Biden Gives Power To Susan Rice To "Racial Equity” Makeover of the Federal Government: “Agency Equity Teams” to Be Established to Run All Departments

Goodbye federal workers of White European heritage!

This bitch was proven to be one of Barry's traitors during his failed coup attempt, attending meetings as it was executed.

Rice should be in prison right now, but she is a key fixture in the DC swamp instead.

You'll end up with retarded asswipes like Sam Brinton.

Biden has a lousy track record for choosing competent people.
Post No. 93 clearly stipulated that it would require Republican control of government to pull it off... Biden has nothing to do with it... twit.
Goodbye federal workers of White European heritage!

This nation is done

But we knew that
Post No. 93 clearly stipulated that it would require Republican control of government to pull it off... Biden has nothing to do with it... twit.
Read the thread title, dumbass.

Damn you haters are stupid.

The TDS is fucking up your judgement.
What specifically do you mean by diversity rules? What are the rules can you post them?

Biden signed an EO in June of 2021. Agency heads are held responsible for meeting the criteria for diversity. That essentially means quotas and the head of these agencies are well aware. This is basically Affirmative Action on steroids to include race, gender, sexual orientation and those previously incarnated. It also allows for special treatment for those that want to pick their pronouns and the like. We should not, under any circumstances, be hiring with diversity being our #1 goal, in fact, I would dare say it shouldn't be a goal at all. The goal is to have the best person for the job no matter their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc. Under Biden, our federal government is clearing excluding many more qualified people from positions based on their race and gender. That is wrong and will lead to our downfall if it continues.

Maybe you should take the time to read Biden's EO from June 21'. Here are some highlights:

The head of each agency shall take a data-driven approach to advancing policies that promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility within the agency’s workforce, while protecting the privacy of employees and safeguarding all personally identifiable information and protected health information.

Using Federal standards governing the collection, use, and analysis of demographic data (such as OMB Directive No. 15 (Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity) and OMB Memorandum M-14-06 (Guidance for Providing and Using Administrative Data for Statistical Purposes)), the head of each agency shall measure demographic representation and trends related to diversity in the agency’s overall workforce composition, senior workforce composition, employment applications, hiring decisions, promotions, pay and compensation, professional development programs, and attrition rates.

For agencies that have external advisory committees, commissions, or boards to which agencies appoint members, agency heads shall pursue opportunities to increase diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility on such committees, commissions, and boards.

To ensure that all Federal employees have their respective gender identities accurately reflected and identified in the workplace:
(i) the head of each agency shall, in coordination with the Director of OPM, take steps to foster an inclusive environment where all employees’ gender identities are respected, such as by including, where applicable, non-binary gender marker and pronoun options in Federal hiring, employment, and benefits enrollment forms;

Sec. 12. Pay Equity. Many workers continue to face racial and gender pay gaps, and pay inequity disproportionately affects women of color. Accordingly:

(b) The head of each agency that administers a pay system other than one established under title 5 of the United States Code shall review the agency’s regulations and guidance and, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, revise compensation practices in order to address any pay inequities and advance equal pay. Agencies should report to OPM any revisions to compensation practices made to implement this direction.
(c) The Director of OPM shall submit a report to the President describing any changes to Government-wide and agency-specific compensation practices recommended and adopted pursuant to this order.

Sec. 13. Expanding Employment Opportunities for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals. To support equal opportunity for formerly incarcerated individuals who have served their terms of incarceration and to support their ability to fully reintegrate into society and make meaningful contributions to our Nation, the Director of OPM shall evaluate the existence of any barriers that formerly incarcerated individuals face in accessing Federal employment opportunities and any effect of those barriers on the civil service.
Read the thread title, dumbass.

Damn you haters are stupid.

The TDS is fucking up your judgement.
Nope. The thread-sequence was on-topic and appropriate.

I wasn't pi$$ing-and-moaning about Idiot Democrat policies and moves that will not be changed anytime soon.

I was speculating on remedies and stating that any-such would have to wait for better times... once REAL Republicans had control again.

That is closely related to the topic and an entirely legitimate sidebar on the subject.

Not that I'd expect a One-Trick Pony such as yourself to even perceive such a possibility, never mind interacting on that basis.

Step away from the bong, son... :auiqs.jpg:
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Here's why
This so-called equity office should serve as a glaring example to Democrat voters as a major wake up call. Folks how much longer are you gonna allow this to go on. Why not just support people in politics who support equality and common sense. Why do you ever want to support politicians that make you feel weak. No Honorable white man or honorable black man would support a candidate that puts forth “equity principles” or would support a candidate that supports the vast racism and bigotry going on in this country like whether it’s at the Oscars whether it’s at major universities or major companies that have racial quotas for hiring or scholarships

It is vitally important to have a strong American society. And what Black Lives Matter does along with some of the LGBT crowd to white men and black men is it feminizes them …it makes them weak it has no place in this country‘s history or in our countries future.

What the far left in what Black Lives Matter has done to some white people and Black people is a very bad thing. It has influenced these men and women to believe America is systemically racist today and that their own family members, neighbors and friends who make up are police forces are systemically racist. And so the hope is that these people who have been misled by the blm Crowd to liberate themselves from the shackles.

Now another thing that makes American men weak would be to agree with the divisive idea that the “white man stolen from the Indian”. And that also is bad for the tribesmen of America makes them weak minded.

Another viewpoint that makes Americans weak will be to agree with the view that “Jews had it bad throughput Christian history” . It’s no different than a white Christian man saying “hey you know what all the Jews have always had it out for the Christians.”

But it certainly will be a challenge to attempt to get Americans out of the BLM mindset… just look at how some of our fellow Americans our own friends on this forum support the BLM viewpoints. All the meanwhile we have a very bad economy. Practically every single person who voted for Donald Trump in 2020 supports equality … the problem today is with the Democrat voters who support racism.

When you have a bad economy coupled with one major political party that is supporting divisiveness and racial inequality… which would be the Democratic Party ….it creates problems.

That’s it hands down there’s too many democrats today that support racial hiring quotas and universities that have discriminatory policies when they give out scholarships to people not based on merit but based on their color or their gender. And there’s no way to argue against these points… people who support racial quotas are racists.
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Yes, I do under certain circumstances. Why don’t you?
Because I know that it is WRONG, and you should too (it's also ILLEGAL under the 1964 US Civil Rights Act) It's also dangerous (see Post 111)

:rolleyes:As a 50% Hispanic person myself, who can avail myself of Affirmative Action and other obscenities that Joe Biden creates, (if I wanted to), I just marvel at the gross stupidity of discriminated-against whites, who accept these anti-white abominations, and support them. Wow. Really dumb.:rolleyes:

Because I know that it is WRONG, and you should too (it's also ILLEGAL under the 1964 US Civil Rights Act) It's also dangerous (see Post 111)

:rolleyes:As a 50% Hispanic person myself, who can avail myself of Affirmative Action and other obscenities that Joe Biden creates, (if I wanted to), I just marvel at the gross stupidity of discriminated-against whites, who accept these anti-white abominations, and support them. Wow. Really dumb.:rolleyes:

Just because something is pro minority doesn’t mean it is anti white
Biden signed an EO in June of 2021. Agency heads are held responsible for meeting the criteria for diversity. That essentially means quotas and the head of these agencies are well aware. This is basically Affirmative Action on steroids to include race, gender, sexual orientation and those previously incarnated. It also allows for special treatment for those that want to pick their pronouns and the like. We should not, under any circumstances, be hiring with diversity being our #1 goal, in fact, I would dare say it shouldn't be a goal at all. The goal is to have the best person for the job no matter their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc. Under Biden, our federal government is clearing excluding many more qualified people from positions based on their race and gender. That is wrong and will lead to our downfall if it continues.

Maybe you should take the time to read Biden's EO from June 21'. Here are some highlights:

The head of each agency shall take a data-driven approach to advancing policies that promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility within the agency’s workforce, while protecting the privacy of employees and safeguarding all personally identifiable information and protected health information.

Using Federal standards governing the collection, use, and analysis of demographic data (such as OMB Directive No. 15 (Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity) and OMB Memorandum M-14-06 (Guidance for Providing and Using Administrative Data for Statistical Purposes)), the head of each agency shall measure demographic representation and trends related to diversity in the agency’s overall workforce composition, senior workforce composition, employment applications, hiring decisions, promotions, pay and compensation, professional development programs, and attrition rates.

For agencies that have external advisory committees, commissions, or boards to which agencies appoint members, agency heads shall pursue opportunities to increase diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility on such committees, commissions, and boards.

To ensure that all Federal employees have their respective gender identities accurately reflected and identified in the workplace:
(i) the head of each agency shall, in coordination with the Director of OPM, take steps to foster an inclusive environment where all employees’ gender identities are respected, such as by including, where applicable, non-binary gender marker and pronoun options in Federal hiring, employment, and benefits enrollment forms;

Sec. 12. Pay Equity. Many workers continue to face racial and gender pay gaps, and pay inequity disproportionately affects women of color. Accordingly:

(b) The head of each agency that administers a pay system other than one established under title 5 of the United States Code shall review the agency’s regulations and guidance and, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, revise compensation practices in order to address any pay inequities and advance equal pay. Agencies should report to OPM any revisions to compensation practices made to implement this direction.
(c) The Director of OPM shall submit a report to the President describing any changes to Government-wide and agency-specific compensation practices recommended and adopted pursuant to this order.

Sec. 13. Expanding Employment Opportunities for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals. To support equal opportunity for formerly incarcerated individuals who have served their terms of incarceration and to support their ability to fully reintegrate into society and make meaningful contributions to our Nation, the Director of OPM shall evaluate the existence of any barriers that formerly incarcerated individuals face in accessing Federal employment opportunities and any effect of those barriers on the civil service.
One would expect there to be lack of pay equity if people of specific races were picked due to skin color instead of being the most qualified - and able to do the best job possible.

It’s the same thing as what happens with Affirmative Action. If blacks are accepted due to their race, and whites are held to a higher standard to get in, one would expect that the grades of those accepted under lesser standards would have worse grades.

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