Biden Gives Abbot Until Tomorrow Or Face the Consequences

We won, too bad, so sad.

Dude, either take more drugs or take less.

You did not read the post.
I was referring to future fact we are $37 trillion in debt, and the only reason why we are not already bankrupt is because the rest of the world is loaning us money since the US dollar is the currency OPEC requires for oil deals.
We are falling deeper in debt all the time, and unless we increase the low cost work force, we will soon default.
When we default, OPEC will switch to the Euro, and the US will become history.
So low cost labor is our only way out of losing everything to China.
You did not read the post.
I was referring to future fact we are $37 trillion in debt, and the only reason why we are not already bankrupt is because the rest of the world is loaning us money since the US dollar is the currency OPEC requires for oil deals.
We are falling deeper in debt all the time, and unless we increase the low cost work force, we will soon default.
When we default, OPEC will switch to the Euro, and the US will become history.
So low cost labor is our only way out of losing everything to China.

China has a population issue of their own, and theirs involves a severe shortage of women.

We can allow immigration, but only on our terms, not on the terms of those breaking our laws and gaming our system.
A better question, why do you want illegals here?

Watch creepy tortoise pull up his panties and run away
You fucking dope. Business wants illegals here for that cheap labor. Farms, meat packing plants, home construction, home repair (roofing etc.) all depend on them.

Hell even private individuals use them.

That’s fact.
If Abbott really believed it was an invasion they would be shooting the invaders.
You did not read the post.
I was referring to future fact we are $37 trillion in debt, and the only reason why we are not already bankrupt is because the rest of the world is loaning us money since the US dollar is the currency OPEC requires for oil deals.
We are falling deeper in debt all the time, and unless we increase the low cost work force, we will soon default.
When we default, OPEC will switch to the Euro, and the US will become history.
So low cost labor is our only way out of losing everything to China.
Well, we could start selling the invaders to pay off that 37 trillion in debt.
Who has authority? The Federal Government.
Who is trying to sidestep/undermine it? Texas.

Texas needs to tuck tail and abandon their aggressive acts. They are the one causing all of the consternation. Much like HAMAS...whatever happens down there is their fault.
The federal government has ultimate legal authority as long as roberts votes with the liberals on the supreme court

Which I suspect he will continue to do

They are the one causing all of the consternation.

No, biden and the foreign invasion from mexico is causing the trouble
The leftists are desperately trying to find some obscure law they can stretch to apply, like "obstruction of a federal agent" that they will then use to federally charge everybody from Abbot down to the lowest Texas National Guard soldier. Like they did with and are still doing to the J6ers.

"But I'm just an NG cook! All I did was make coffee back at the armory!"

"Conspiracy to obstruct Federal Agents in the performance of their duty! 20 years!"

This almost HAS to go hot. There's no way Biden's DOJ just walks away from this, with no retribution.

View attachment 893221

Let’s fact-check this.

  1. The “broken the compact between the United States and the States” is similar to the words in South Carolina’s 1860 declaration of secession.
  2. There are no immigration laws in the book that Biden refuses to follow. In fact, he’s following the same laws we’ve had in place for 44 years under the Refugee Act of 1980 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.
  3. If an asylum seeker wants to ask for asylum, they have to do it on American soil. So, crossing the Rio Grande and asking border patrol for asylum is perfectly legal.
  4. In November, the Cato Institute published a study which found that migrants were more likely to be released by Trump than Biden.
  5. In immigration law, no blanket mandate requires the detention of all undocumented migrants. Abbott just made that up.
  6. The assertion that the effect of the federal government’s actions is to “illegally allow their en masse parole into the United States” is incorrect. Parole is a legal mechanism that allows specific individuals temporary entry into the U.S. for humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.
  7. Abbott invokes Article IV, § 4 of the Constitution, claiming that the failure of the federal government to enforce immigration laws has triggered an invasion. The term “invasion” in the context of the Constitution is typically understood to refer to an armed foreign incursion, not migration, which has historically been used to refer to military action, not civilian migration.
  8. Abbott’s reference to the state’s right of self-defense to justify his actions is wrong, as the federal government has preeminence in border control and immigration, which are typically not under state jurisdiction.
  9. The statement about unprecedented harm to the People across the United States is vague and subjective. Harm would need to be quantified and demonstrated through data and evidence.

He has.

The texas government is in a state of rebellion and muxt be brought back into the fold. They are not a separate country. They will not be allowed to act like one.

Time for Joe Biden to nd this in a decisive way, and make an example of them.
Quick way to ignite Civil War II. First, Texas is not standing alone, there are multiple states supporting them. Second, Texas has military assets within its borders. A federal attempt to use the military against Texas would result in those assets being seized and used by Texas. Way to go, bloodthirsty idiots, just kill a bunch of people so random internet keyboard jockeys can feel good about themselves.
WTF are you babbling about. Of course there was a stay. It was issued by the appellate court. You’re terminally ignorant.
What stay? There was no decision to stay. The only thing the appellate court did was issue a TRO.
The federal government has ultimate legal authority as long as roberts votes with the liberals on the supreme court

Which I suspect he will continue to do
The federal government will have the authority over the border long after Roberts is gone.
They are the one causing all of the consternation.

No, biden and the foreign invasion from mexico is causing the trouble
Illegals are coming across all of the border states. Only the Texicans are pulling this crap.

As for the constitution you are so eager to cast aside...ask yourself this dumbfuck... when the rights the document guarantees to you are no longer enforced by the document you’re wanting to wad up and throw away...what happens then? The government has plenty of more manpower than Texas and plenty of more bullets.

Texas is the one usurping the constitution. But if they want to go that way...I’m sure the feds will be happy to oblige. The first civil war didn’t end well for the Texicans...we may not be so eager to let you dopes back into the nation next time sonny.
One of the most amusing things about this situation is the sudden adoration that leftist/progressive/dimocraps have for the Constitution after spending their entire lives subverting it when they couldn't ignore it, denying it's core tenants while claiming it says what it clearly does not, proclaiming that there are no limitations placed on government power within it, and pretending the 9th and 10th amendments do not exist. They are bipedal excrement.
Well that happens when you want a orange dictator...

Everthing why things that Right Wing Media says happens, just doesn't happen...

They is no evidence on Biden.
Hillary never went to jail
Obama is still free and didn't gun down white people in a rage...

We haven't got a bill for the Jewish Space Lazers...

That hurricane never hit Alabama like the sharpie said..
The federal government will have the authority over the border long after Roberts is gone.

Illegals are coming across all of the border states. Only the Texicans are pulling this crap.

As for the constitution you are so eager to cast aside...ask yourself this dumbfuck... when the rights the document guarantees to you are no longer enforced by the document you’re wanting to wad up and throw away...what happens then? The government has plenty of more manpower than Texas and plenty of more bullets.

Texas is the one usurping the constitution. But if they want to go that way...I’m sure the feds will be happy to oblige. The first civil war didn’t end well for the Texicans...we may not be so eager to let you dopes back into the nation next time sonny.
Why all the bitterness and pereonsl insults?

Are you that insecure?

I can see you are looking for an excuse for biden to kill MAGAs and hoping Texas will give it to you
No win situation for Tater/dems.....Any physical move against Texas (or Abbott) will be poorly received by most right-leaning voters and drive them to Trump's side in their multitudes.

He should be so stupid....We should be so lucky.
Quid Pro does not have an easy route to a good conclusion, because Texas is not standing alone, there are other states supporting it, and I do believe an attempt by the federal government to take over a state would not be well received. And, yes, to do so in the run-up to an election would totally wipe ALL other issues, from abortion to student loan debt, off the front pages.

We would essentially be fighting the revolutionary war all over again, and we can already tell on this board who the British loyalists would be who would gleefully turn George Washington and Thomas Jefferson over to the British to be executed.
Conservatives are the ones who want the bloodshed. Otherwise they would obey the court order telling them to stop acting like whiny bitches.

So you're basically saying that you support the feds opening fire on fellow state service members? I actually think you hope it will happen, you would cheer it, just as the terrorists cheered on 9/11. Keep posting, you and your kind may finally go to far and open the eyes of those who have been blinded by your bullshit all of these years. I suggest you write an article and have it published stating just how much you would like to see Texas put in their place.

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