Biden Freezes When Reporter Asks, “Will People Who Have Privately Held Loans, Will They at Some Point become Eligible for Loan Forgiveness?”

How does it destroy their lives? They borrow, on average, around $30,000, and that enables them to get a college education which, if the right major is pursued, will have them earn $1 million more over their lifetimes than a high school graduate. Good investment.

Perhaps loans should only be made to those with a marketable major - engineering, accounting, that type of thing - and kids who want to major in Ethnic Studies and General Studies have to pay for it on their own.

Are you trying to belittle my degree is Lesbian Barbecue Recipes from Harvard?
Especially if I could get a politician to trap the taxpayers into paying me.

If you think interest payments destroy lives ... then don't take any from your bank for savings.
Meh you're just an old fucking wishing as much misery on people as you feel yourself
Absolutely republicans have contempt for education. Education and exposure to other opinions and ways of life are the gravest threats to the religious fundamentalism that owns your party.
Oh, and I wouldn’t talk about “exposure to other opinions”. YOUR party cancels and censors any opinion hat doesn’t echo the far-left narrative.
Are you trying to belittle my degree is Lesbian Barbecue Recipes from Harvard?
YES. You were foolish not to get the Black Lesbian Immigrant Barbecue Recipes. You can’t do anything with a generalist degree.
Oh, and I wouldn’t talk about “exposure to other opinions”. YOUR party cancels and censors any opinion hat doesn’t echo the far-left narrative.
Your sad crybaby bullshit makes you sound even more pathetic to me. You'll hear someone's voice every single day, and still somehow claim they've been cancelled. Fuck yourself.
YES. You were foolish not to get the Black Lesbian Immigrant Barbecue Recipes. You can’t do anything with a generalist degree.


Truth be told, the head hunters haven't exactly been beating down my door.

The other day I had to use the free WiFi at Starbucks to actually send out a few resumes ... I expect replies any day now.

Any entity that makes massive loans to 17 year olds without doing the due diligence of determining whether they'll ever be able to pay it back should shoulder the cost

I agree entirely

The Department of Education should definitely eliminate the student loan guarantees and give lenders the full authority to determine credit worthiness and the amount of interest that ought be charged as well as co-signer and collateral requirements.
I didn't loan them the money--and wouldn't. Why am I being forced to pay it back. I didn't take the loan nor did I get the education--I just got the bill. YOU shoulder the cost with your money. Stay out of my pocket.
Exactly! When these ignorant leftists say the lender should shoulder the cost, they don’t realize that the lender is the U.S. taxpayer, forced to lend money to students for useless degrees.
to stop predatory home lending.
Ever hear of caveat emptor? If you are so stupid that you can't make these kind of decisions, then you shouldn't be signing your name for the loans, moron. Your mommy isn't the government or the banks. If she had done her job you wouldn't be presenting this asinine argument.
You'll have to provide an argument as to why these private loans are as egregious as the predatory student loans that entrap children.

So every student in the entire country has a predatory loan?
Your Leftist feeeeeellllliiiinngggsss are not facts.
You’ll have to provide proof those who took loans were forced to sign for them. Good luck.
And this gove
Any entity that makes massive loans to 17 year olds without doing the due diligence of determining whether they'll ever be able to pay it back should shoulder the cost

And this government that makes these predatory loans is the same government YOU trust to tell you what car you should drive, how you should power your home, tells you how much you should pay your employees etc...
This government is also the reason that tuitions and health care are so high in the first place. They F'ed up everything in society they have tried to manipulate.
Meh you're just an old fucking wishing as much misery on people as you feel yourself
And you're good with quid pro quo, right? I mean, what else could it be in an election year
and getting in front of a camera with 3 weeks before the election? You and I
both know you aren't this naïve.

Biden knows that this isn't going to fly in the courts. This amount of tax payers money (400 billion-1 trillion)
needs to go through Congress. EO's were never established to bypass Congress at this scale. Not even for King Joe
Absolutely republicans have contempt for education. Education and exposure to other opinions and ways of life are the gravest threats to the religious fundamentalism that owns your party.

When liberal professors stop persecuting their students who hold different political ideas, when they stop encouraging their students to protest speakers on campus who have these OTHER ideas your talking about, get back to us. But I think it will be a long wait.
You'll have to provide an argument as to why these private loans are as egregious as the predatory student loans that entrap children.
It seems they could lower the interest rate to a non predatory amount and have them pay, right?
I mean, do they have to get rid of the principal amount to get rid of the predatory interest rate?
I'm sure you and I could agree on that, right?

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