Biden Gives Power To Susan Rice To "Racial Equity” Makeover of the Federal Government: “Agency Equity Teams” to Be Established to Run All Departments

I watched a segment on FNC the other day where veteran airline pilots talked about the severely inadequate training that new pilots are receiving. Older pilots are going to different airlines or retiring as soon as they are eligible. I wish I could find that segment to post.
I saw part of that. I bet it's on YouTube. Did you see where some airlines are just wanting to plan on having one pilot at the helm, no copilot on board to cut costs?
A less partisan look at this.

For non partisan you and your boy biden can start with the us postal service

America is about 12-13% black but 23% of postsl workers are black

As already pointed out in post 14 we should begin by firing black postal workers till the post office complies with the racial makeup of the country

Referring to my post #17, a pilot talked about one of the new hires who couldn't hit the runway properly at least 7 times in a flight simulator and the company still put him behind the controls of a plane.
The guy is an idiot. Equity makes no sense. It is Marxist crap. It is being used to destroy this country.
They hired firemen in one city and people died because they had no fucking idea of what to do. I will try to remember the city.
I think I remember that. They had some black female firefighters I believe and they didn't have the strength to carry fire victims from the burning building if I remember correctly.

I saw part of that. I bet it's on YouTube. Did you see where some airlines are just wanting to plan on having one pilot at the helm, no copilot on board to cut costs?
With no co-pilot looking around when taking off or landing the chances of mid-air collisions will magnify significantly. Also, who would take over if the pilot had a medical emergency? I know I ain't flying any more until they straighten out this mess.
Want racial equity in the Federal workforce?

Look to the 2020 US Census demographics.

Hire 60% Whites

Hire 18% Hispanics

Hire 13% Blacks

Hire the other 9% as subdivided

No more.

No less.


true equity would put vast legions of Minority Pension Gold-Diggers out of work... Lord knows they're already disproportionally entrenched...:stir:

The increase in productivity and accountability and work ethic and return on taxpayer investment and public trust in government would be profound. :cool:
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Referring to my post #17, a pilot talked about one of the new hires who couldn't hit the runway properly at least 7 times in a flight simulator and the company still put him behind the controls of a plane.
Well then that’s a bad call by the company. Or a false account by the other pilot. Who the hell knows
They hired firemen in one city and people died because they had no fucking idea of what to do. I will try to remember the city.
Then they need to train or hire better. What does that have to do with diversity
With no co-pilot looking around when taking off or landing the chances of mid-air collisions will magnify significantly. Also, who would take over if the pilot had a medical emergency? I know I ain't flying any more until they straighten out this mess.
You're points are valid. Yes, I will not fly commercial anymore until it's sorted out. Here's what I'm referring to. It's blatant suicide!

Airlines want you to get comfortable with flying without a co-pilot.​


Airlines are lobbying for a change to federal regulations that could put one pilot in the cockpit​

I'll say it. They need to hire straight smart White men with great IQs. We all know blacks have lower IQs than Whites.
The mind of a bigot always fascinates me. You don’t hire ambiguous groups of people. You hire individuals. Are you saying that it’s not possible to find a smart capable black person to do a job?

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