Biden Energy Department Starts Crackdown On Dishwashers

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm announced new efficiency regulations for dishwashers, beverage vending machines, and electric motors on Friday, the latest of several actions from the Biden administration to decrease power usage and combat climate change.

An announcement contended that the restrictions would decrease expenses for American consumers due to lowered energy consumption. Granholm said the administration is “using all of the tools at our disposal to save Americans money while promoting innovations that will reduce carbon pollution and combat the climate crisis.”

Because nothing decreases expenses for consumers like increased regulations.

New dishwashers imported into the United States beginning in 2027 would have to consume 27% less power and use 34% less water, while more compact models would need to implement a 22% power reduction and an 11% water use reduction, according to an analysis of the proposal released by Bloomberg Law. Energy Department officials estimate that consumers would have to spend $15 more for a new dishwasher but would witness three times as much in energy savings over the appliance’s lifetime.

Awesome. A dishwasher cycle took less than an hour before the reduced water regulations in 2012. Now they can take as long as 3 hours with drastically reduced water flow for a normal cycle to get the dishes as clean as the old ones. Now they are reducing it by another 34%? These things will be trickling water on the dishes all day.

People will end up running a dishwasher a number of times to get the dishes clean whereby using more water.
Also the water used in dishwashers and washers is basically also reclaimed when it flows back to the water treatment plant after use!!
Greenie Dimm's are dumber than dog shit!!
Fear not. It starts in 2027. If uncle trump gets back in office this will long forgotten by 2027.

I'm sure every day he is pre writing something every time the Biden administration pulls some dumb shit like this so when he takes office he can drop a nuclear reactor operator manual sized stack of executive orders on the desk to be signed.
Don't care....I neither asked for nor was given a choice in the matter.

Now go genuflect to your shrine to Big Brother, cuck.

But you are still choosing to and enjoy using all your energy-efficient appliances and modern computer equipment right? I'll wait for your answer.
Fear not. It starts in 2027. If uncle trump gets back in office this will long forgotten by 2027.

I'm sure every day he is pre writing something every time the Biden administration pulls some dumb shit like this so when he takes office he can drop a nuclear reactor operator manual sized stack of executive orders on the desk to be signed.

It's dumb to save consumers money on utility bills? Well do yourself a favor and throw out all your current modern appliances that meet with previous energy efficiency guidelines and buy a bunch of old second hand appliances and out dated computer gear that didn't require that, if you're really that against it. 🤷‍♂️
But you are still choosing to and enjoy using all your energy-efficient appliances and modern computer equipment right? I'll wait for your answer.
Quit acting like your nannyism is doing anyone any favors, Karen.

People will end up running a dishwasher a number of times to get the dishes clean whereby using more water.
Also the water used in dishwashers and washers is basically also reclaimed when it flows back to the water treatment plant after use!!
Greenie Dimm's are dumber than dog shit!!
Like having to flush twice. BTW, it's easy to remove the flow restrictors from showerheads. Life changing.
So you love using energy efficient appliances and electronics. Gotcha, you're a cuck.
Again, just because gubmint did something doesn't mean that it otherwise wouldn't have been done.

You really aren't at all quick on the uptake, Karen.
Again, just because gubmint did something doesn't mean that it otherwise wouldn't have been done.

You really aren't at all quick on the uptake, Karen.

How do you know? Do you have a crystal ball? Did car manufacturers automatically install seat belts in all their cars before the government made them do it? Did companies that produce food automatically make sure all their food was safe before allowing consumers to buy it and eat it without the FDA certifying it? Do all restaurants automatically make sure they have clean kitchens and serving areas without inspections? If you believe all this then you are as gullible as you are dumb. Anyone and everyone will attempt to skirt by any regulation if they think they can get away with it. We see this in this country even with regulations, much less in those without, so we can be absolutely guaranteed very few if any company will do it on their own. And if there is no set standard, they can simply claim they are more energy efficient without having to prove it. This is why we have force companies to meet standards here, to protect consumers. Perhaps you'd love to live somewhere like Pakistan where they don't have any standards whatsoever. Your whole dogma is so stupid and hypocritical because given the choice between two different heaters or washing machines or big screen tvs in your home, you would never choose to buy the less energy efficient one if both were the same quality. You know it, and I know it.

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