Biden Gives Abbot Until Tomorrow Or Face the Consequences

This open borders bullshit from the left won't fly.

Right now they're housing illegal aliens for free, while tens of thousands of Americans who paid into the system their whole lives have to wait 6 years for a Section 8.

You go ask the senior citizens who are picking bottles and cans out of the trash around the first of the month, who they're going to vote for.

Hint: it ain't Biden
Other states should follow suit and just ignore SCOTUS.

SCOTUS rules that Trump has to be on the ballot, just pull a Texas and ignore it.

SCOTUS rules gun laws are unconstitutional, just pull a Texas and ignore it.

What could possibly go wrong with open defiance of the SCOTUS.

Perhaps the person that told me the US did not have 5 years left was correct.
/——/ What could possibly go wrong with Dementia Joe sending troops to Texas to fight fellow Americans and help illegals invade the US in an election year?
Have you ever chastised the 100 or so on this board who have? Nope.
I have seen some commits like that

Not many but they do exist

As do libs who taunt the MAGAs and dare them to resist the biden open border policy

Which Abbott is doing without firing a shot in anger
How is Biden defying the ruling of the Supreme Court by forgiving student loans? Be specific.

In the majority opinion of the SC, Gorsuch said that if there is a federal regulation that has vast economic or political significance, then there has to be clear authorization from Congress.

Biden is sidestepping that opinion. He is buying votes from kids that don't want to pay back money they borrowed. You have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that is fair to the average taxpayer who is footing the bill. What about those that never went to college because they couldn't afford it and didn't want to take out a huge loan? What about those that already paid off their student loans or for parents who saved for 18-20 years to pay for their child's college. They not only paid their own way, but now they are forced to foot the bill for others. It is asinine and indefensible but of course many of those that stand to benefit are going to vote themselves the money from other people's pockets, particularly Democrats who couldn't care less about fairness or morality.
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All the natives of CA, NM, NV, UT, AZ, TX, etc., were forced to move south of the border, and it is they who are now forced out of their homes by US backed dictators, and have to return to the US for asylum.

You can't rollback the history and outcomes of wars. The world would be chaos. This is an untenable position.

So when do we start shipping the Europeans back to Europe?

If they come illegally, I am all for it.

No, the law is. When you interfere with the authorities you’re breaking the law.

Texas has the authority to defend their state, so they are the authority in this situation.

It will go very well for the cops. Not so well for the perps. can't be this stupid can you?

Your cartoonish view of the world is amusing.

It is called the real-world, not the Utopian fantasy land you and other left-wing morons live in.
In the majority opinion of the SC, Gorsuch said that if there is a federal regulation that has vast economic or political significance, then there has to be clear authorization from Congress.

Biden is sidestepping that opinion. He is buying votes from kids that don't want to pay back money they borrowed. You have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that is fair to the average taxpayer who is footing the bill. What about those that never went to college because they couldn't afford it and didn't want to take out a huge loan? What about those that already paid off their student loans or for parents who saved for 18-20 years to pay for their child's college. They not only paid their own way, but now they are forced to foot the bill for others. It is asinine and indefensible but of course many of those that stand to benefit are going to vote themselves the money from other people's pockets, particularly Democrats who couldn't care less about fairness or morality.
I'll set aside my personal opinion of the fabricated "major decisions" doctrine.

That majority opinion said that use of the HEROES act to forgive student loans violated the major decisions doctrine.

But that's not what Biden is doing. I'm not sure you know that or not. The conservative media doesn't tell you this kind of stuff.

So how is Biden's current student loan forgiveness programs violating that? Be specific.
That makes no sense.
I agree with C.S. Lewis that well meaning tyrannies like Prohibition are worse than those who simply want to steal from us.
But the dictatorships we created and support south of the border are the worst.
Like when we paid Pinochet billions to dump leftists into the ocean from helicopters.
Obviously is not for the US, these dictatorships would not exist and these people would not need or want to come to the US

The worst are the soclaists and communists in Cuba Venezuela and Nicaruagua

obviously you are wrogn ignorant and a liar
I don't know about you, but I'm askeert. I bet Texas is, too. betcha

Oh my, Biden has put a red line in the sand, just as he has done before with the Taliban, Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. Texas must be shaking in their shoes. Time to pop some popcorn. Will Biden show those enemy countries he means business by attacking Texas? Will he go to Congress to ask for a declaration of war against Texas? Or, will Biden take it all the way up to the Supreme Court? LOL
I'll set aside my personal opinion of the fabricated "major decisions" doctrine.

That majority opinion said that use of the HEROES act to forgive student loans violated the major decisions doctrine.

But that's not what Biden is doing. I'm not sure you know that or not. The conservative media doesn't tell you this kind of stuff.

So how is Biden's current student loan forgiveness programs violating that? Be specific.

Like I said, he is violating the intent of the SC's decision. He found a loophole to circumvent their ruling. The bottom line is that he should not be authorizing the significant funding necessary for this student loan gift without going through Congress.

It is like someone getting away with murder on a technicality. I am not keen on that either.
Like I said, he is violating the intent of the SC's decision. He found a loophole to circumvent their ruling. The bottom line is that he should not be authorizing the significant funding necessary for this student loan gift without going through Congress.
What is the "loophole" he is using? Be specific.
What is the "loophole" he is using? Be specific.

He used the authority of the Dept. of Education. What does that have to do with anything? Is it a significant loss? Who will be responsible for recouping those losses?

You seem to be ok with loopholes or circumventions as long as the end is justified in your mind.
I suspect we will see federal funds withheld.. The pocketbook is usually the most powerful route.

I don't know what the Texas budget is ... But I do know it's a very populous state and probably has an outsized number of people that depend on federal funding for anyone of a number of different things. Eventually the pressure will come from within.
I think you are probably spot on.
He used the authority of the Dept. of Education. What does that have to do with anything? Is it a significant loss? Who will be responsible for recouping those losses?
There won't be much of a loss. The majority of the forgiven balance would never have been paid back anyway, yet the cost of servicing the debt would continue to pile up.

60% of student loan balances are negatively amortizing. Do you know what that means? You can count on those balances never being paid.
Let me get this straight...

Joe Biden is going to federalize the TXNG....
.... so the federal government can make it easier for illegal aliens to enter into the US.

Apparently Joe -wants- to lose in November.

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