Biden Gives Abbot Until Tomorrow Or Face the Consequences

Why do you dipsticks constantly project your bull shite onto other's ? Everyone knows who the fascist is, and who the ten can dic-tator wanta be is, so stuff it with your lying bull chit already.
Yep, we know who the fascists are -- Trump, Abbott, and DeSantis.

I hope Abbott does declare Texas Independence. I would love to see the Mexican drug cartels take over the state and turn all of those GQP traitors like Abbott into their little bitches.
Federal troops can’t be used inside the borders of the USA for law enforcement. The commanding officers of the 1st Cavalry and 4th Infantry divisions will quite legally refuse to move off the base. The recent precedent is the Waco siege where the FBI attempted to requisition Federal troops and equipment from the then Fort Hood to attack the Branch Dravidian compound and was refused by the commander. The FBI then borrowed CEVs and Bradley’s from the Texas Guard and had to crew them with agents for the assault since the Texas Guardsmen refused to help.
Yet, there they were in Arkansas at the direction of Eisenhower.
Yep, we know who the fascists are -- Trump, Abbott, and DeSantis.

I hope Abbott does declare Texas Independence. I would love to see the Mexican drug cartels take over the state and turn all of those GQP traitors like Abbott into their little bitches.
That’s cool, I’d love to see you impaled in a 20’ spike. I’d spend good money for the ticket.
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Yep, we know who the fascists are
Yep......the fascists are the ones not protecting their citizens by not enforcing existing immigration law.

I would love to see the Mexican drug cartels take over the state and turn all of those GQP traitors like Abbott into their little bitches.

Duh..............they're already openly operating country wide.
Abbott is another "Showman" no better than Ted Cruz. Of course he does this number during an election year. If he was really interested in sealing the birder he would have done this 2 or three years ago.

But instead he waited until it would hurt Biden the most.
Abbott is getting a LOT of good press out of this issue....and appears to be conservative even though in truth he is a RINO.

but his lieutenant is with him.

I think that you're overestimating the number of people who want a dictatorship in America.
Government by the people for the people isn’t a dictatorship. It is what this country was intended to have. More than half the states already support Texas. I predict the number will grow. If Biden isn’t really careful, he could spark a new Constitutional Convention that would be a disaster for liberals. Texas only needs six more states to reach the threshold for a new convention that the handful of liberal states won’t be able to control because population doesn’t matter, Rhode Island has as much power as California in a convention.
Will that work though? It will be seen as Biden attacking the people, by withholding federal benefits. That could backfire on him.
Yes it could backfire on him but it will bring immediate pressure on the governor like nothing else will. Biden is running a very risky game here.
If he makes a move and it works he looks great but if it doesn't work and if Texas proves to be a lot more stubborn than he thinks they might be he can be completely screwed by this situation.
Government by the people for the people isn’t a dictatorship. It is what this country was intended to have. More than half the states already support Texas. I predict the number will grow. If Biden isn’t really careful, he could spark a new Constitutional Convention that would be a disaster for liberals. Texas only needs six more states to reach the threshold for a new convention that the handful of liberal states won’t be able to control because population doesn’t matter, Rhode Island has as much power as California in a convention.
You know, folks, I have always rather looked forward to the day when Biden held his breath until he turned blue.

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