Biden drops paid family leave from his monstrous tax and spend bill

Why do some people pay more in taxes than other people will make in five lifetimes? At some level we have to need to think collectively. Education is important. It's important for young poor people with potential to have more education opportunities.

They should pay for that education or work hard (like my daughter) so that her education was paid.

There is another word for "collectively". It's called communism.
They should pay for that education or work hard (like my daughter) so that her education was paid.

There is another word for "collectively". It's called communism.
A lot of people aren't as gifted as your daughter is. Also I bet your daughter would be even more successful if she had gotten more help. We all benefit when the nation is stronger. Focusing on helping young people with their education will empower the nation.

Do you at least see the logic behind what I am saying? You straight up deny collectivist ideas right out of the gate. Fine. Can you at least see how it could possibly be beneficial at a national level?
The US used to brag about something called American Exceptionalism
We held ourselves up as an example of human rights and quality of life.

Under Conservatism, that is no longer true

Yet your "president" just cut student loan forgiveness, "free" college, and paid family leave to make room for more freebies for his billionaire owners. Your cognitive dissonance won't get you out of that one. Enjoy, you voted for this.
Yet your "president" just cut student loan forgiveness, "free" college, and paid family leave to make room for more freebies for his billionaire owners. Your cognitive dissonance won't get you out of that one. Enjoy, you voted for this.
Our President is crafting a bill that can be passed by Congress
Not everything he wants but what he can get

If Republicans would stand up for the American people instead of protecting the wealthy, he would not have to
A lot of people aren't as gifted as your daughter is. Also I bet your daughter would be even more successful if she had gotten more help. We all benefit when the nation is stronger. Focusing on helping young people with their education will empower the nation.

Do you at least see the logic behind what I am saying? You straight up deny collectivist ideas right out of the gate. Fine. Can you at least see how it could possibly be beneficial at a national level?
Yes, and everyone who is capable should fund their own way through school.

Every night I talk to kids who tell me they are going to college. I asked when they started, and they say "soon". Then I ask what they are going to study and the answer is almost always, "I don't know".

These kids will go to school someday and rack up huge bills for me to pay and yet will have nothing to show for it because they weren't ready for college in the first place.
These kids will go to school someday and rack up huge bills for me to pay and yet will have nothing to show for it because they weren't ready for college in the first place.
Are you really going to be the one that ends up being held accountable for the national debt?
Are you really going to be the one that ends up being held accountable for the national debt?
Yes, because the federal budget contains interest payments on that debt.

Are you really such a dumbass that you cannot see what you propose is not sustainable nor fair?
Not everyone belongs in college. If you aren't smart enough to make the grades to get scholarships and grants, maybe college isn't for you. My daughter went to a private college and graduated Magna and didn't owe a dime. What she didn't get through scholarships and grants her mother and I paid for (very little)

The world needs ditch diggers too!!!! And I say that as someone who didn't graduate college. It wasn't for me. Yet I managed to make 75k a year before I retired.

NO ONE OWES YOU A FREE EDUCATION. Earn it, or find another way!!!!!!!
We're going to get outpaced by the Chinese because too many older people are too bitter to let young people have something they didn't have.
FMLA is unpaid leave. Basically job security. They wanted to make it paid leave.
What do you want to bet that the original bill would have covered "family leave" if you adopted a puppy, or a 4th cousin died?

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