Biden Gives Power To Susan Rice To "Racial Equity” Makeover of the Federal Government: “Agency Equity Teams” to Be Established to Run All Departments

Hardly! Their brains can't handle complex thinking situations. No, you hire the best smart qualified person for the job. You never lower standards for complex jobs to make it easier for a lesser thinking small IQ individual.
I never said standards need to be lowered. Qualified and capable people of all colors can be found
This is not the mind of a bigot. This is a mind of realizing reality which is something you leftists are incapable of grasping.
Of course that’s what you think… you’re stuck in your own bigoted mind. I know you think you make sense… but you really dont
Goodbye federal workers of White European heritage!

This race crap is going to backfire on Dems.
Referring to my post #17, a pilot talked about one of the new hires who couldn't hit the runway properly at least 7 times in a flight simulator and the company still put him behind the controls of a plane.
LOL. As if the federal government isn't incompetent enough already.
As it is, the employees subcontract out their work because they can’t do it themselves. I was asked by a GS-14 I know to take on her assignments (as a private subcontractor) but I didn’t feel like jumping through all the government red tape at this stage of my life.
Merit is the logical answer.
We can do both at once.

We can (a) enforce percentages in order to set aside claims of inequity and (b) find merit-worthy candidates within each of those groupings.

In the words of the immortal Chicago Cubs first baseman, Ernie Banks... "Let's play TWO!"
As it is, the employees subcontract out their work because they can’t do it themselves. I was asked by a GS-14 I know to take on her assignments (as a private subcontractor) but I didn’t feel like jumping through all the government red tape at this stage of my life.
The effort that government institutions put into so many things besides core competency is infuriating. Public education finds endless new programs and charters that have nothing to do with enhancing the quality of instruction. Many of these things don't just distract but actively detract from the quality of instruction.
We can do both at once.

We can (a) enforce percentages in order to set aside claims of inequity and (b) find merit-worthy candidates within each of those groupings.

In the words of the immortal Chicago Cubs first baseman, Ernie Banks... "Let's play TWO!"
Blacks are already over represented in federal employment

We should fire black employees till they match the nations demographics
We can do both at once.

We can (a) enforce percentages in order to set aside claims of inequity and (b) find merit-worthy candidates within each of those groupings.

In the words of the immortal Chicago Cubs first baseman, Ernie Banks... "Let's play TWO!"
But why should we limit ourselves to finding a merit-worthy candidate within only 13% of the population? That means the odds are that the best qualified was in the majority population. Should we lower the overall competence of the government - by eliminating who in most cases would be the best - in order to get more blacks in?

And besides, there no equity problem in the government. Blacks are already over-represented.
Blacks are already over represented in federal employment

We should fire black employees till they match the nations demographics
Don’t even get me started on the DC government! About 50% of all DC residents are white, and they are almost hard to find in the local government. I’d estimate that government is 95% black.

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