Biden got a prosecutor in Ukraine fired for investigating his son...

This is common knowledge. Has been for years. Do you really need a link? Have you researched this situation at all? Researched the prosector who was fired?
Fuck your common knowledge.
Gimme debatable evidence or STFU.

Ok so now I have to do your research for you?!. Give me a few minutes. I’ll do a google search and pick anything from the first page. Something your lazy ass should have done before entering this conversation
no its called backing up your own bull crap with facts not expecting us to just believe your shit
I backed it up with Links. He responded with some random mumbo jumbo that had nothing to do with the points I brought up. Then he went dark. That’s how it goes when you debate people who don’t know what they are talking about.
and you call your sources credible? and I'm sure he went dark because he realized he was dealing with just another Trump deranged imbecile and was just wasting his time as I have discovered I am with you
Yeah I think it’s credible, how about you explain why what I said is not credible? Right now youve said nothing but empty insults. Go ahead and run like the other guy. I’m going to keep asking for substance and it’s very apparent that you have none.
Well maybe because the video was made a YEAR after the fact.
And YOU have the gall to call anyone "rock fuckin' STUPID!
Yeah inquiries into past matters tend to involve studies conducted after the fact...douche nozzle.
Read your OWN words :asshole:
I think we are talking about two different videos. Please elaborate.
I'm talking about the RUSSIAN video YOU posted!
So Hunter Biden was involved with Burisma...Joe Biden worked with the Ukrainian government to get the Attorney General of the Ukraine fired...then it was exposed by Russian media.


What is your issue?
Nothing was exposed by Russian media except your loyalty to Putin. TRAITOR!
Biden did no such thing. The international community wanted the prosecutor removed. This has been explained to you conservatives over and over. Try to keep up please.
The international community didn't want Hunter Biden to be prosecuted?

Hunter Biden wasn't unter investigation. The prosecutors removal had nothing to do with him. These things have been explained to you repeatedly.

Didn't you just claim to be a lawyer? If so how can you possibly not understand this?

So then Shokin's official statement about Biden, that was a lie too? :cuckoo: Just how far does your delirium of denial go?
Wait, the guy that was so corrupt the whole international community wanted him sacked says it isn't true?

Well stop the presses!!!!

By your idiot reasoning, since most of America wanted MLK sacked to the point that someone finally murdered him, then I guess that proves King was wrong and corrupt too.
Lol, what a damn stupid thing to say!!

Is that really the best you can do?
...please someone explain why Trump is in trouble? I'm not following...
Biden did no such thing. The international community wanted the prosecutor removed. This has been explained to you conservatives over and over. Try to keep up please.
The international community didn't want Hunter Biden to be prosecuted?

Hunter Biden wasn't unter investigation. The prosecutors removal had nothing to do with him. These things have been explained to you repeatedly.

Didn't you just claim to be a lawyer? If so how can you possibly not understand this?
I'd like to see some citations to material backing you up.
Do we Americans in our democratic Republic have the right to self govern? To pick our own leaders and representatives, without foreign influence?
Not in his world apparently.
...please someone explain why Trump is in trouble? I'm not following...

Trump is not in trouble. You want to hear something funny, someone dug up a treaty the Ukraine signed with us 20 years ago. It REQUIRES them to do what Trump asked them to do. Wait for it...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You watch too much fox. That’s not true

Its totally true, tissue?
It’s not true, I heard Jesse Waters try and push that out on the 5 and even his coworker, Dana Perino the only objective one on that show, dismissed it.

Yet again, you are full of shit
Obama administration and other governments and non-governmental organizations soon became concerned that Shokin was not adequately pursuing corruption in Ukraine, was protecting the political elite, and was regarded as "an obstacle to anti-corruption efforts"

and to that I say

"U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia.

In total, Biden’s and Archer’s Rosemont Seneca firm received just over $3 million from Burisma holdings while Joe Biden was the Obama administration’s point man for the Ukraine. Prosecutors were reportedly suspicious about the merits of those payments but the very abrupt end to the investigation prevented those inquiries from being followed up on."

Biden Reportedly ‘Bragged’ About the Firing of a Prosecutor Who Was Investigating His Son’s Firm

The truth remains that what the Obama administration construe as 'Slow Walking' was in fact getting a little too close to the real corruption that Biden et. al were attempting to cover up.
You think the fact that Hunter Biden got a paycheck for being on Burismas board proves anything?! First of all it has nothing to do with any of the points that I made, second, making money isn’t a crime. That’s two strikes, wanna take another swing? Maybe try and address some of my points this time...
funny how you liberals can hold your nose and ignore the overwhelming stench of corruption emanating from democrats
but Trump dares to tear off a tag from a pillow or J-walk and you smell that miles away

Equating criminal extortion and abuse of power by the President with tearing a tag off a pillow. You can’t minimize or deflect from this crime so easily.

In Russia, it’s done all the time so no big deal but in America, it’s not just illegal, it’s unconstitutional and should result in the President and his aides going to jail. For a long long time.

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