Biden Failure on the Border

" Social Security Totalization And Back Charging TCO Assets For National Expenditures To Surrogate "

* Importing Foreign Nationals Without Predisposition That Return To Nation Of Origin Is Expected *

Abolish your socialism on an international basis known as your drug war, and help those nations develop their economies so their people want to stay there.
The bases of methamphetamine are available in latin american , as are coca , and privateers of monetary exploit are maintained in a region and all understand the stakes in the contest .

The socialism of a legal system structured around compensation for interdiction is an institution that is not single sided in its purposes .

The only reason the left are pushing for open borders is out of a history for a religion of secular humanism that is more sanctimonious than pro life advocates , as the left promotes the antiquated and banal emphasis on the volume of labor and its movement to state capitalism and earnings managed by bureaucrats that does not incluede labor in its focus on the utility of domestic industry to be globally competitive .

Neoclassical economics uses the utility theory of value, which states that the value of a good is determined by the marginal utility experienced by the user. This is one of the main distinguishing factors between neoclassical economics and other earlier economic theories, such as Classical and Marxian, which use the labor theory of value that value is determined by the labor required for production [16]

The us should be back charging to countries the social security totalization costs .

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China Joe is not your friend. Missouri has a Chinese-made fentanyl problem. What’s moving across both borders is likely Chinese fentanyl.
" Social Security Totalization And Back Charging TCO Assets For National Expenditures To Surrogate "

* Importing Foreign Nationals Without Predisposition That Return To Nation Of Origin Is Expected *

Abolish your socialism on an international basis known as your drug war, and help those nations develop their economies so their people want to stay there.
The bases of methamphetamine are available in latin american , as are coca , and privateers of monetary exploit are maintained in a region and all understand the stakes in the contest .

The socialism of a legal system structured around compensation for interdiction is an institution that is not single sided in its purposes .

The only reason the left are pushing for open borders is out of a history for a religion of secular humanism that is more sanctimonious than pro life advocates , as the left promotes the antiquated and banal emphasis on the volume of labor and its movement to state capitalism and earnings managed by bureaucrats that does not incluede labor in its focus on the utility of domestic industry to be globally competitive .

Neoclassical economics uses the utility theory of value, which states that the value of a good is determined by the marginal utility experienced by the user. This is one of the main distinguishing factors between neoclassical economics and other earlier economic theories, such as Classical and Marxian, which use the labor theory of value that value is determined by the labor required for production [16]

The us should be back charging to countries the social security totalization costs .

Only right wingers insist on repeating the historical mistake of Prohibition while alleging they are not really like that in political threads.
" More Excuses For Why Latin American Incompetence Is Our Damned Business "

* Communists Without A God Damned Clue *
Only right wingers insist on repeating the historical mistake of Prohibition while alleging they are not really like that in political threads.
Your bent is to make up any excuse to facilitate an invasion while secretly violating separation between church and state .

So, why are the Catholic bishops pushing so hard both to defend illegal immigration and to stop the building of a wall along the United States’ southern border? The ugly reality is that they're receiving tens of millions of dollars from the government on those specific issues, thus calling into question their altruism.

You see, our government doles out billions of dollars to organizations and charities that settle refugees and aid illegal immigrants. If our illegal immigration problem suddenly went away, then there would be no reason to fund groups such as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, BCFS Health and Human Services (a Baptist group), Catholic Charities, or Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Service.

Already in 2018, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has been awarded $26 million in taxpayer funding for the purposes of resettling refugees and providing support to illegal immigrants. Here is the link to the data.
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" More Excuses For Why Latin American Incompetence Is Our Damned Business "

* Communists Without A God Damned Clue *

Only right wingers insist on repeating the historical mistake of Prohibition while alleging they are not really like that in political threads.
Your bent is to make up any excuse to facilitate an invasion while secretly violating separation between church and state .

So, why are the Catholic bishops pushing so hard both to defend illegal immigration and to stop the building of a wall along the United States’ southern border? The ugly reality is that they're receiving tens of millions of dollars from the government on those specific issues, thus calling into question their altruism.

You see, our government doles out billions of dollars to organizations and charities that settle refugees and aid illegal immigrants. If our illegal immigration problem suddenly went away, then there would be no reason to fund groups such as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, BCFS Health and Human Services (a Baptist group), Catholic Charities, or Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Service.

Already in 2018, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has been awarded $26 million in taxpayer funding for the purposes of resettling refugees and providing support to illegal immigrants. Here is the link to the data.
Why are those who doth protest too much such hypocrites?

" When Lying Is Undone By Its Own Reference "

* The Source For Hypocrites Obviously Left Wing News Refusing To Cover Competent Objectives *
Why are those who doth protest too much such hypocrites?
The Trump administration’s goal of reducing overstay rates is in line with its pledge to cut overall illegal immigration. As Hogan Gidley, a White House spokesman, told the Associated Press: “It is a top priority” for the president. But, even if the administration’s efforts are effective, they are unlikely to garner headlines.
" When Lying Is Undone By Its Own Reference "

* The Source For Hypocrites Obviously Left Wing News Refusing To Cover Competent Objectives *

Why are those who doth protest too much such hypocrites?
The Trump administration’s goal of reducing overstay rates is in line with its pledge to cut overall illegal immigration. As Hogan Gidley, a White House spokesman, told the Associated Press: “It is a top priority” for the president. But, even if the administration’s efforts are effective, they are unlikely to garner headlines.
Illegal is illegal.

These immigrants, who enter countries legally on student, tourist, or work visas and then stay past their visa’s expiration date, are often overlooked in the discussion of illegal immigration. But in the past 10 years, visa overstays in the United States have outnumbered border crossings by a ratio of about 2 to 1, according to Robert Warren, who was for a decade the director of the statistics division at the agency that has since been renamed U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and who is now a senior visiting fellow at the Center for Migration Studies, a New York–based organization.
Right wingers only have a problem with less fortunate refugees while alleging they have morals in abortion threads.
" People Hoarders Want Consternation "

* Seek Mental Help *
Right wingers only have a problem with less fortunate refugees while alleging they have morals in abortion threads.
Pro choice republican here .

None of your blathering excuses change a fact that bid in policies on the border , on legal and illegal immigration , are orchestrated by a categorical dumb ass .
" Propaganda And Lying By The Left Are Typical "

* Mindless Response As A Different Answer Was Rendered *
Illegal is illegal.
Are you literate in the english language or simply proving the stupidity of those neglecting to recognize that the trump administration included over stayed visas as part of a comprehensive plan to correct illegal immigration problem ?

When individuals over stay their visa there are consequences in the legal immigration system that prohibits them from petitioning for citizenship and could prohibit from further entry into the us.

The the mentally retarded hoarders of people on the left do not want accountability or demand for illegal immigrants to be returned to their nation of origin , the left wants all illegal immigrants to be coddled and naturalized .

So the left can shut their pie holes about global warming as long as their plan is to promote over population .
" People Hoarders Want Consternation "

* Seek Mental Help *

Right wingers only have a problem with less fortunate refugees while alleging they have morals in abortion threads.
Pro choice republican here .

None of your blathering excuses change a fact that bid in policies on the border , on legal and illegal immigration , are orchestrated by a categorical dumb ass .
Nobody takes right wingers, like You, seriously about morals. All y'all know how to do is practice the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) not bear true witness or resort to the fewest fallacies. Show us the express, Immigration clause in our federal Constituiton, false Christian, false witness bearing Right-Winger.
" Propaganda And Lying By The Left Are Typical "

* Mindless Response As A Different Answer Was Rendered *

Illegal is illegal.
Are you literate in the english language or simply proving the stupidity of those neglecting to recognize that the trump administration included over stayed visas as part of a comprehensive plan to correct illegal immigration problem ?

When individuals over stay their visa there are consequences in the legal immigration system that prohibits them from petitioning for citizenship and could prohibit from further entry into the us.

The the mentally retarded hoarders of people on the left do not want accountability or demand for illegal immigrants to be returned to their nation of origin , the left wants all illegal immigrants to be coddled and naturalized .

So the left can shut their pie holes about global warming as long as their plan is to promote over population .
Your problem is that people trying to cross the border on foot could be refugees, not merely overstaying a visa, which is also illegal.
" Catholic Charities And Us Government Criminal Collaboration "

* Witless Trolling With An Asinine Apostolic Agenda "
Your problem is that people trying to cross the border on foot could be refugees, not merely overstaying a visa, which is also illegal.
The following is the problem in this thread -

* Domestic Terrorists Against Us Citizen Sovereignty *
Nobody takes right wingers, like You, seriously about morals. All y'all know how to do is practice the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) not bear true witness or resort to the fewest fallacies. Show us the express, Immigration clause in our federal Constituiton, false Christian, false witness bearing Right-Winger.
The only abomination before gawd is the facility of suffering and grief created by poverty and slums brought on by the dementia of puritanical ascetics on government payroll who pander the sanctimonious tripe of chastity while failing to provide fair warning about over population , carrying capacity , and limits of natural resources in closed systems .

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