Biden Gives Power To Susan Rice To "Racial Equity” Makeover of the Federal Government: “Agency Equity Teams” to Be Established to Run All Departments

The effort that government institutions put into so many things besides core competency is infuriating. Public education finds endless new programs and charters that have nothing to do with enhancing the quality of instruction. Many of these things don't just distract but actively detract from the quality of instruction.
Government is causing a lot of problems. Kids can’t even perform at modest levels in math and English, so what does government do? Double down on the woke crap.
Blacks are already over represented in federal employment
Agreed. That's why adhering to the percentages derived from the US Census would be both (a) fair and (b) remedial against any OVER-reprsentatation.
We should fire black employees till they match the nations demographics
Agreed. But it's not gonna happen. So the best way moving forward is to (a) hire new staff using those percentages and (b) re-tool performance metrics and reviews.

Under President Biden’s Executive Order, these Agency Equity Teams will be established at the following departments and agencies:

The Department of State
The Department of the Treasury
The Department of Defense
The Department of Justice
The Department of the Interior
The Department of Agriculture
The Department of Commerce
The Department of Labor
The Department of Health and Human Services
The Department of Housing and Urban Development
The Department of Transportation
The Department of Energy
The Department of Education
The Department of Veterans Affairs
The Department of Homeland Security
The Small Business Administration
The Social Security Administration
The General Services Administration
The Environmental Protection Agency
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
The National Science Foundation
The Office of Personnel Management.

Basically the federal government is about to become a mirror of governments out of Africa, completely black?
A less partisan look at this.

Aircraft carriers now cost 13 billion dollars to build. Trouble with equity employment at naval construction sites along with corrupted military/industrial complex. China is uilding its third generation aircraft carrier with many of the technologies of the newer ones we have. The one being uilt is conventional and the future ones nuclear. they are going to kick our ass. They know how to segregate and use us. They also do not think much of Afrcian Americans.
Biden went with Harris and KJP, as just two examples. Totally unqualified for their jobs.
I’m not a Harris fan at all but she is hardly unqualified. There are unqualified and unproductive people of all races. White unqualified people get hired all the time. But when a minority is in that position you just jump to the Affirmative Action BS and attack diversity. Give me a break
By that measure, the fed should be 14% black, which means that they will have to FIRE a lot of blacks!

But good one Joe, do to the fed what you fucked up in the military and hire based on the racist criteria of SKIN COLOR instead of qualification, then this country will really fall to hell.
I think that's the intentional plan.
It does? How so?

Using a sports analogy, imagine if a pro basketball or football team decided to implement diversity rules. There are plenty of people from each major racial group and gender that can play basketball and football. If we implemented the diversity rules employed by our federal government, do you think these teams would be better or worse off? They would be able to play, but would the level of play be the best it could possibly be? Do you think if these teams would win if they were pitted against other countries without such rules?

Those in control of our government and military are more important than the players in the NBA or the NFL and yet we think it is ok to hire potentially less qualified candidates solely based on race and gender. That makes no sense whatsoever.
I’m not a Harris fan at all but she is hardly unqualified. There are unqualified and unproductive people of all races. White unqualified people get hired all the time. But when a minority is in that position you just jump to the Affirmative Action BS and attack diversity. Give me a break

Bottom line is that race and gender should not be factors that qualify nor disqualify a person for a position in federal government. Diversity is secondary, or even tertiary+, to hiring the most qualified individual.
I’m not a Harris fan at all but she is hardly unqualified. There are unqualified and unproductive people of all races. White unqualified people get hired all the time. But when a minority is in that position you just jump to the Affirmative Action BS and attack diversity. Give me a break
Biden ADMITTED it was an Affirmative Action hire! He specifically said whitey will not be considered.
Bottom line is that race and gender should not be factors that qualify nor disqualify a person for a position in federal government. Diversity is secondary, or even tertiary+, to hiring the most qualified individual.
Especially in matters of life and death: airline pilots, the military, doctors, etc.

Under President Biden’s Executive Order, these Agency Equity Teams will be established at the following departments and agencies:

The Department of State
The Department of the Treasury
The Department of Defense
The Department of Justice
The Department of the Interior
The Department of Agriculture
The Department of Commerce
The Department of Labor
The Department of Health and Human Services
The Department of Housing and Urban Development
The Department of Transportation
The Department of Energy
The Department of Education
The Department of Veterans Affairs
The Department of Homeland Security
The Small Business Administration
The Social Security Administration
The General Services Administration
The Environmental Protection Agency
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
The National Science Foundation
The Office of Personnel Management.

Basically the federal government is about to become a mirror of governments out of Africa, completely black?
The Federal workforce is ALREADY and PROFUNDLY and OVERWHELMINGLY comprised of Blacks and Hispanics...

Enough already...

If the Republicans field a viable candidate OTHER THAN the Bad Orange Man I will likely vote for that GOP candidate...

Four or eight years of Republican control of the White House, the Senate, the House and the Supreme Court should fix this for the next generation or so...

DeSantis or Haley, for example, would work for me... Trump would not... hopefully, the Republicans will come to understand and act upon that sentiment.
I’m not a Harris fan at all but she is hardly unqualified. There are unqualified and unproductive people of all races. White unqualified people get hired all the time. But when a minority is in that position you just jump to the Affirmative Action BS and attack diversity. Give me a break
Being unproductive is a choice which makes an individual unqualified, Harris has chosen to be unproductive. KJP is just plain unqualified.
Using a sports analogy, imagine if a pro basketball or football team decided to implement diversity rules. There are plenty of people from each major racial group and gender that can play basketball and football. If we implemented the diversity rules employed by our federal government, do you think these teams would be better or worse off? They would be able to play, but would the level of play be the best it could possibly be? Do you think if these teams would win if they were pitted against other countries without such rules?

Those in control of our government and military are more important than the players in the NBA or the NFL and yet we think it is ok to hire potentially less qualified candidates solely based on race and gender. That makes no sense whatsoever.
What specifically do you mean by diversity rules? What are the rules can you post them?
We can do both at once.

We can (a) enforce percentages in order to set aside claims of inequity and (b) find merit-worthy candidates within each of those groupings.

In the words of the immortal Chicago Cubs first baseman, Ernie Banks... "Let's play TWO!"
Yeah we could but are not.
Goodbye federal workers of White European heritage!

Translation: Fill the deep state with even more democrats.
We can do both at once.

We can (a) enforce percentages in order to set aside claims of inequity and (b) find merit-worthy candidates within each of those groupings.

In the words of the immortal Chicago Cubs first baseman, Ernie Banks... "Let's play TWO!"

You'll end up with retarded asswipes like Sam Brinton.

Biden has a lousy track record for choosing competent people.

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