Biden drops paid family leave from his monstrous tax and spend bill

I knew I should have read the whole article.

Back in the early 70's I worked for an arm of the government and on second shift, my son was born and was all screwed up on his times for about 3 months where I had like a couple of hours sleep and could not function at work, he only slept during the day and my employer at first fought the idea of my switching to first shift for awhile but ended up for a couple of months to work first and my wife was home with him.

When I owned a small business in the 80's with about 13 employee's I didn't pay for time off but helped them with meals if they needed time off.

I can see a fully paid family leave act would have many abuses. I could go to my doctor tomorrow and have him write an excuse for any one of medical problems and take family leave if I was an employee.

I think a lot of employers would be empathetic under special circumstances (assuming they are not bound by stringent union contracts) and try to work with an employee who is worth keeping around. I worked for one who would pay women a month if they were out with a pregnancy for instance, and then they could use whatever vacation/personal time they had banked, and would let women who wanted to part time their way back to full time work after that if need be. Of course, that sort of got all fouled up by a man who demanded he was being discriminated against because he had to use his personal days if he wanted off when his baby was born.
Are you going to have the federal government refund all the tuition my daughter saved by being on scholarship through the US Army?
Your daughter seems to be doing fine. I'm a nationalist, unlike most conservatives. To me what matters is what we can do to strengthen our nation.
It's kind of ridiculous. We can throw trillions and trillions onto the debt for complete bullshit. Meanwhile about one trillion dollars would free an entire generation of young people that feel trapped by the debt they incurred through seeking education.

They don't want to do the things that would actually empower the nation.

Cancelling student loan debt doesn't solve the problem of the cost of education and it's also immoral to suddenly hold tens of millions of people responsible for debt they never incurred because someone else can't pay the debt they freely signed up for.
Cancelling student loan debt doesn't solve the problem of the cost of education
True. There's a lot of work to do.
it's also immoral to suddenly hold tens of millions of people responsible for debt they never incurred because someone else can't pay the debt they freely signed up for.
It's immoral and also stupid for our society to have millions of young and naïve people that are in significant and sometimes debilitating debt because they wanted to become more educated. Young people have been preyed upon by scumbag lenders and it needs to be stopped and corrected if we want our nation to prosper.
Biden wouldn’t have to drop it if Republicans would back a basic worker right available in the rest of the world

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Fair is fair. Why did she obligate herself for 5 years active duty?
Why do some people pay more in taxes than other people will make in five lifetimes? At some level we need to think collectively. Education is important. It's important for young poor people with potential to have more education opportunities.
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True. There's a lot of work to do.

It's immoral and also stupid for our society to have millions of young and naïve people that are in significant and sometimes debilitating debt because they wanted to become more educated. Young people have been preyed upon by scumbag lenders and it needs to be stopped and corrected if we want our nation to prosper.

The "scumbag lender" in this case is the federal government, which you keep trying to make bigger and more powerful.
It's immoral and also stupid for our society to have millions of young and naïve people that are in significant and sometimes debilitating debt because they wanted to become more educated. Young people have been preyed upon by scumbag lenders and it needs to be stopped and corrected if we want our nation to prosper.
That's a subject worthy of its own separate discussion, but that doesn't mean they deserve to be bailed out by everyone else who never took that debt on in the first place and by those who paid their debts in full already.
The "scumbag lender" in this case is the federal government, which you keep trying to make bigger and more powerful.
We can continue to jerk off and make excuses or we can figure out a way to empower the youth. It'll probably be the former.

Ni hao everybody!
Biden wouldn’t have to drop it if Republicans would back a basic worker right available in the rest of the world

This scam is amongst your fellow DemoKKKrats, dumbass.

Enjoy your student loan forgiveness. Oh, wait, nevermind...
Enjoy your "free college". Oh, wait, nevermind...
Enjoy your paid family leave. Oh, wait, nevermind...

Actually, just put your masks back on and shut the fuck up.
that doesn't mean they deserve to be bailed out by everyone else who never took that debt on in the first place and by those who paid their debts in full already.
I'm not making a moral argument. I'm making a practical argument. It's not about what's fair. It's about the United States staying on top.

EDIT: Let's be real. How many people on this forum will realistically be impacted by the national debt in their lifetimes?
I'm not making a moral argument. I'm making a practical argument. It's not about what's fair. It's about the United States staying on top.

That's the same argument the Statists made for bailing out corporations over ten years ago.
This scam is amongst your fellow DemoKKKrats, dumbass.

Enjoy your student loan forgiveness. Oh, wait, nevermind...
Enjoy your "free college". Oh, wait, nevermind...
Enjoy your paid family leave. Oh, wait, nevermind...

Actually, just put your masks back on and shut the fuck up.
The US used to brag about something called American Exceptionalism
We held ourselves up as an example of human rights and quality of life.

Under Conservatism, that is no longer true
I'm not making a moral argument. I'm making a practical argument. It's not about what's fair. It's about the United States staying on top.

EDIT: And let's be real, how many people on this forum will realistically be impacted by the national debt in their lifetimes?

Why don't you pay off some gender studies major's student loans, then we'll talk.
marvin martian But he's dug in on the top priority of every struggling American CLIMATE CHANGE!! Yes, China Joe has doubled the cost of filling your gas tank, but you will be able to have giant, noisy, oil leaking piece of shit windmills spinning in your town. Low income Democrat voters have been had......AGAIN.

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