into the Biden mess and a shortage of COVID tests, a shortage of monoclonal antibodies, and more. But Biden said he had a plan, apparently, this is it.
LMAO....Trump's failures...he got us warp speed and PPP loans. Under Biden, COVID is running wilder than ever.

Trump got you NOTHING. The World Health Organization organized the research and production of the vaccines. Trump did what ever other first world leader did, he wrote cheques to the drug companies. But he failed to place orders and most of the vaccine was purchased by other countries.

The vaccines were built on the research undertaken by Oxford University in England (Astra Zeneca) in 2003 after the SARS Covid-02 outbreak. Pfizer was developed in Germany using research money from the German government.

Moderna began their research and testing n 2010 and were simply awaiting the covid19 DNA to graft it onto their prior research. It took one weekend to complete.

The MNRA vaccines have been under development and testing since 2003 but lacked a large enough outbreak for mass testing. Neither SARS nor MERS was sufficient contagious to trigger large enough outbreaks. Covid19 simply provided a large enough outbreak for mass testing, and the governments wrote cheques to fund the testing and production of the most promising vaccines prior to receiving government approval for their use.

Trump failed to purchase any vaccine beyond his intitial order when he announced Operation Warp Speed. He simply barred the drug companies from exporting vaccines outside the USA without government consent. In January, the Pfizer plant in upstate New York, was refused an export license to complete Canada's order from Pfizer. Our order was delay by three weeks at the height of the post Christmas surge, waiting for our order to be produced and shipped from German.

Talk about government control of the means of production. Then Trump failed purchase any more vaccines and left the states scrambling for the vaccines just like PPE.

I'm going to add that Joe Biden never rescinded Trump's EO regarding vaccine exports. I did a quick scan of all his EO's especially those rescinding Trump's orders, and nothing. It's still in force.

As for the PPP loans, Trump didn't give that money to you, little man. If you had already been laid off and had no job, you got NONE of that money. That money only went to large employers and Republicans donors. The White House controlled that fund, and just like Trump's Inauguration Fund, Trump has never accounted to the American people as to what happened to the money. In fact, the Secret Service is reporting:

Covid is running wilder than ever because Trump let it run wild for over a year before Biden took office, in an effort to achieve "herd immunity" by infecting the entire nation. Dr. Faucci warned early on that if you didn't get the virus under control and shut it down early, it could continue to spread and mutate and you'd never get it under control. Dr. Faucci then quickly added that President Trump would never allow that to happen, but that's just what Trump did not only allow to happen, he openly encouraged it.

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Trump got you NOTHING. The World Health Organization organized the research and production of the vaccines. Trump did what ever other first world leader did, he wrote cheques to the drug companies. But he failed to place orders and most of the vaccine was purchased by other countries.

The vaccines were built on the research undertaken by Oxford University in England (Astra Zeneca) in 2003 after the SARS Covid-02 outbreak. Pfizer was developed in Germany using research money from the German government.

Moderna began their research and testing n 2010 and were simply awaiting the covid19 DNA to graft it onto their prior research. It took one weekend to complete.

The MNRA vaccines have been under development and testing since 2003 but lacked a large enough outbreak for mass testing. Neither SARS nor MERS was sufficient contagious to trigger large enough outbreaks. Covid19 simply provided a large enough outbreak for mass testing, and the governments wrote cheques to fund the testing and production of the most promising vaccines prior to receiving government approval for their use.

Trump failed to purchase any vaccine beyond his intitial order when he announced Operation Warp Speed. He simply barred the drug companies from exporting vaccines outside the USA without government consent. In January, the Pfizer plant in upstate New York, was refused an export license to complete Canada's order from Pfizer. Our order was delay by three weeks at the height of the post Christmas surge, waiting for our order to be produced and shipped from German.

Talk about government control of the means of production. Then Trump failed purchase any more vaccines and left the states scrambling for the vaccines just like PPE.

I'm going to add that Joe Biden never rescinded Trump's EO regarding vaccine exports. I did a quick scan of all his EO's especially those rescinding Trump's orders, and nothing. It's still in force.

As for the PPP loans, Trump didn't give that money to you, little man. If you had already been laid off and had no job, you got NONE of that money. That money only went to large employers and Republicans donors. The White House controlled that fund, and just like Trump's Inauguration Fund, Trump has never accounted to the American people as to what happened to the money. In fact, the GAO is reporting:

Covid is running wilder than ever because Trump let it run wild for over a year before Biden took office, in an effort to achieve "herd immunity" by infecting the entire nation. Dr. Faucci warned early on that if you didn't get the virus under control and shut it down early, it could continue to spread and mutate and you'd never get it under control. Dr. Faucci then quickly added that President Trump would never allow that to happen, but that's just what Trump did not only allow to happen, he openly encouraged it.

Warp speed was necessary to get past the compliance headaches. Trump got us the PPP loans. Thanks for playing.
Warp speed was necessary to get past the compliance headaches. Trump got us the PPP loans. Thanks for playing.

Try again, dipshit. Mass testing was done all over the world, not just the USA. And if it was necessary to get past "compliance headaches", how did Great Britain and Canada manage to approve the vaccines BEFORE the USA? Both of those countries have far stricter "compliance headaches" than the USA.

Trump didn't get YOU PPP loans. ALL of that money went to Big Corporations and Trump cronies. Nancy Pelosi is the one who got the little guys like you money:

Thanks for being gullible and stupid.
Try again, dipshit. Mass testing was done all over the world, not just the USA. And if it was necessary to get past "compliance headaches", how did Great Britain and Canada manage to approve the vaccines BEFORE the USA? Both of those countries have far stricter "compliance headaches" than the USA.

Trump didn't get YOU PPP loans. ALL of that money went to Big Corporations and Trump cronies. Nancy Pelosi is the one who got the little guys like you money:

Thanks for being gullible and stupid.

Your derangement is outstanding. The PPP loans allowed businesses to retain employees. Even Biden thanked Trump for warp speed. You lose again, Jew hater.

You’re old, single and alone for a reason….
Fuck Trump and fuck you too, you disingenuous POS. He's not President now and in the entire four years he was President, nothing he did ever came close to the bullshit you asshole Democrats are trying to get away with.
Moron, Trump was impeached twice for trying to get away with shit Democrats wouldn't even dream of getting away with.

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