Biden economy adds less than half the jobs expected in December.

Only a rube would look at a 3.9% unemployment rate and moan because it didn’t drop to 3.85%. You guys are nuts.
This is what full employment looks like fellas…

Same place you are using to claim the employment numbers sucked. If you use that one you have to use them all. Sucker.
Oh man, way to deflect your source. Almost like how Sleepy joe avoids any tough question from journalists haha
no that looks like millions….over six in fact, unemployed
Economists consider 4% full employment. Anything less and it leads to wage pressure. We are seeing increases. I’d suggest the number of people looking is really small right now. Jobs are everywhere.
Just like when Obama was president, the numbers were never good enough. Then Trump got in and the numbers got a tiny bit better because of a huge tax break to everyone but then quickly went right back to Obama level numbers. Trump mocked Obama for having under 3% growth. In 2019 Trump had 2.3% growth. And his job numbers per month were no better than Obama's.

U.S. Employers Add 199,000 Jobs As Unemployment Falls To 3.9%​

Businesses are struggling to fill jobs, with many Americans remaining reluctant to return to the workforce.

This is great news. There are 1.5 jobs for every 1 looking for a job. Wages should be going up. Now is the time to look for a better job. Nothing will ever be good enough for Republicans.

White Americans don't want to go back to work and white employers aren't hiring blacks. Maybe we need to invite Mexicans back.
Actually, white unemployment is near an all time low.
If Alabama beats Georgia by half the spread the right wingers would be on here claiming they LOST THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. You guys can be irritating morons.

The Trump economy lost 3 million jobs and produced a paltry 1.3% annualized real GDP growth. The worst numbers since Herbert Hoover.

Overload of Fake News talking points there. Anyway, if it wasn't for the China Virus then the economy would be even greater. Thankfully we are still in the Trump Economy to barely survive right now. But did your Sleepy joe shut down the virus?

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