Biden doesnt have the clout to get Griner back from Russia

Look at these Biden cultists turn their backs on a black lesbian.


What a BULLHORN of homophobia and racism.

The US has no jurisdiction over Americans abroad. Don't you know the law? Lots of stupid kids think that if they break the law overseas, the US ambassador will come to their rescue.
The cult GOES OFF over severe marijuana laws in the US…..but its ok if is Putin who imprisons the black lesbian.


We have some real Putin cocksuckers on the left.

Damn, you're stupid. The US can't help you if you break the law while you're abroad.
The US has no jurisdiction over Americans abroad. Don't you know the law? Lots of stupid kids think that if they break the law overseas, the US ambassador will come to their rescue.

Sure, Biden doesnt have the clout to get her back. I get it.

Your cult allegiance to Biden commands you to be homophobic and racist and misogynist. Pretty fucking amazing.
I think that 9 years is for her being stupid enough to bring the weed oil(?) into a foreign
country where drugs appear to be taken serious. Then on top of that, bring it into
that country where we are fighting a proxy war.

But, no, I don't think she deserves to spend the 9 years.
She is clearly being used as a pawn. This is going to end up another disastrous "trade" a la Obama and the Bergdahl swap for 5 terrorists.
I got no sympathy for Griner, if you travel to a foreign country you damn well better know their laws and follow them. It's irresponsible not to do that and arrogant as hell to boot. It's not a question of racism or LGBTQ discrimination, there are too many people in this country who believe they are above the law. And they take that attitude with them when they travel elsewhere.
US law is not the law in Russia or the UK or Spain or Turkey. The US has no JURISDICTION except in the US.

Ok. Cool.

Good to know.

Biden has no international influence.

How did Trump get an incarcerated American back home?
Where have you lived overseas?
I spent 20+ years in the Navy, 3 of those years in England, 3 of them in Spain

I've 'visited' over 25 countries during voyages.

and if you think the US doesn't do what they can to get people released from jails/prisons overseas...

'you've got your head up your ass,
Trump has had a relationship of some sort with Putin for 20 years.

Yes. They're both leaders of powerful countries.

Would rather Trump had hid in the White House basement, only to come out to throw some rocks in the general direction of Russia, and yelled "Neener Neener Neener" loud enough that he hoped Putin would have heard it?

You see, that's the difference between a real leader, and the piece of shit we have now. Real leaders project power. They are respected and feared, unlike the ass-clown Biden. They are also statesmen, diplomats, and Toastmasters. They know how to work out deals where both sides are happy, unlike Biden, who can't even wipe the shit off his own ass. And if Trump were in office right now, all these things wouldn't be happening to you:

Gasoline that rose to twice the price it was during 2018, an inflation rate that rose to 9.1%, which was almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019, a recession, the average middle-class family coming up about $6,000 short of disposable income, hefty taxes coming for the middle class, and retirement accounts losing $3 trillion dollars just over the last year. The price of oil jumping up to $130 per barrel, having to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil while draining our own strategic reserves, sporadic shortages on the store shelves, supply line disruptions, a steadily-increasing trade imbalance with China, an spiraling epidemic of violent crime and drugs, 4 million more illegals within the last two years, more COVID deaths than in 2020, a dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost 13 American soldiers their lives, a weakened, pussified military, and IRS arming and training to be home invaders, an FBI acting like Nazi storm troopers, Iran's nuclear program having enough nuclear material to build a bomb and conducting attacks on US citizens like they did to Salman Rushdie, a revitalized Russian oil industry, China being energy and militarily dominant, a war in Europe that could even go nuclear, and China and North Korea threatening the US.

You are dismissed.
Yes. They're both leaders of powerful countries.

Would rather Trump had hid in the White House basement, only to come out to throw some rocks in the general direction of Russia, and yelled "Neener Neener Neener" loud enough that he hoped Putin would have heard it?

You see, that's the difference between a real leader, and the piece of shit we have now. Real leaders project power. They are respected and feared, unlike the ass-clown Biden. They are also statesmen, diplomats, and Toastmasters. They know how to work out deals where both sides are happy, unlike Biden, who can't even wipe the shit off his own ass. And if Trump were in office right now, all these things wouldn't be happening to you:

Gasoline that rose to twice the price it was during 2018, an inflation rate that rose to 9.1%, which was almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019, a recession, the average middle-class family coming up about $6,000 short of disposable income, hefty taxes coming for the middle class, and retirement accounts losing $3 trillion dollars just over the last year. The price of oil jumping up to $130 per barrel, having to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil while draining our own strategic reserves, sporadic shortages on the store shelves, supply line disruptions, a steadily-increasing trade imbalance with China, an spiraling epidemic of violent crime and drugs, 4 million more illegals within the last two years, more COVID deaths than in 2020, a dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost 13 American soldiers their lives, a weakened, pussified military, and IRS arming and training to be home invaders, an FBI acting like Nazi storm troopers, Iran's nuclear program having enough nuclear material to build a bomb and conducting attacks on US citizens like they did to Salman Rushdie, a revitalized Russian oil industry, China being energy and militarily dominant, a war in Europe that could even go nuclear, and China and North Korea threatening the US.

You are dismissed.

Fantastic post….you listed many things the Biden admin has fucked up….but the Biden cult will refuse to admit these things.

I got no sympathy for Griner, if you travel to a foreign country you damn well better know their laws and follow them. It's irresponsible not to do that and arrogant as hell to boot. It's not a question of racism or LGBTQ discrimination, there are too many people in this country who believe they are above the law. And they take that attitude with them when they travel elsewhere.
I can't wait until Trump is arrested.

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