Biden get bump in approval rating after State of the Union address

News max. Made up shit on line.
Biden nut suckers should start using the percent increase in gas cost as his percent increase in approval if he really wants it to look like its skyrocketing.
Well, at least they have a job and aren’t dying at alarming rates. Trumps recession and vax denying is killing deniers.

Yup, it is nice to have a Commander and Chief who actually uses whole sentences and does not demean those who disagree with him.

You’re a lying dog face poney soldier!
C’mon man are you a Junkie?
Quid Pro Ukraine Disaster *Joe used to take punks like you behind the high school gym and kick your ass.
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Biden's SOTU was what democrats always do when they are in trouble. They campaign as moderate republicans. The problem is when it comes to actual governing, it's always from the far left fringe.

No surprise that there is a bump in approval ratings from the speech, but he can't and won't do the things he was championing, and the bump won't survive the 24 hour news cycle. Might be worth a week? Maybe.

As to the poll itself, it was 1322 adults, 1237 registered voters, 33% dems and 27% republicans. Whenever you see registered voter polls, they are almost always weighted to the last election, which would add another 4.5% to the dem results.

I don't know if they did that, but they did weight it to the ACS demographics. So a group that is under-represented in the survey will have their result boosted by whatever percentage they think they are adjusting for. IOW, if the poll had 10% blacks, and the nation is 13%, they will add 3% to the results for that demographic.

A fleeting bump based on moderate policy preferences (which they will not follow through with)- they should read this as American's don't want what the dems have been selling, they prefer what Biden was advocating- control the borders, fund the police, don't increase our taxes, get a handle on the runaway inflation.

I don't think there is much chance of dems doing any kind of "pivot", they are way too "scorched earth" these days to even consider compromising on anything meaningful.

That's okay with me though, since I'm not in the mood for compromising with a bunch of liars anyway.
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Biden's SOTU was what democrats always do when they are in trouble. They campaign as moderate republicans. The problem is when it comes to actual governing, it's always from the far left fringe.

No surprise that there is a bump in approval ratings from the speech, but he can't and won't do the things he was championing, and the bump won't survive the 24 hour news cycle. Might be worth a week? Maybe.

As to the poll itself, it was 1322 adults, 1237 registered voters, 33% dems and 27% republicans. Whenever you see registered voter polls, they are almost always weighted to the last election, which would add another 4.5% to the dem results.

A fleeting bump based on moderate policy preferences (which they will not follow through with)- they should read this as American's don't want what the dems have been selling, they prefer what Biden was advocating- control the borders, fund the police, don't increase our taxes, get a handle on the runaway inflation.

I don't think there is much chance of dems doing any kind of "pivot", they are way too "scorched earth" these days to even consider compromising on anything meaningful.

That's okay with me though, since I'm not in the mood for compromising with a bunch of liars anyway.
It just shows how stupid the Dim lemmings are. Gullible.
It just shows how stupid the Dim lemmings are. Gullible.
Yes, they are very succeptible to propaganda. Our media, in the age of Trump, is more slanted than Pravda ever was at the height of the USSR's power.

Many on the right are swayed the same way, just to be fair. There is a too-large contingent on our side that does not do their homework. Prime example is Mike Lindell's China hacking nonsense, which waaay too many on our side took on faith even when confronted with irrefutable proof that the supposed data was falsified. It didn't matter- the believers just made excuses, like it was part of a greater plan or something.

There is a thing in psychology about the mind. It's kind of abstract, but what it boils down to is that your enemies are your own creation. For example, we might both say we hate the "global elites". Well, that is a label that means something different to you than it does to me. It is, in essence, an enemy our own creation- which cannot be defeated, because we would be defeating ourselves at the same time.

Democrats believe Trump colluded with Putin in 2016, and no matter what irrefutable facts you show them, you cannot change their belief. They are too invested in the narrative to admit they were lied to by their own tribal elders. So they are forced to deny facts that do not conform to their own version of reality, just like Lindell's supporters can't admit that his "hacking" data was fabricated.
Yes, they are very succeptible to propaganda. Our media, in the age of Trump, is more slanted than Pravda ever was at the height of the USSR's power.

Many on the right are swayed the same way, just to be fair. There is a too-large contingent on our side that does not do their homework. Prime example is Mike Lindell's China hacking nonsense, which waaay too many on our side took on faith even when confronted with irrefutable proof that the supposed data was falsified. It didn't matter- the believers just made excuses, like it was part of a greater plan or something.

There is a thing in psychology about the mind. It's kind of abstract, but what it boils down to is that your enemies are your own creation. For example, we might both say we hate the "global elites". Well, that is a label that means something different to you than it does to me. It is, in essence, an enemy our own creation- which cannot be defeated, because we would be defeating ourselves at the same time.

Democrats believe Trump colluded with Putin in 2016, and no matter what irrefutable facts you show them, you cannot change their belief. They are too invested in the narrative to admit they were lied to by their own tribal elders. So they are forced to deny facts that do not conform to their own version of reality, just like Lindell's supporters can't admit that his "hacking" data was fabricated.
Then lets keep it borders, massive lawbreaking, dependency on foreign energy, runaway inflation, hating the Constitution.....are all leftist traits and the opposite of what real Americans believe in. This takes away all the weak minded excuses the Dimmers can muster.
RCP has his approval rating at 41 percent 40 to 41 percent is where it has been for sometime and that is factoring in the NPR poll.

Really makes you wonder who these 40% are so out of touch with reality they think he's doing a good job. Gasoline this week took two huge jumps. It went from $3.35 gallon on Tuesday and now is at $3.80 a gallon. That's almost twice the price it was when he took office.
Really makes you wonder who these 40% are so out of touch with reality they think he's doing a good job. Gasoline this week took two huge jumps. It went from $3.35 gallon on Tuesday and now is at $3.80 a gallon. That's almost twice the price it was when he took office.
They use a number of polls to get their average so you have to factor an outlier or two polls in the group.
I'm sort of wondering if it was more about Ukraine, which started "blowing up" just before the SOTU. I thought he might see an uptick.

I thought/think two things are interesting. 1) he's close to the 40% mark with independents. It's way bad to be under 40% there, but 40% means there's still breath in the old guy. 2) despite the progressives self-immolation led by Chuck "Captain Courageous" Schumer consistently lying about what Manchin (and maybe Sienna) said to him because AOC skeeeers him, Biden has good numbers with Dems. I don't really understand why.

But if he can pivot to the center, inflation moderates (and it may later this summer with the Feds moves) and Ukraine works out as well as Ukraine can work out, and Americans support our standing up to Putin .... he might still live past 2024.

I wouldn't put much money on that. We all know the polls are steered left. If they say he's at 40% approval, it really means he's at 25%. He started talking like a Republican for a while there but what he said is everything opposite of what he's done so far.

It's clear to me that the party instructed Dementia to do everything opposite Trump. It doesn't matter if it's what Trump did or planned to do: the border, the energy sector, Afghanistan, covid, everything opposite of Trump. The only way to straighten out this country is to do everything Trump would do, and I don't know if they have the guts to do it. In that way they'd be admitting they were wrong all along.
Then lets keep it borders, massive lawbreaking, dependency on foreign energy, runaway inflation, hating the Constitution.....are all leftist traits and the opposite of what real Americans believe in. This takes away all the weak minded excuses the Dimmers can muster.
Don't get me wrong- you don't have to sell me on how bad the democrats have become. I can't think of any redeeming qualities. I used to give them credit for having good intentions even if they were poorly informed, but I can't even honestly credit them with that any more.

I thought is was bad when Dick Durbin compared Bush 43 to Pol Pot on the floor of the US Senate.

But that was just the beginning. There was a dramatic shift in the way republicans were referred to in the media and by democrats during the Obama administration. His communications director, Dan Pfeiffer, saying republicans came to budget meetings with "bombs strapped to their chests". Biden telling black people republicans wanted to "put them back in chains", and calling republicans "hostage takers". Republicans in the Congress were "extremists".

This was pervasive in the media throughout the Obama administration, all the adjectives previously used to talk about al Qaeda, were now used whenever they talked about republicans. That isn't accidental or unplanned, it's a propaganda technique- very sick stuff that has created an unmendable rift in our (once) civil society.
Trump’s ratings are much higher then Biden’s after the address……..with Putin. Putin is still sitting in the classified information Trump stole as he left office. No wonder he invaded; he felt embolden by the QAnon crowd that has taken over the repugs.

Russia, Russia. Russia.jpeg

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