Biden Gives Abbot Until Tomorrow Or Face the Consequences

Well that happens when you want a orange dictator...

Everthing why things that Right Wing Media says happens, just doesn't happen...

They is no evidence on Biden.
Hillary never went to jail
Obama is still free and didn't gun down white people in a rage...

We haven't got a bill for the Jewish Space Lazers...

That hurricane never hit Alabama like the sharpie said..
None of which has anything to do with the assertion.
This is a lie.

Like most on the autocratic, authoritarian right, Abbott has contempt for the rule of law and the Constitution, where the supremacy of the Federal government and Federal laws is a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.
If true, this puts him on equal footing with the dotard in chief Sponge Brains Shits Pants
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So is there any kind of time deadline or just "today"?

Been looking on and off, I'm curious to see how it plays out.
Those south of the border are natives, so have inherent access rights to their land we later occupied illegally.
Problem is Texas does not have "autonomy".
Texas was the property of Spain and was sold to the US under conditions.
One of which is that the Mexican citizen's land rights and travel rights not be violated.
We did violate them, so we are in default and legally are required to return Texas to Mexico.
It got conquered....Suck on it.
Those south of the border are natives, so have inherent access rights to their land we later occupied illegally.
If you'll recall, we beat Mexico's sorry ass in a war, and they gave up rights to "their" land, which is now ours
Why all the bitterness and pereonsl insults?

Are you that insecure?

I can see you are looking for an excuse for biden to kill MAGAs and hoping Texas will give it to you

LOL.... Yet amazingly its always you guys hoping for a civil war and asking when you get to start shooting people.

it’s what you guys do... you are violent people.
Still waitiing.... :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

This smacks of the kenyan faggot and its meaningless red lines. "Tell them tomorrow, or else, Joe". Meanwhile, that stuttering fuck is getting absolutely pilloried on X.

They'll trot that bed-shitting fucktard out to stammer at us about the "rule of law" in 3.... 2.... 1....

biden speacial kind of stupid.png
The "patriot" who is defying the US Constitution will end up in jail.

But that is no concern to you or Abbott...they got headlines off of it. guys are just cartoon characters and think there are no consequences for all of this stuff.

Biden is going to instruct his federal agents to arrest those that deny them access? Sure, he should try that and see how that goes.

You seem to be under the false impression that all or even the majority of law enforcement is on the side that supports anti-American policies of this administration. The rank and file, you know, the ones actually carrying out the order of these traitors running the country, are only going to follow their leadership's insanity to a point. This exceeds that point.

Believe it or not, it is YOU and your kind that are in the minority in this case. Even many of the dupes that vote Democrat in this country aren't brainwashed enough yet as not to understand the threat at our Southern border.
LOL.... Yet amazingly its always you guys hoping for a civil war and asking when you get to start shooting people.

it’s what you guys do... you are violent people.
I have never called for a civil war so dont lower yourself the the “you guys” excuse
LOL.... Yet amazingly its always you guys hoping for a civil war and asking when you get to start shooting people.

it’s what you guys do... you are violent people.

It is really simple. If I was Abbott, I would instruct the border patrol to tell the feds that they are not allowed access if they show up at the border. The feds are outnumbered and won't arrest anyone. The feds can go back to their traitor boss and see if he is willing to send in some reinforcements. He won't do that because many of his agents won't follow his orders, not to mention the national outrage.
Biden is going to instruct his federal agents to arrest those that deny them access?
No, the law is. When you interfere with the authorities you’re breaking the law.
Sure, he should try that and see how that goes.
It will go very well for the cops. Not so well for the perps.
You seem to be under the false impression that all or even the majority of law enforcement is on the side that supports anti-American policies of this administration. The rank and file, you know, the ones actually carrying out the order of these traitors running the country, are only going to follow their leadership's insanity to a point. This exceeds that point.
Your cartoonish view of the world is amusing.
TX can block its borders, but NOT with razor wire in the river.
That it harmful to wildlife and creates a hidden trap.

Don't kid yourself. If Texas funded a border wall, Biden would provide federal funding to tear it down. This has nothing to with harming wildlife or people trying to cross the border and everything to do with Biden, many Democrats and our enemies wanting illegals to continue to flood into our country.

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