Biden expected to release rule on ghost guns in days

here's what you said

My mistake. I forgot your attention span is measured in moments.

Biden wants people to get a background check for a kit that, when fully assembled, creates something that cannot fire a bullet.
And he wants to call it a firearm.

The anti-gun left is clearly --desperate-- for a 'win' on gun control.
I highly doubt this law will have much effect on gun crimes. Crooks and crazies do not follow the law, and if they want a gun they'll get one. Or create a bomb, drive a truck over people, start a fire, whatever. Dead is dead.
Ok. We are back to the beginning. So when s crook steals your pink purse pistol. How will it be returned?
I didn't see anything in Biden's Presentation of Abject Ignorance that had anyting to with the need for serial numbers so stolen guns could be returned.
Is that why he wants to serialize parts kits which create something that cannot fire a bullet?
I didn't see anything in Biden's Presentation of Abject Ignorance that had anyting to with the need for serial numbers so stolen guns could be returned.
Is that why he wants to serialize parts kits which create something that cannot fire a bullet?
Make the guns illegal if stolen don't return stolen guns to the owner.
Ok. We are back to the beginning. So when s crook steals your pink purse pistol. How will it be returned?
Registration has nothing to do with getting firearms back to the owner dumbass. That's not the goal of brandon
Registration has nothing to do with getting firearms back to the owner dumbass. That's not the goal of brandon

I didn’t read anything about Registration. I know your paranoia jumps to that, but it is no different than you buying a gun. It has a serial number. That is like the VIN number on a car, a serial number on the computer you’re sitting before right now. Serial numbers allow stolen items to be returned. It allows stolen items to be identified. They are even inscribing micro serial numbers on diamonds.

All of these are to help you recover your property in case it is stolen. It makes the property even less valuable to the criminals. The items in question are able to be tracked.

Let me put it this way. In a way that you would understand. A Black Guy is found with some items in his house. He claims they are his, and he bought them legally. One of the items is a gun, with no serial number. Prove he didn’t get it legally. Prove he stole it. You can’t. If he is a convicted felon, you might be able to claim he shouldn’t have the gun, but if he isn’t, then under Constitutional Carry he can tote that bad boy all over town and nobody can do anything about it.

On the other hand, it has a serial number. The cops call it in, and well what do you know. It’s stolen. A criminal is taken off the streets, possession of a stolen firearm. Ballistics tests show it was used in a murder. Holy crap Batman. We’ve solved two crimes with one simple arrest.

Now, which do you think is the better way to go? The way that allows criminals to be taken off the streets? Or the way that lets them run around armed without anyone being able to do anything about it?
I didn't see anything in Biden's Presentation of Abject Ignorance that had anyting to with the need for serial numbers so stolen guns could be returned.
Is that why he wants to serialize parts kits which create something that cannot fire a bullet?

Serial numbers allow a lot of investigations. Let’s say that the pistol, a Glock 19, a common pistol, was recovered at the scene of a Homicide where your Wife was killed. Ok, so the ATF gets busy. They ask Glock when was this pistol manufactured. Glock says it was made three years ago, and sold to a distributor. The Distributer says he sent it as part of a shipment to Able Guns of Phoenix. Able Guns says they sold it to John Smith of Phoenix.

John it turns out was a Straw Purchaser. Buying guns legally and then selling them illegally to known criminals. By having the serial number to trace, we are able to shut down pipelines to criminals, getting the guns out of the hands of criminals.

Alternative. The gun found was a ghost gun. Manufactured in some basement, no serial numbers, of a various parts kits. Who sold it? Who bought it? Who used it? Who murdered your wife?

Perhaps the cops will solve the crime with an eyewitness report. Perhaps they’ll get a tip from a snitch. Perhaps they’ll be sitting in the office feeling dumb and the criminal will walk in and confess, his conscience is bothering him.

Probably, there will never be a solution to the crime. No one will ever answer for the death of your Wife or loved one. Just another gun, just another crime, and in a month it’s buried in the bottom of a filing cabinet, to be taken out once a year and marked no new information, case open, no suspects. Then it’s buried back in the bottom of the filing cabinet, to be ignored for another year.

Even the states with the best clearance records for Homicides are averaging about 80%. Most states are far below that, some even down into the low 60’s. That’s right, about half of the murders are unsolved in those states.

So in Wyoming, you would have one chance in five that your loved ones death would be unsolved. In Florida you would have a 34% chance that your Wife’s death would be unsolved.

If we can increase the odds that the cops catch the baddie who murdered your wife just a little, isn’t that worth it? Nobody is saying you can’t own guns. They aren’t saying you can’t buy and sell to your hearts delight. You can have enough firepower in your house to fight off the Chinese Army and I for one don’t care. But the unserialized ghost guns, those aren’t guaranteed under the Second Amendment. Nobody is taking your right to keep and bear arms. And let’s be honest, there aren’t enough cops or soldiers to round up the guns even if they had the gall to pass a law requiring it.

So pull your panties out of your crack, and calm the fuck down.
Serial numbers allow a lot of investigations.
So... where'd you get this "allows stolen guns to be returned" thing?
How often does that happen?
If the gun is used in a crime, its evidence, and rarely gets returned.
So pull your panties out of your crack, and calm the fuck down.
I didn't see youe answer to my question:
Is [returning a stolen gun] why he wants to serialize parts kits which create something that cannot fire a bullet?
OK, let's review. We're talking about ghost guns here, right? A weapon that requires some expertise with a drill press or some other tool to complete the assembly of the gun parts, it ain't like a model airplane where all you need is glue. So,

1. Currently how many shootings occur with these weapons?

2. Crooks and crazies can find a way to get a gun now and this law doesn't change that fact.

3. How many fewer shootings will occur in the future? I'E., will it make a difference?

My answers:

1. Very very few.

2. I don't believe the terrorists, gang members, and nutcases will be denied access to a gun.

3. None and NO.

What we have here is nothing more than a political stunt in an election year. It ain't going to help the democrats one bit.
I didn’t read anything about Registration. I know your paranoia jumps to that, but it is no different than you buying a gun. It has a serial number. That is like the VIN number on a car, a serial number on the computer you’re sitting before right now. Serial numbers allow stolen items to be returned. It allows stolen items to be identified. They are even inscribing micro serial numbers on diamonds.

All of these are to help you recover your property in case it is stolen. It makes the property even less valuable to the criminals. The items in question are able to be tracked.

Let me put it this way. In a way that you would understand. A Black Guy is found with some items in his house. He claims they are his, and he bought them legally. One of the items is a gun, with no serial number. Prove he didn’t get it legally. Prove he stole it. You can’t. If he is a convicted felon, you might be able to claim he shouldn’t have the gun, but if he isn’t, then under Constitutional Carry he can tote that bad boy all over town and nobody can do anything about it.

On the other hand, it has a serial number. The cops call it in, and well what do you know. It’s stolen. A criminal is taken off the streets, possession of a stolen firearm. Ballistics tests show it was used in a murder. Holy crap Batman. We’ve solved two crimes with one simple arrest.

Now, which do you think is the better way to go? The way that allows criminals to be taken off the streets? Or the way that lets them run around armed without anyone being able to do anything about it?
What in the fuck would you need a serial number for? You do know the ATF has admitted they are keeping records of all 4473 forms?
So... where'd you get this "allows stolen guns to be returned" thing?
How often does that happen?
If the gun is used in a crime, its evidence, and rarely gets returned.

I didn't see youe answer to my question:
Is [returning a stolen gun] why he wants to serialize parts kits which create something that cannot fire a bullet?

Tracking the path of the gun. That is the purpose of the serial number.

Where and when was it made. I thought it was explained in my scenario. I see it was a little too nuanced for you. My error.

Tell you what. Convince me that a gun without a serial number is vital to the Second Amendment.
What in the fuck would you need a serial number for? You do know the ATF has admitted they are keeping records of all 4473 forms?

Ok. So?

There are an estimated three hundred million guns. An estimated 100 million gun owners. There are a total of 3 million cops. That is badge carrying people with the powers of arrest. That is federal, state, county, and local. I’d say the gun owners have them outnumbered by a substantial percentage wouldn’t you?

Oh. The military. Great. Another three million including national guard and reserve. About 90% of which are not combat arms. They’re clerks and medical and administrative and logistics.

I’m not sure what the laundry guys on the Carrier Abraham Lincoln are going to do, but whatever.

So the odds of these cops coming around and rounding up everyone’s guns is realistically. Nil. The absolute worst case is banning new sales of certain types of weapons. Say semi automatic rifles.

Let’s be honest for a moment. Who do you think is going to do the most damage to the cops in that case? A yahoo with an AR-15 or a guy with a high power bolt action and an ATV?

If the gun owners first on the list just kill one cop each they will run out of people in about a week.

So honestly. Your guns are safe.

Speaking for myself. I’d be way more worried about the guy with a big rifle who can hit a target at a thousand yards. Chances are you probably wouldn’t hear the shot. Ever. Even if you was your buddy who got the bullet.

Trump banned Bump Stocks. And I didn’t hear shit from you Second Amendment folks about how awful it was.
Ok. So?

There are an estimated three hundred million guns. An estimated 100 million gun owners. There are a total of 3 million cops. That is badge carrying people with the powers of arrest. That is federal, state, county, and local. I’d say the gun owners have them outnumbered by a substantial percentage wouldn’t you?

Oh. The military. Great. Another three million including national guard and reserve. About 90% of which are not combat arms. They’re clerks and medical and administrative and logistics.

I’m not sure what the laundry guys on the Carrier Abraham Lincoln are going to do, but whatever.

So the odds of these cops coming around and rounding up everyone’s guns is realistically. Nil. The absolute worst case is banning new sales of certain types of weapons. Say semi automatic rifles.

Let’s be honest for a moment. Who do you think is going to do the most damage to the cops in that case? A yahoo with an AR-15 or a guy with a high power bolt action and an ATV?

If the gun owners first on the list just kill one cop each they will run out of people in about a week.

So honestly. Your guns are safe.

Speaking for myself. I’d be way more worried about the guy with a big rifle who can hit a target at a thousand yards. Chances are you probably wouldn’t hear the shot. Ever. Even if you was your buddy who got the bullet.

Trump banned Bump Stocks. And I didn’t hear shit from you Second Amendment folks about how awful it was.
You may want to get better talking poins
In 2020, there were 696,644 full-time law enforcement officers employed in the United States. The number of full-time law enforcement officers reached a peak in 2008 with 708,569 officers, and hit a low in 2013 with 626,942 officers.
Have you ever heard of posse comitatus?
FYI local law enforcement will I repeat will not allow the feds to grab guns around here in my neck of the woods
And another FYI I am a certified police marksman
So I maybe that guy from a distance
You may want to get better talking poins
In 2020, there were 696,644 full-time law enforcement officers employed in the United States. The number of full-time law enforcement officers reached a peak in 2008 with 708,569 officers, and hit a low in 2013 with 626,942 officers.
Have you ever heard of posse comitatus?
FYI local law enforcement will I repeat will not allow the feds to grab guns around here in my neck of the woods
And another FYI I am a certified police marksman
So I maybe that guy from a distance

So what you are saying is that my points are valid because there are fewer cops than even I assume? So no chance to get those guns?

So join the other fellow and pull your panties out of your crack.

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