Biden Gives Abbot Until Tomorrow Or Face the Consequences

Biden is not enforcing existing law and we already know that he has no problem defying the rulings of the Supreme Court by his paying off student loans.
How is Biden defying the ruling of the Supreme Court by forgiving student loans? Be specific.
You mean like the middle class here?

The US is pretty corrupt also, but it does not raid homes in the middle of the night and dump the bodies in the ocean as our puppet dictators south of us do.
Keep settling the illegals in sanctuary cities. It is their laws. Send the illegals to those cities.

For sure these cities are not just virtue signaling…they welcome illegals.
One of the most amusing things about this situation is the sudden adoration that leftist/progressive/dimocraps have for the Constitution after spending their entire lives subverting it when they couldn't ignore it, denying it's core tenants while claiming it says what it clearly does not, proclaiming that there are no limitations placed on government power within it, and pretending the 9th and 10th amendments do not exist. They are bipedal excrement.
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Refugees are not "foreign agents", and as I just pointed out the Biden Administration is enforcing all the laws and is less likely to realse asylum seekers into the US than the tRump administration.

Not to mention the border bill which the republicans are currently torpedoing just to please tRump.

These people aren't really asylum seekers, they are economic migrants being told to claim asylum because it lengthens the process.
Defending your state from invasion is MAD WITH POWER?

:laughing0301: 🤡

I shut and lock my doors. I AM MAD WITH POWER.
That's what is being DONE!!!!!!
He and OBAMA are welcoming this INVASION of ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!!!
Those vagabond migrants must be reminded that......
Meanwhile back in reality, deportations are happening every day.

The truth hurts you...
Article 4, Section 4:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion

The Pedo Peter regime is derelict in their duty...Texas has taken over.

Suck on it.

Those south of the border are natives, so have inherent access rights to their land we later occupied illegally.
Question regarding #8. Is the Fedral government preventing illegal aliens from entering Texas at will ?
Yes or no?

Texas does not even legally belong to the US.
And we murdered or chased out the legal property owners.
It won't go well for you Simps. Didn't you dipshits learn that already on Jan 6th? :lmao:
Potatohead was an idiot allowing millions of goddamn welfare queens to flood into this country just so the filthy ass Democrat Party can get more votes.

Potatohead is on the wrong side and things will not go well for him. Even his Negroes are telling him that he fucked up with an open border.

Obama told you Moon Bats that Potatohead was a fuck up but you morons were too afflicted with your mental disease of TDS to listen. Look at what you turds have now. A President with an approval rating in the gutter and the entire country pissed at him.

If the shithead uses any kind of force then the American people will turn against him more.
As Trump and the fake electors are finding out, cosplay is no way to go through life. That shit doesn't fly in big boy court. You can be a big hysterical bitch and call it an invasion if you like but most illegals are guilty of simple trespassing or at the worst, smuggling and human trafficking and that's besides the people who have a legal right to show up at the border to claim legal asylum. Don't you fuck around and LARP so hard that you find out like those MAGAts. :lmao:
Art 1 section 10 clause 3
  • Clause 3 Acts Requiring Consent of Congress
  • No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.
Autonomy. Look it up.

Problem is Texas does not have "autonomy".
Texas was the property of Spain and was sold to the US under conditions.
One of which is that the Mexican citizen's land rights and travel rights not be violated.
We did violate them, so we are in default and legally are required to return Texas to Mexico.
Potatohead was an idiot allowing millions of goddamn welfare queens to flood into this country just so the filthy ass Democrat Party can get more votes.

Potatohead is on the wrong side and things will not go well for him. Even his Negroes are telling him that he fucked up with an open border.

Obama told you Moon Bats that Potatohead was a fuck up but you morons were too afflicted with your mental disease of TDS to listen. Look at what you turds have now. A President with an approval rating in the gutter and the entire country pissed at him.

If the shithead uses any kind of force then the American people will turn against him more.
Jesus all you do is whine and cry like a bitch. :lmao:

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