Biden Finally Comes Up With A Plan

Yes, and he's managed them all better than anyone could have imagined. He's also managed to work on more than one thing at a time which is something that Donald Trump could never do.

Did you see all of those Republicans giving Biden standing ovation after standing ovation last night? Clapping and cheering Biden's accomplishments.

More people air lifted out of Afghanistan that in history.

Most jobs created in the first year in history.

Unemployment below 4%

NATO reunified and strengthened.

Immigration services restored at Southern Border.

Relationships rebuilt with your allies.

500 million shots in arms.

Millions lifted out of poverty.
No wonder I can't find kool-aid in the grocery.
Yes, President Biden has had to deal with one crisis after another. That’s what the job of being president is all about.

Contrary to the lies you continue to believe and promote, Biden has done a very good job in dealing with all of these situations.

His job in reuniting NATO and the allied forces in response to the Russian invasion of the Ukraine is quite remarkable. But you continue to promote anti-American Russian propaganda and lies about Joe Biden and it needs to end.

Americans are richer now thanks to Biden. The stock market is higher. They had six months of child tax benefits which went into their bank accounts and pay their bills. Millions who had fallen into poverty under the Donald Trump presidency, we’re lifted from poverty by Joe Biden.

Trump crashed the economy. Just like W crashed the economy. Just like Reagan crashed the economy. Working Americans end up poorer at the end of every Republican presidency and yet you fools continue to believe that a Republican administration is better for the economy.

How stupid are you to believe these lies?
Biden has created almost all of his problems.
Really, because I look at 2021 as a FAR better year than 2020 was.

no riots. no recession. Covid under control in the Blue states.. (The Red states don't believe in that science stuff, proving Darwin right.)
Hyper Inflation
Border Crisis
Kids mental health in the toilet
War in Ukraine
Homeless crisis
Crime on the rise

37% approval rating
Yes, and he's managed them all better than anyone could have imagined. He's also managed to work on more than one thing at a time which is something that Donald Trump could never do.

Did you see all of those Republicans giving Biden standing ovation after standing ovation last night? Clapping and cheering Biden's accomplishments.

More people air lifted out of Afghanistan that in history.

Most jobs created in the first year in history.

Unemployment below 4%

NATO reunified and strengthened.

Immigration services restored at Southern Border.

Relationships rebuilt with your allies.

500 million shots in arms.

Millions lifted out of poverty.
Honk honk honk
Biden should of just walked up said, 'Russia bad,, I got nothing' and saved us all an hour.

There is absolutely nothing good about the Russia oligarchy right now. Their President is an evil idiot who is committing war crimes. Their athletes are doped to the gills, and cheating. They are stealing from their own people, and spreading crime and corruption throughout the world. They are corrupt and dishonest.

Right now, the rest of the world is "cancelling" Russia's access to white western civilization, until they clean up their act.

This the ultimate "cancel culture" moment.
Been to a grocery store lately? Fill up with gas to drive to work? Oh, my bad.

Did you think that when you stopped the illegal immigrants from coming in and working on your farms and food processing plants that prices wouldn't go up?????? Or did you think that the cheap food was a magical reward for being an American?
Yes, President Biden has had to deal with one crisis after another. That’s what the job of being president is all about.

Contrary to the lies you continue to believe and promote, Biden has done a very good job in dealing with all of these situations.

His job in reuniting NATO and the allied forces in response to the Russian invasion of the Ukraine is quite remarkable. But you continue to promote anti-American Russian propaganda and lies about Joe Biden and it needs to end.

Americans are richer now thanks to Biden. The stock market is higher. They had six months of child tax benefits which went into their bank accounts and pay their bills. Millions who had fallen into poverty under the Donald Trump presidency, we’re lifted from poverty by Joe Biden.

Trump crashed the economy. Just like W crashed the economy. Just like Reagan crashed the economy. Working Americans end up poorer at the end of every Republican presidency and yet you fools continue to believe that a Republican administration is better for the economy.

How stupid are you to believe these lies?
Lol, reunited NATO? It's a wonder what our money does, isn't it?
Did you think that when you stopped the illegal immigrants from coming in and working on your farms and food processing plants that prices wouldn't go up?????? Or did you think that the cheap food was a magical reward for being an American?
There are more illegals crossing our border, than ever has. Prices are going up. You're an idiot.
The Xiden admin has been one crisis after another.....Americans are poorer now because of Xiden. Your excuses and deflection of blame just highlight how weak of a leader he is, and typical dembot cult procedure
She's a stinking Canadian with nose problems. She and her ilk let Turdeau screw up their country and now they're coming after ours.
There is absolutely nothing good about the Russia oligarchy right now. Their President is an evil idiot who is committing war crimes. Their athletes are doped to the gills, and cheating. They are stealing from their own people, and spreading crime and corruption throughout the world. They are corrupt and dishonest.

Right now, the rest of the world is "cancelling" Russia's access to white western civilization, until they clean up their act.

This the ultimate "cancel culture" moment.
Putin forced into a corner and made a global laughing stock.
What's he got to lose?

Honk honk honk
Honk Honk, good point.

Open up the strategic oil reserves......30 million says he has to replace it.......that will come off the top of our existing supply chain, causing even higher prices due to shortages at the pump. Filling it up at $100 a barrel.
Ummmmmmmmmmm, even democrats are jumping off the Titanic instead of running for re-election in the upcoming midterms. Even democrats realize Republicans will be taking over the House. If they themselves can see that, why can't you? By the way, it wasn't just Virginia. Biden's speech was laughable. With like 70%-80% of Americans believing the country is headed in the wrong direction, Biden's plan is to stay the course and tell Americans to be optimistic. I especially loved how he claimed to be the bipartisan president voters wanted him to be while holding hands with the Progressives.

Most of the Democrats retiring are from safe districts... so that doesn't mean all that much.

I'm old enough to have seen both parties declared dead more than Jason Vorhees...
Most of the Democrats retiring are from safe districts... so that doesn't mean all that much.

I'm old enough to have seen both parties declared dead more than Jason Vorhees...
Biden is not a popular president at all. With the media on his side, your party is done for a while. Oh and please continue to blame Trump!
I work two jobs and run a rental property... I probably have m ore than you do.

But to the point--- I didn't buy a big fucking gas guzzler, so the price of gasoline doesn't really effect me.
So if it doesn't effect you, it's all good. I thought you worthless leftist traitors were more sympathetic towards your fellow man.

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