Biden Gives Abbot Until Tomorrow Or Face the Consequences

He has multiple constitutions?

Nothing that reactionary POS could say would interest me.
He doesn't need to interest you he needs to interest the citizens of his state who have so far have been silent as far as I know in this debacle.

There are a lot of virtual signaling assholes who suddenly turned into major. NIMBYS over this issue. Why am I not hearing from any of the liberal groups in Texas how they oppose their own governor and want to have that border opened?

Could it be because they live there and they understand that they open border is very bad for Texas? Yes I think that might be what it is.
Bullshit. People do not support Abbott putting up barbed wire. That idiot has created an international incident and things are about to be taken out of his hands.
Can’t read can you you racist puke? More than 24 states have already sided with Texas you dumbass. Abbott has every right to defend his state’s southern border. Cry harder.


Let’s fact-check this.

  1. The “broken the compact between the United States and the States” is similar to the words in South Carolina’s 1860 declaration of secession.
  2. There are no immigration laws in the book that Biden refuses to follow. In fact, he’s following the same laws we’ve had in place for 44 years under the Refugee Act of 1980 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.
  3. If an asylum seeker wants to ask for asylum, they have to do it on American soil. So, crossing the Rio Grande and asking border patrol for asylum is perfectly legal.
  4. In November, the Cato Institute published a study which found that migrants were more likely to be released by Trump than Biden.
  5. In immigration law, no blanket mandate requires the detention of all undocumented migrants. Abbott just made that up.
  6. The assertion that the effect of the federal government’s actions is to “illegally allow their en masse parole into the United States” is incorrect. Parole is a legal mechanism that allows specific individuals temporary entry into the U.S. for humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.
  7. Abbott invokes Article IV, § 4 of the Constitution, claiming that the failure of the federal government to enforce immigration laws has triggered an invasion. The term “invasion” in the context of the Constitution is typically understood to refer to an armed foreign incursion, not migration, which has historically been used to refer to military action, not civilian migration.
  8. Abbott’s reference to the state’s right of self-defense to justify his actions is wrong, as the federal government has preeminence in border control and immigration, which are typically not under state jurisdiction.
  9. The statement about unprecedented harm to the People across the United States is vague and subjective. Harm would need to be quantified and demonstrated through data and evidence.

He has.

The texas government is in a state of rebellion and muxt be brought back into the fold. They are not a separate country. They will not be allowed to act like one.

Time for Joe Biden to nd this in a decisive way, and make an example of them.
That is a lie.

Maybe, maybe not. That’s the argument being made. States gave up their authority to enforce the border to the federal government, and now the fed gov is not holding up to that end of the bargain. What do you think the states are supposed to do? Just let themselves be overrun with illegals?

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Let’s fact-check this.

  1. The “broken the compact between the United States and the States” is similar to the words in South Carolina’s 1860 declaration of secession.
  2. There are no immigration laws in the book that Biden refuses to follow. In fact, he’s following the same laws we’ve had in place for 44 years under the Refugee Act of 1980 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.
  3. If an asylum seeker wants to ask for asylum, they have to do it on American soil. So, crossing the Rio Grande and asking border patrol for asylum is perfectly legal.
  4. In November, the Cato Institute published a study which found that migrants were more likely to be released by Trump than Biden.
  5. In immigration law, no blanket mandate requires the detention of all undocumented migrants. Abbott just made that up.
  6. The assertion that the effect of the federal government’s actions is to “illegally allow their en masse parole into the United States” is incorrect. Parole is a legal mechanism that allows specific individuals temporary entry into the U.S. for humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.
  7. Abbott invokes Article IV, § 4 of the Constitution, claiming that the failure of the federal government to enforce immigration laws has triggered an invasion. The term “invasion” in the context of the Constitution is typically understood to refer to an armed foreign incursion, not migration, which has historically been used to refer to military action, not civilian migration.
  8. Abbott’s reference to the state’s right of self-defense to justify his actions is wrong, as the federal government has preeminence in border control and immigration, which are typically not under state jurisdiction.
  9. The statement about unprecedented harm to the People across the United States is vague and subjective. Harm would need to be quantified and demonstrated through data and evidence.

He has.

The texas government is in a state of rebellion and muxt be brought back into the fold. They are not a separate country. They will not be allowed to act like one.

Time for Joe Biden to nd this in a decisive way, and make an example of them.
No, Biden is a traitor aiding and abetting the invasion of this country by foreign agents.
No, Biden is a traitor aiding and abetting the invasion of this country by foreign agents.
Refugees are not "foreign agents", and as I just pointed out the Biden Administration is enforcing all the laws and is less likely to realse asylum seekers into the US than the tRump administration.

Not to mention the border bill which the republicans are currently torpedoing just to please tRump.
Maybe, maybe not. That’s the argument being made. States gave up their authority to enforce the border to the federal government, and now the fed gov is not holding up to that end of the bargain. What do you think the states are supposed to do? Just let themselves be overrun with illegals?
We are being invaded. How many tens of millions of people need to cross an international border, illegally before its considered an invasion? Just because the criminal elements with in our governments brought them here does not negate the fact that it is an invasion, and our governments are committing open treason against their respective countries.
Refugees are not "foreign agents", and as I just pointed out the Biden Administration is enforcing all the laws and is less likely to realse asylum seekers into the US than the tRump administration.

Not to mention the border bill which the republicans are currently torpedoing just to please tRump.

The NGO's are working with the Biden admin to engineer the invasion of this country. International law says you seek refuge in the nearest country to you.

Add to that virtually none of the invaders meet the definition of refugee and you have no leg to stand on.
Why? President Biden is not obeying his oath of office, and our constitution dictates the duties of our President.
Why has Biden not been arrested for treason is what I want to know, the man is surrounded by law enforcement and yet how is he not in cuffs? Because the Secret Service is a treasonous organization.
Contract law. If one party fails to live up to its responsibility (protect the border, prevent illegal crossings), the contract is null and void.
Basically. I’m trying to find the provision where states gave up their rights to defend their borders, I can’t remember where it is….anyone know?
Air Force Police , Military Police and Shore Patrol could be utilized for Law Enforcement ( Since they already are )
Only on military bases or against military personnel WITH local permission. Posse Comitatus forbids it. I was EOD and we had to get signed requests from local LEOs before we could assist them by disarming and searching for bombs.
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I would question anything the democrats suggest. Are they planning to declare martial law to 'remove' the illegals, or to remove right wingers from the population?
Yeah you never give the fox the keys to the hen house.

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