Biden flubs the offering collection at the token black church he attended this weekend.

The jokes just keep writing themselves with this guy. Seems he had no idea what to do with his offering. ROFL.

Two words: Nuclear codes.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301: :laugh::laugh:

Biden cannot seem to "REMEMBER" to do anything right.
It's so sad, as well, Biden still could not do it after the black pastor told him what to do. He just stood there frozen!

They eventually had to take Biden by the hand and walk him over to the offering plate and just about make Biden put the money they had just give him into the offering.
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Joe was probably trying to figure out what his 10% came to, fucking lowlife that he is.

Hey Joe, the Big Guy is suppose to get 10%, and no, you are not the Big Guy.
And looks who's throwing a tantrum over a bible hustler. :crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying:
Trump signing Bibles, wasn't his greatest moment, I'll give you that one. You see, I am able to admit when my candidate screws up and that he's not perfect. Find me a single democrat who can do the same with Biden.
The jokes just keep writing themselves with this guy. Seems he had no idea what to do with his offering. ROFL.

Two words: Nuclear codes.

Black churches... where people go who dont really want to spend too much time listening to sermons. Its more about just singing and dancing. Im surprised they havent also built rollercoasters and go-kart tracks at their churches. Maybe get a strip club section for the dads? :dunno:

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