Biden for President

Biden was in the White House for 8 long years with Obama and they accomplished a whole lotta nothing!
He's a war hawk just like his two best friends in the Senate who all voted for the Iraq War and the Patriot Act and the Bush tax cuts .

rip Senator McCain.
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I like this Man. he's well spoken and well educated and experienced. This is what we need as a President.

BIDEN 2020? Former VP Joe Biden is visiting the key swing state of Pennsylvania. He's in Philadelphia, joining a discussion on global affairs at the University of Pennsylvania.

Well, at least he'd be better than Trump. Hillary would be much better.

Hillary is dead politically. How about staying on point.

Ginsberg is dead literally.... But she's still making news.

I like this Man. he's well spoken and well educated and experienced. This is what we need as a President.

BIDEN 2020? Former VP Joe Biden is visiting the key swing state of Pennsylvania. He's in Philadelphia, joining a discussion on global affairs at the University of Pennsylvania.

Well, at least he'd be better than Trump. Hillary would be much better.

Hillary is dead politically. How about staying on point.

Ginsberg is dead literally.... But she's still making news.


You've still got Roberts who is not as far right as everyone thought, and an aging black man named Clarence Thomas who may be softening on some social views.
The 3 most conservative Justices will be Gorsuch, Alito and Kavanaugh, which leaves Kagan, Sotomayor , Breyer and Ginsberg who's only 85...I don't see any serious shift to the right yet.

If I were a black liberal, I would be hailed, I guess. But I'm not. I mean, I think for myself. I want to make my own decisions.
Clarence Thomas
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I like this Man. he's well spoken and well educated and experienced. This is what we need as a President.

BIDEN 2020? Former VP Joe Biden is visiting the key swing state of Pennsylvania. He's in Philadelphia, joining a discussion on global affairs at the University of Pennsylvania.

He’s an elitist asshole, like nearly all our leading politicians.

The VIP veep: Joe Biden gets rock star treatment at his $150K gig in Fort Lauderdale

And you think that real gold facets used by Trump isn't an elitest Asshole? So he's an elitist. Yes, and so are many like him. But he is also a very knowledgable elitist that is better qualified than your Orange Deity.
Joe Biden will lose for the same reasons that he never got anywhere in the past. He is a weak candidate. There is no way Clinton doesn't run. She can crush this field without a breaking a sweat. She can raise the money and AOC and the rest will quickly fall in line once the real contender enters the room.
I like this Man. he's well spoken and well educated and experienced. This is what we need as a President.

BIDEN 2020? Former VP Joe Biden is visiting the key swing state of Pennsylvania. He's in Philadelphia, joining a discussion on global affairs at the University of Pennsylvania.

That Moron along with Obama sent $150 Billion dollars to the biggest Terrorist State in The World.

He also allowed ISIS to form and allowed Terrorist Cells to grow.
He also along with Obama is responsible for the biggest deficits ever run during and administration.

He is also responsible along with Obama for creating a hostile and divisive atmosphere and for starting a war on law enforcement.

And lastly, he presided over the worst economy we have seen for a very long time.

Plus he gropes little girls and is senile.

The man literally has no accomplishments to even speak of. He is an empty suit.

That 150 mil was not given by the US. It was funds seized that belonged to Iran which was unfrozen as per the agreement. They had no choice but to release it. Stop making shit up.
Joe Biden will lose for the same reasons that he never got anywhere in the past. He is a weak candidate. There is no way Clinton doesn't run. She can crush this field without a breaking a sweat. She can raise the money and AOC and the rest will quickly fall in line once the real contender enters the room.

There you go again with fantasy. AOC cannot be elected even if she were to get 100% of the Electoral vote and 100% of the popular vote. She's 29. Damn, doesn't reality ever get in the way of your making shit up?
Joe Biden will lose for the same reasons that he never got anywhere in the past. He is a weak candidate. There is no way Clinton doesn't run. She can crush this field without a breaking a sweat. She can raise the money and AOC and the rest will quickly fall in line once the real contender enters the room.

There you go again with fantasy. AOC cannot be elected even if she were to get 100% of the Electoral vote and 100% of the popular vote. She's 29. Damn, doesn't reality ever get in the way of your making shit up?

I never said AOC would run for President. But, her far left proposals will be a problem the Dem nominee would have to deal with, or pay the price. HRC would have her in line very quickly, supporting Clintons agenda, not her own.
Joe Biden will lose for the same reasons that he never got anywhere in the past. He is a weak candidate. There is no way Clinton doesn't run. She can crush this field without a breaking a sweat. She can raise the money and AOC and the rest will quickly fall in line once the real contender enters the room.

There you go again with fantasy. AOC cannot be elected even if she were to get 100% of the Electoral vote and 100% of the popular vote. She's 29. Damn, doesn't reality ever get in the way of your making shit up?

I never said AOC would run for President. But, her far left proposals will be a problem the Dem nominee would have to deal with, or pay the price. HRC would have her in line very quickly, supporting Clintons agenda, not her own.

The way around that is for Biden to ignore it. While the new Green Deal has some good points, it has some fantasy in it as well. You throw the whole thing out and look like an idiot. Those that want the whole thing right now look like idiots. The rest of us want what is reasonable and can be had one step at a time. So Biden needs to just ignore it so he doesn't piss off the extreme left and that is going to piss off the extreme right Strump Gomers.
Joe Biden will lose for the same reasons that he never got anywhere in the past. He is a weak candidate. There is no way Clinton doesn't run. She can crush this field without a breaking a sweat. She can raise the money and AOC and the rest will quickly fall in line once the real contender enters the room.

There you go again with fantasy. AOC cannot be elected even if she were to get 100% of the Electoral vote and 100% of the popular vote. She's 29. Damn, doesn't reality ever get in the way of your making shit up?

I never said AOC would run for President. But, her far left proposals will be a problem the Dem nominee would have to deal with, or pay the price. HRC would have her in line very quickly, supporting Clintons agenda, not her own.

The way around that is for Biden to ignore it. While the new Green Deal has some good points, it has some fantasy in it as well. You throw the whole thing out and look like an idiot. Those that want the whole thing right now look like idiots. The rest of us want what is reasonable and can be had one step at a time. So Biden needs to just ignore it so he doesn't piss off the extreme left and that is going to piss off the extreme right Strump Gomers.
I would never vote for him.

He is not for a balanced budget, small government, bringing ALL the troops home immediately, cutting the defense budget by 1/3 minimum, removing cash-handout social programs (and opening regional, government shelters instead) and sensible gun control.

Plus, he gives me the creeps (politically).

But if he gives Trump the boot...power to him.

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