Biden gas prices still 45% higher than when he took office.

Don’t you guys love all the inflation Joe has heaped upon Americans?

Fuel prices are higher globally. Not just the USA. So tell us how Biden is responsible for high fuel prices outside our country, when US oil producers are producing more now as when he took office.

In billions of barrels per day
Jan 2021...........11,124
Dec 2022..........12,101
It's cheaper now than it was in 1972, before the Oil Crisis hoax hit. Adjusted for real inflation it would have to hit over $6 a gallon to match 1972 prices, more like $9 a gallon by some measures.
Yep! Also in 2008 before the crash, gasoline adjusted for inflation was $5.40 a gallon as average price
The poor and working class think the Dems war on fossil fuels sucks!

There never was a war on fossil fuels. Not a real one. Just a bunch of fake news stories that blamed Biden for high fuel prices, using irrelevant factors.
The fact is, Biden did more for US oil companies than Trump ever thought about doing. Their 2022 record profits proved that.
If you think about it, Biden just played his part. The oil companies, stock & futures market did the rest. And the oil companies didn't have to produce even half of what they normally would've produced, and got hundreds of billions in extra profit.

Proof: Any time the demand for ANY commodity goes down, so does the price. Demand for oil went waaaaay down, but the price went up.
The excuse was that Biden had closed down the XL and ended oil leases. Those are true incidences. Biden did those things. And it was retarded.
But the facts are that the XL has nothing to do with US oil production, and wouldn't for a couple more years. Most of the oil leases were reopened by Biden within a few months. Some were halted again after an environmentalist group sued the Biden administration (a few times now) and had the halted. But that was short lived too.
None the less, none of those leases were ready to drill. In fact, they didn't even have the geologist studies done yet. They were leases that oil companies were just sitting on, not using because the demand was so low. So it was at least 5 years before the drilling platforms went up.

When Biden leaves office, the oil companies will probably have him a big fat check waiting for him.
Then why is Biden cranking out record oil production?

Biden isn't cranking out record oil production. He's the president, not the CEO of Exxon. Nor is he the chancellor.
Oil production is up because it's the start of the boom cycle. Just like what was going on when Trump took office.

Both sides of this argument try to make the president responsible for oil production. When in fact, the president has almost no influence on oil production.
Other than permitting on federal lands. No president in his right mind is going to block those during an oil boom cycle. Even Biden, with his mental state in decline.
Damn, you are getting ripped off. I have not paid more than 3 bucks a gallon in months.

Here in Arkansas, it just shy of $3 in most places. Still too high, imo. If Biden would get us out of this stupid Ukraine/Russia thing, it would drop even further. That's what's keeping the oil futures market up.

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