Biden Freezes When Reporter Asks, “Will People Who Have Privately Held Loans, Will They at Some Point become Eligible for Loan Forgiveness?”

I fully expect a refund of my and my husband's college loans we paid off... early I might add
It seems they could lower the interest rate to a non predatory amount and have them pay, right?
I mean, do they have to get rid of the principal amount to get rid of the predatory interest rate?
I'm sure you and I could agree on that, right?
What’s predatory about a 4.99% rate - which is the 2022 rate for Stafford Federal Loans? The average credit card is 22%.
What’s predatory about a 4.99% rate - which is the 2022 rate for Stafford Federal Loans? The average credit card is 22%.
Lisa, I couldn't agree with you more. I'm just using their BS jargon to get to the meat and potatoes
of this argument. It isn't predatory, it never was, it's buying their votes in this election because the
democrats have nothing else, the abortion push failed, Jan 6 failed, and so it's free money for their vote.
I was just leading him into his corner where he had no where to turn. :auiqs.jpg:
Lisa, I couldn't agree with you more. I'm just using their BS jargon to get to the meat and potatoes
of this argument. It isn't predatory, it never was, it's buying their votes in this election because the
democrats have nothing else, the abortion push failed, Jan 6 failed, and so it's free money for their vote.
I was just leading him into his corner where he had no where to turn. :auiqs.jpg:
He told me to fuck myself. He’s a nasty piece of work.

But for more data, not only is the interest rate a very reasonable 5%, but the average student debt of a recent college graduate is $30,000. It’s not such an onerous obligation, and it’s a great investment in one’s future. We need to stop crying about these $200,000 families having to pay a few hundred dollars a month on their debt.

It‘s all a ploy to buy votes, anyway, as you say. What Biden and the libs don’t get is that they are angering MORE voters - the majority who didn’t go to college - who now have to pay the price for this.
Any entity that makes massive loans to 17 year olds without doing the due diligence of determining whether they'll ever be able to pay it back should shoulder the cost
Are you a Wizard? What brand of crystal ball are you using?

That said I would agree that certain "wanker" degrees should not be eligible for .gov backed loans. You know like a degree for inclusion and diversity, gender studies, and the like.....

The only ones that should be eligible should be STEM degrees given how the world is eating our lunch in those areas. That's where the tax-payer investment should be since we are forced into it.

You can bet all those chi-com "students" you see attending US Universities these days are not working towards some bogus STEAM degree.

Speaking of which the leftists came up with STEAM degrees slipping the A for "arts" in there and that is where your bogus lending comes into play.....No doubt a big money maker for universities since the tax-payer is footing the ever increasing bills.

Blah....It would just be best for the .gov to bow-out and let the free market decide on risk vs reward when it comes to student loans.....Make trade schools great again. ;)
Then you are a rarity in your party. And an even bigger piece of shit than the ignorant fundies, because you fight to increase misery intentionally.

Poor Augusta. You’ve been so groomed to hate republicans your anger and hate controls your life.
That’s misery.
You'll have to provide an argument as to why these private loans are as egregious as the predatory student loans that entrap children.
You mean those "children" that can drive, smoke pot, buy condoms, get married, get abortions, decide what sex they wish to be? You mean those innocent naïve children?

If they want to be treated as adults they should suffer the consequences of adult decisions.

Yet, for some reason....all of a sudden....they are children.
Would you loan a child hundreds of thousands of dollars without knowing anything about them or their future? I bet you would in a system that will destroy their lives so that you could get those interest payments.
Evidently if their old enough for a sex change, they must be old enough for a sizeable loan.
This is just the government saying "okay well, you took our re-education camp, here's a token of our appreciation.....Vote dem."
Even worse.…it’s the first step toward making the indoctrination camp free: come enjoy a four-year party while you take classes on “The Problem of Whiteness” and “Why Israel is the Worst Country in the World” and “the Reason Migrants who break into our country illegally should be put in $400 hotel rooms, with the taxpayer who couldn’t afford the room for himself paying for it.”
A fiat currency causes so many distortions when abused. The real rulers of the world call gold and silver backing of a currency a barbarous relic. Yet they own a lot of gold and silver themselves. The prices are artificially kept low. The Federal Reserve is a private bank owned by globalists. If we kept a Fiat Currency but it was owned by the people of the United States kicking the owners of the Federal Reserve out, we may be able to make interest rates simpler for different avenues of loans.
You'll have to provide an argument as to why these private loans are as egregious as the predatory student loans that entrap children.

Such a drama queen you are.

Someone earning $120K a year would have $10,000 in college loan debt "forgiven".

That's a crock of shit, especially when you consider that someone earning $120Ka year should have no problem paying back a $10K loan.

Is Biden planning on forgiving debt incurred by those who went to a trade school? Of course not. Because those people learned an actual skill and have good paying jobs as a result...
Such a drama queen you are.

Someone earning $120K a year would have $10,000 in college loan debt "forgiven".

That's a crock of shit, especially when you consider that someone earning $120Ka year should have no problem paying back a $10K loan.

Is Biden planning on forgiving debt incurred by those who went to a trade school? Of course not. Because those people learned an actual skill and have good paying jobs as a result...
Agree. Also, I cringed yesterday when Biden scolded those of us who want to deprive these high-earning college graduates of some “relief” (his word) from the burden of inflation - while the bulk of Americans who have high school diplomas and average half that amount are trying to afford groceries and gasoline.
You'll have to provide an argument as to why these private loans are as egregious as the predatory student loans that entrap children.

Allow me.

Student loans aren't for "children". A child can not sign a student loan agreement. At best a 16 or 17 year old can sign a student loan agreement, but they can not do so without a co signer which would be a parent or legal guardian which obviously would be an adult. So if a minor signs a student loan agreement with an adult then it's the adults responsibility to make sure they understand it. Also if the adult thinks the agreement is a bad idea they can choose not to so sign so that means the minor can not sign at all.

And, if someone can sign a student loan agreement that means they can sign a loan agreement of any kind for any reason. So why is a student loan somehow worse than any other kind? They are all agreements you have to read, agree to and sign. You agree to borrow money under the terms you'll pay it back over X amount of time with X amount of interest. It isn't as if somehow students loans are full of lies or anything, it's all plainly written there. Student loan, mortgage, home loan, personal loan, financing a car and so on are all the exact same thing. The idea a student loan somehow "entraps little kids" is a lie and not at all what they are.

What about the millions and millions of people both young and old who took student loans and paid them off all by themselves without any loan forgiveness? If students loans are Satan's contracts then how come millions have successfully done it on their own?

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