Biden DOJ spending $6 BILLION to seize property from Americans.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
No need for any criminal charges for them to come and take everything you have. Biden's war on Americans continues.

What a complete disaster this guy is.

The Department of Justice is shelling out more than $6 billion to private companies to manage its asset forfeiture investigations, raising alarm from one nonprofit law firm that accuses police of "treating ordinary Americans like ATMs" and seizing their cash.

"You've probably heard the adage, 'you've gotta spend money to make money.' Here, it's 'you've gotta spend money to take money,'" said Dan Alban, head of the Institute for Justice's National Initiative to End Forfeiture.

Asset forfeiture is the process through which the government seizes money or other property that is believed to be linked to a crime. Most federal forfeitures are civil, meaning the government can keep the seized property without ever charging the owner with a crime.

The DOJ announced earlier this year more than $6 billion in contracts awarded to multiple private companies to help with asset forfeiture investigations. Contractors are expected to help with everything from investigating and identifying assets for seizure to record keeping and providing courtroom testimony, according to DOJ records.

"These are six billion reasons we need civil forfeiture reform now," Alban said. "Congress must act to prevent law enforcement from treating ordinary Americans like ATMs."

Forfeiture generated more than $45.7 billion in revenue for the federal government alone between 2000 and 2019, according to IJ. Proceeds are often split between federal and local police agencies

"Federal forfeiture is a big business," Alban said. "And it's a particularly big business for the law enforcement agencies that get to spend the money out of these funds."

But critics like IJ argue innocent Americans are often targeted by forfeiture. Fighting to get seized property back is difficult and expensive since forfeiture effectively places the burden of proof on the property owner, not the government, and because it's a civil case, there is no right to a public defender, according to Alban.
No need for any criminal charges for them to come and take everything you have. Biden's war on Americans continues.

What a complete disaster this guy is.

The Department of Justice is shelling out more than $6 billion to private companies to manage its asset forfeiture investigations, raising alarm from one nonprofit law firm that accuses police of "treating ordinary Americans like ATMs" and seizing their cash.

"You've probably heard the adage, 'you've gotta spend money to make money.' Here, it's 'you've gotta spend money to take money,'" said Dan Alban, head of the Institute for Justice's National Initiative to End Forfeiture.

Asset forfeiture is the process through which the government seizes money or other property that is believed to be linked to a crime. Most federal forfeitures are civil, meaning the government can keep the seized property without ever charging the owner with a crime.

The DOJ announced earlier this year more than $6 billion in contracts awarded to multiple private companies to help with asset forfeiture investigations. Contractors are expected to help with everything from investigating and identifying assets for seizure to record keeping and providing courtroom testimony, according to DOJ records.

"These are six billion reasons we need civil forfeiture reform now," Alban said. "Congress must act to prevent law enforcement from treating ordinary Americans like ATMs."

Forfeiture generated more than $45.7 billion in revenue for the federal government alone between 2000 and 2019, according to IJ. Proceeds are often split between federal and local police agencies

"Federal forfeiture is a big business," Alban said. "And it's a particularly big business for the law enforcement agencies that get to spend the money out of these funds."

But critics like IJ argue innocent Americans are often targeted by forfeiture. Fighting to get seized property back is difficult and expensive since forfeiture effectively places the burden of proof on the property owner, not the government, and because it's a civil case, there is no right to a public defender, according to Alban.

Sounds like an interesting story.

I seriously doubt we're hearing the whole story here though.

If anyone can provide the rest of the story...please do. TIA.
Sounds like an interesting story.

I seriously doubt we're hearing the whole story here.

If anyone can provide the rest of the story...please do. TIA.
We can wait for the Genie Pierre explanation

No need for any criminal charges for them to come and take everything you have. Biden's war on Americans continues.

What a complete disaster this guy is.

I guess you've never heard of civil asset forfeiture, which is a law in almost every state, including Republican ones. In fact, the GOP love these laws as they were put into place to combat drug dealers and cartels.
I guess you've never heard of civil asset forfeiture, which is a law in almost every state, including Republican ones. In fact, the GOP love these laws as they were put into place to combat drug dealers and cartels.
You would be wrong, as usual. They have been around for decades. They have been abused for decades as well.

Tell me something hack, do you think it's smart to spend an additional $6 billion on a program that has averaged about $2 billion in seizures per year? How much of that has to be returned after people fight for years to get their stuff back?

More stupid spending by Chicom Joe to target Americans.
No need for any criminal charges for them to come and take everything you have. Biden's war on Americans continues.

What a complete disaster this guy is.

The Department of Justice is shelling out more than $6 billion to private companies to manage its asset forfeiture investigations, raising alarm from one nonprofit law firm that accuses police of "treating ordinary Americans like ATMs" and seizing their cash.

"You've probably heard the adage, 'you've gotta spend money to make money.' Here, it's 'you've gotta spend money to take money,'" said Dan Alban, head of the Institute for Justice's National Initiative to End Forfeiture.

Asset forfeiture is the process through which the government seizes money or other property that is believed to be linked to a crime. Most federal forfeitures are civil, meaning the government can keep the seized property without ever charging the owner with a crime.

The DOJ announced earlier this year more than $6 billion in contracts awarded to multiple private companies to help with asset forfeiture investigations. Contractors are expected to help with everything from investigating and identifying assets for seizure to record keeping and providing courtroom testimony, according to DOJ records.

"These are six billion reasons we need civil forfeiture reform now," Alban said. "Congress must act to prevent law enforcement from treating ordinary Americans like ATMs."

Forfeiture generated more than $45.7 billion in revenue for the federal government alone between 2000 and 2019, according to IJ. Proceeds are often split between federal and local police agencies

"Federal forfeiture is a big business," Alban said. "And it's a particularly big business for the law enforcement agencies that get to spend the money out of these funds."

But critics like IJ argue innocent Americans are often targeted by forfeiture. Fighting to get seized property back is difficult and expensive since forfeiture effectively places the burden of proof on the property owner, not the government, and because it's a civil case, there is no right to a public defender, according to Alban.
Most of civil asset forfeitures start at city, county or state level, primarily as a means of raising cash for departments, often without charges, when seizing cash. The cash than turned over to Fed, the local agency basically getting a big finders fee for the suspect money (strange how a couple of grand or less can be a criminal suspect, while there is nothing to charge the person that had it on him has no charges), the transfer clouding the lines of who has the money and who is responsible for its return if ever returned. One local agency in California where pot is legal and regulated, had a great scam. They would hit the armored currier trucks picking up the cash from the legal pot shops, sometime getting $150,000 literally in armed robbery with the locals knowing exactly where the money came from, but turning it over to the Fed for "finders fee", as Federally pot sales were still illegal. Some states are cracking down on the civil asset forfeiture practice. I do not think I live in one that is cracking down, but rarely carry large sums of cash, the last time being going with my son, out of state to haggle on buying a motorcycle with cash.
More information and reports are available on Lehtos Law via YouTube.
Just wait till Biden and his DNC goons puts us all on digital currency.

Then they will take what the please from us at the push of a button, much like Trudy north of the border has already done.

And I'm sure the GOP will either go along with it or not say a word about it.

All I know is, so long as Trump is behind bars everything gonna be all right!!
No need for any criminal charges for them to come and take everything you have. Biden's war on Americans continues.

What a complete disaster this guy is.

The Department of Justice is shelling out more than $6 billion to private companies to manage its asset forfeiture investigations, raising alarm from one nonprofit law firm that accuses police of "treating ordinary Americans like ATMs" and seizing their cash.

"You've probably heard the adage, 'you've gotta spend money to make money.' Here, it's 'you've gotta spend money to take money,'" said Dan Alban, head of the Institute for Justice's National Initiative to End Forfeiture.

Asset forfeiture is the process through which the government seizes money or other property that is believed to be linked to a crime. Most federal forfeitures are civil, meaning the government can keep the seized property without ever charging the owner with a crime.

The DOJ announced earlier this year more than $6 billion in contracts awarded to multiple private companies to help with asset forfeiture investigations. Contractors are expected to help with everything from investigating and identifying assets for seizure to record keeping and providing courtroom testimony, according to DOJ records.

"These are six billion reasons we need civil forfeiture reform now," Alban said. "Congress must act to prevent law enforcement from treating ordinary Americans like ATMs."

Forfeiture generated more than $45.7 billion in revenue for the federal government alone between 2000 and 2019, according to IJ. Proceeds are often split between federal and local police agencies

"Federal forfeiture is a big business," Alban said. "And it's a particularly big business for the law enforcement agencies that get to spend the money out of these funds."

But critics like IJ argue innocent Americans are often targeted by forfeiture. Fighting to get seized property back is difficult and expensive since forfeiture effectively places the burden of proof on the property owner, not the government, and because it's a civil case, there is no right to a public defender, according to Alban.
The left will come after anyone who disagrees with them to not only lock you up on bogus charges, but take your money as well. We are currently living inside Russia or Nazi Germany.
I find it amusing how the Right comes here every day to cry and moan......but will never lift a finger to make any meaningful changes.

Here's the reality lost ones.....

The Left is on the march. They are doing it by going after your city council seats, your school board seats, your mayoral seats, your law enforcement positions. what they ARE NOT DOING is crying about being victims. Only the Conservative Right is expert in that losing cause.

Stop being meaningless pathetic victims and RUN FOR OFFICE. ANY OFFICE.

(Be aware that you have waited so long to accept that your doing nothing will be your demise, that you may find it extremely difficult now to even get any positions of power as the left has locked up most of them, bought all the judges and put roadblocks in front of every path you could take.)
The price of doing nothing has become your worst mistake.

Stop blaming the left you worthless victims. It's YOUR fault!
No need for any criminal charges for them to come and take everything you have. Biden's war on Americans continues.

What a complete disaster this guy is.

The Department of Justice is shelling out more than $6 billion to private companies to manage its asset forfeiture investigations, raising alarm from one nonprofit law firm that accuses police of "treating ordinary Americans like ATMs" and seizing their cash.

"You've probably heard the adage, 'you've gotta spend money to make money.' Here, it's 'you've gotta spend money to take money,'" said Dan Alban, head of the Institute for Justice's National Initiative to End Forfeiture.

Asset forfeiture is the process through which the government seizes money or other property that is believed to be linked to a crime. Most federal forfeitures are civil, meaning the government can keep the seized property without ever charging the owner with a crime.

The DOJ announced earlier this year more than $6 billion in contracts awarded to multiple private companies to help with asset forfeiture investigations. Contractors are expected to help with everything from investigating and identifying assets for seizure to record keeping and providing courtroom testimony, according to DOJ records.

"These are six billion reasons we need civil forfeiture reform now," Alban said. "Congress must act to prevent law enforcement from treating ordinary Americans like ATMs."

Forfeiture generated more than $45.7 billion in revenue for the federal government alone between 2000 and 2019, according to IJ. Proceeds are often split between federal and local police agencies

"Federal forfeiture is a big business," Alban said. "And it's a particularly big business for the law enforcement agencies that get to spend the money out of these funds."

But critics like IJ argue innocent Americans are often targeted by forfeiture. Fighting to get seized property back is difficult and expensive since forfeiture effectively places the burden of proof on the property owner, not the government, and because it's a civil case, there is no right to a public defender, according to Alban.

Money is the dems drug of choice for their compulsive spending habit. eBay old reporting limits $20,000....dem lowered it to $600. Dems don't mess around.

Dems are nothing like 'lock Hillary up' Trump! Trump found that out the hard way. Dems are very conservative when it comes to imploding America. No one does it better!

bipoc wanabee.jpg

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