Biden doesnt have the clout to get Griner back from Russia

The cult GOES OFF over severe marijuana laws in the US…..but its ok if is Putin who imprisons the black lesbian.


We have some real Putin cocksuckers on the left.
But Trump would have the clout!

Russia/Putin would make quick arrangements to have her returned within days of Trump's request!

But Trump will never again have the opportunity!

By now some Americans who can think and chew gum, should be understanding why Trump would succeed.
How is it possible the Biden admin has not gotten Griner back to the US?

Seems to me this is a BULLHORN to the LGBTQ community that the Biden admin DOES NOT HAVE YOUR BACKS,
No. The Russians are waiting to negotiate for the right package of prisoner exchanges.
They've had their show trial. They've made their statement. Now, they're just waiting on the right people in exchange.

Pretty simple to grasp if you've paid attention to how they work this sort of stuff over the last two decades or so.
The cult fucks cry a river for people in prison in the US for weed….but when RUSSIA does it to a member of the LGBTQ community, the cult says they should rot in prison.

What disgusting homophobia and racism.
I am both enjoying seeing this drug smuggler get what's coming to her and seeing Putin kick sand in Biden's face. See. It's as I have said all along. Russians are better than democrats.
Clearly, it is time to unleash Dennis Rodman!

You think Griner deserves 9 years in a Russian prison for having a little weed in her luggage?
I think that 9 years is for her being stupid enough to bring the weed oil(?) into a foreign
country where drugs appear to be taken serious. Then on top of that, bring it into
that country where we are fighting a proxy war.

But, no, I don't think she deserves to spend the 9 years.
How is it possible the Biden admin has not gotten Griner back to the US?

Seems to me this is a BULLHORN to the LGBTQ community that the Biden admin DOES NOT HAVE YOUR BACKS,

Biden works for Putin. He's not going to do anything to go against his boss.
Clearly, it is time to unleash Dennis Rodman!

Wouldn't it be wonderful if Putin put Rodman in a Gulag too?
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Let me repeat.

A black lesbian is in a Russian prison for 9 years for weed.

The Biden cult says……FUCK HER.

Meanwhile, the Biden cult says people in US prisons for weed should be released.

If Trump had won, she would have been back in the U.S. bitching about the country again.........

Yep, I bet the US doesnt seem so oppressive now. :auiqs.jpg:

Biden got 81 million votes and cant get Pooty to release a black lesbian from prison.

Biden is a feckless twat.
Like Blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities, Biden doesn't really care about fags. Only their votes.

If President Trump were in office right now, he would have already worked out a prisoner exchange.

Trump has had a relationship of some sort with Putin for 20 years.
If Trump had won, she would have been back in the U.S. bitching about the country again.........
She was in Russia trying to earn extra money because the salary she's paid as woman for playing basketball professionally isn't even remotely on par with what the men earn.
Pennies compared to even the bottom tier of NBA player salaries.

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