Biden Gives Abbot Until Tomorrow Or Face the Consequences

I suspect we will see federal funds withheld.. The pocketbook is usually the most powerful route.

I don't know what the Texas budget is ... But I do know it's a very populous state and probably has an outsized number of people that depend on federal funding for anyone of a number of different things. Eventually the pressure will come from within.
Will that work though? It will be seen as Biden attacking the people, by withholding federal benefits. That could backfire on him.

Stop being an idiot.

Why don't you comment on the fuckups threats against anyone who supports Haley.
Who cares about a Hillary want a be that doesn't know when to quit ? Not many.

Everyone gets threat's these day's.

Heck you should know that by now. If it ain't supreme Court judge's being intimidated and threatened, then it's Republicans at a ball game getting shot, Pelosi's husband Paul hit with a hammer, Regan getting shot, mass shootings, deranged idiot's, race rioting, pandering, lying, and on and on and on it all goes.
The damned FBI and HLS better get their ace's to work protecting these people ... Stop being political.

Until the problem is fixed at the top, sadly it's all going to continue spiraling out of control. A pandering president is a dangerous person if panders for votes using volatile issue's targeted at certain group's for nefarious reasons.

Must have honest Abes character heading back into the office again, and it's not going to be lying Joe Biden.
Who cares about a Hillary want a be that doesn't know when to quit ? Not many.

Everyone gets threat's these day's.

Heck you should know that by now. If it ain't supreme Court judge's being intimidated and threatened, then it's Republicans at a ball game getting shot, Pelosi's husband Paul hit with a hammer, Regan getting shot, mass shootings, deranged idiot's, race rioting, pandering, lying, and on and on and on it all goes.

Until the problem is fixed at the top, sadly it's all going to continue spiraling out of control. A pandering president is a dangerous person if panders for votes using volatile issue's targeted at certain group's for various reasons.

Must have honest Abes character heading back into the office again, and it's not going to be lying Joe Biden.
Also, with Texas invoking the cotus (Article 1
S10 C3) on this, I think it now overrides the prohibition of state compacts…so other border states could join Texas to assist…I think..

Anyone know about this? I heard it today but not sure how accurate it is.
Dumfuck, the point that went way over your head is that 67 miles from our capitol is the hammer that will be used against our state and Abbott is very well aware of it.
Federal troops can’t be used inside the borders of the USA for law enforcement. The commanding officers of the 1st Cavalry and 4th Infantry divisions will quite legally refuse to move off the base. The recent precedent is the Waco siege where the FBI attempted to requisition Federal troops and equipment from the then Fort Hood to attack the Branch Dravidian compound and was refused by the commander. The FBI then borrowed CEVs and Bradley’s from the Texas Guard and had to crew them with agents for the assault since the Texas Guardsmen refused to help.
You must have one hell of a packed colon wayne.

Maybe you can read that mini constitution you surely carry around. What's it say about immigration and the borders.
It says nothing because you Democrat's have made it so
Federal troops can’t be used inside the borders of the USA for law enforcement. The commanding officers of the 1st Cavalry and 4th Infantry divisions will quite legally refuse to move off the base. The recent precedent is the Waco siege where the FBI attempted to requisition Federal troops and equipment from the then Fort Hood to attack the Branch Dravidian compound and was refused by the commander. The FBI then borrowed CEVs and Bradley’s from the Texas Guard and had to crew them with agents for the assault since the Texas Guardsmen refused to help.
Air Force Police , Military Police and Shore Patrol could be utilized for Law Enforcement ( Since they already are )

Wonder how many times he had to rehearse this one before he delivered this speech. Ted is a poser pure and simple.(seen him one too many times to believe anything eIse) don't believe anything he says is a deeply held belief.
Maybe some our erudite leftists in here can tell us -- What might the 'consequences' be?

1) A sternly worded letter?

2) Sponge Brains Shits Pants takes Texas out like he did Corn Pop?

3) He gives Governor Abbot a mean look

4) He disinvites Abbot to the SOTU Address

Enquiring minds.......
Just like the RACISSS Border Patrol agents who was whuppin them some Haitians. Joe's gonna MAKE EM PAY!!! :laugh:
Good for Biden.

Fuck that fascist Abbott.
Why do you dipsticks constantly project your bull shite onto other's ? Everyone knows who the fascist is, and who the ten can dic-tator wanta be is, so stuff it with your lying bull chit already.
Wonder how many times he had to rehearse this one before he delivered this speech. Ted is a poser pure and simple.(seen him one too many times to believe anything eIse) don't believe anything he says is a deeply held belief.
The bottom line on that bill is that it legitimizes the Illegals. Instead of nine million a year we will only have six million. That is what the Democrats and RINOs call a "compromise".

The bill is a sham and as usual the weak RINOs are hell bent to give away the store to the Democrat filth.
So a military coup, huh.

Would you psychopaths please stop being so fucking delusional?
Every member of the armed forces takes an oath to support the constitution, NOT the president. The individual soldier’s responsibility to disobey illegal orders is constantly stressed. Every soldier, marine, seaman and airman will have to decide for him/her self if orders to fire on Texas citizens, LEOs and Guardsmen are legal orders. My prediction is that most will disregard those orders.

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